TL ⋅ 38

A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there

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13 hours ago

Weakend in Current Events

This week was long and full of terrors. The aggression was not a problem today. I managed to get the perfect amount of sleep. I did have a moment of weakness and snap at an entire department. It ...

1 day ago

Drained in Current Events

Is anger a mood disorder? (That was a rhetorical question) I knew how to manage my anxiety and depression. This anger I experience every morning is getting worse. All I want to do is physically h...

My feet are struggling to keep up with me. At work, I hit a point where I could not let my heel touch the ground. It stung. My ankles are constantly aching. I don’t know what stretches I need to ...

The 2014 Jeep Patriot I took for today’s test drive wasn’t too bad. The drive itself, at least. There were chips in the windshield and when I pointed them out the salesman tried to convince me th...

It’s been such a long week and it is only Monday. Did you know? I’ve never got to choose my own vehicle. On my walk to work this morning, I wondered why this felt like such a heavy decision. The...

I’m coming to my senses but I am still torn about what vehicle to get. I just need a vehicle for transportation. It is not a toy. The cost of the pre-owned Chargers are close to the cost of a bra...

My mother is involving herself in my car search which is menacing but not necessarily a bad thing. She is just looking out for me. She doesn’t want me to make a big financial mistake. I have my h...

My therapist gave me the missing piece. They are just thoughts. I explained that my mood disorders were missing in action for two weeks. Then they returned for two days. It made it easy to spot ...

July 19, 2024

Reconnection in Current Events

Today was long and full of terrors. I was counting down the minutes from the moment I woke up. There were no terrors today, I just wanted today to fly by. I do not have a shift tomorrow so I just...

July 17, 2024

Brain Burn in Current Events

It’s like I have acid reflux in my brain. It’s racing so hard it physically aches. It is becoming unbearable. My jaw also hurts because grinding my teeth is my stim. I want to go back to last wee...

July 16, 2024

White Flag in Current Events

Hello darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk to you again. It was good while it lasted. My mood disorders went on hiatus but they clocked in this morning. Their absence made it clear that it ...

July 15, 2024

D Deficient in Current Events

My NP doctor is treating me for a protein deficiency which plays a role in absorption, duh, but the more I look into it, the more it looks like it is something far simpler. Zinc. There are the ph...

Wake up in the morning feeling like P diddy I’m groggy, I just want to get to my coffee. That’s the vibe in the morning. The coffee is programmed to be ready for me when I wake up. On my way to i...

July 12, 2024

Nothing Burger in Current Events

I’m house-sitting for a friend until Sunday. Rodent-sitting, really. I have her car for the weekend which I’m looking forward to. It happened again. I know what this pattern is. Male-pattern bit...

I think I figured out why my mood disorders have not been an issue, not that I want to jinx it. There are a lot of factors but I think it’s mostly the sun. We are solar-powered. It was obvious to...

July 07, 2024

Wallflower in Current Events

Walking to the gym gives me time to think about how much my life sucks. Then I have to remind myself that I have Life Dysmorphia. I can’t see how good my life is. For starters, I am walking. I ca...

July 06, 2024

Moo in Current Events

Every Saturday starts the same way. I get triggered by my roommate. Her cheek, her nerve, her gall, her audacity, and her gumption. I do not want to let it ruin my day. I’ll let the rain take car...

The calm before the storm. That’s the vibe. Ironically, we are in the middle of a severe storm as I type. I think all the areas of my psyche have agreed to a truce. I have inner world peace. I do...

July 03, 2024

Tom the Broken in Current Events

I did not go to bed pleased about my weekend last night. I feel like I wasted it. This is nothing new but I feel fed up, officially. ADHD, it’s like being told that there is something wrong with...

July 01, 2024

V for Vendetta in Current Events

Did you know? My snobby stupid roommate was offered 5K worth of CBD oil for free three times and said no. Lenstar, my ride-or-die, her baby daddy, Zerr, is a veteran who just canceled his lifetim...

June 28, 2024

Life Dysmorphia in Current Events

I was trembling during my therapy session today. Not from discussing my childhood trauma but from discussing what I’m truly passionate about. I talked about what I wanted to discuss in my podcast...

June 26, 2024

DOMS Top in Current Events

Everybody kept telling me to talk to my supervisor about doing light duties. I was too stubborn. It is obvious that I am in pain. What happened? Just leg day. I went too hard at the gym on Sunday...

June 25, 2024

Mundane Monday in Current Events

I forgot about the tension between my supervisor and I. Last week she was on holiday. It was a holiday that turned into a bereavement leave for her, unfortunately. Without us being micromanaged,...

It’s a beautiful day. It was a gorgeous weekend. It was a gorgeous week. They were the longest days of the year with the sun closest to its center of force. Happy Summer Solstice! I spent most o...

June 22, 2024

Rumination in Current Events

I have 99 problems and studying ain’t one. I feel weightless now that the semester is over. I feel aimless, I don’t know what my next move should be. School may not be exacerbating my mental heal...

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