Cobalt ⋅

I am a woman living with three cats but that doesn't make me a crazy cat lady. It's all the other stuff I do that mark me as crazy. The cats are purely incidental.

A Fragile Equilibrium


Entries 170

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Donnal had just mentioned she was having guests over and had spent part of the morning cleaning. I had replied, equal parts honest admiration and resigned envy, that she was a better woman than...

He may be right. The whole thing may be a witch hunt. Of course, that doesn’t meant that he hasn’t been very busy turning the White House into the American branch of Hogwart’s. Seriously, Dons,...

Had another Nathe blow-up last night. It didn’t surprise me. The fuse was lit the moment I allowed him to start talking politics. What surprised me was what caused the actual explosion. Given ...

June 28, 2017

Finding lucidity in Lay me down

Ordinary. Just an ordinary non-specific day. It isn’t cloudy but I see no sun. The sky is wholly uninspiring, neither really blue nor grey. The pavement beneath my feet is broken in places and I...

June 21, 2017

Rainy days in Well now

Okay, it’s supposedly a bit more than rain. It’s Tropical Depression Cindy and, while New Orleans is not in the direct path of the storm, it is in the dump path. The storm is (most probably) goi...

Donald, dear, if you want people to stop saying that you’re a duck, stop quacking and waddling.

After the recent terrorist attack in the British capital, the unpresidential American president, in the most inappropriate and blatantly politically self-serving manner, tweeted “Do you notice w...

June 12, 2017

As usual in Obsessive

The tiny screw that holds the left arm of my sunglasses managed to extricate itself and escape. They’re cheap sunglasses that I bought from the drug store, but they’re adequate to my needs. I’...

I have to remember to keep my mouth shut. I have to remember that my thoughts, however rational and obvious and in need of release through discussion they may be, my views are not welcome here. ...

Just when you think that the man could not possibly do anything more inappropriate than he has done already, he proves you have under-estimated him again. Let us put aside the politics, - Ther...

June 02, 2017

Sending out an s.o.s in Well now

Yesterday everyone at work got a bulk email from our colleague Willie. “Greetings, Hope this email finds you well. I made a trip to Manila. Philippines Unfortunately, the chip on my card was conf...

May 20, 2017

Meanwhile... in Obsessive

… back in my favourite and most constant obsession. Let us begin with the facts. Fact 1 - I will win the lottery. This is an indisputable fact. For your own safety, don’t try to dissuade me. Don’...

Wrong on so many levels. “No politician in history has been treated worse…“ A speaker is invited to a commencement. He’s supposed to give an inspiring speech to the graduates. It’s their big day....

May 17, 2017

Dogged doggerel in Well now

Waging odious battle against the never-dying green, I look up from the fence I am deforesting from the all-devouring viney weeds that simply will not die, no matter how much ethically wrong “w...

Sudden wealth is not always a good thing. You hear the stories - the lottery winner who ends up worse off than before he won anything, the multi-million dollar athlete who files for bankruptcy...

It is a surprisingly unquiet morning here in the House of Eternal Entropy. I sit at the keyboard typing away as the tablet plays this morning’s stream of gathered news and blog clips. - Why do I ...

Republican Rep. Raul Labrador sparked outrage from his audience and online after saying “nobody dies” for lack of health care access in a town hall Friday night at Lewis-Clark State College in Le...

Monday morning - 7 (freaking) a.m. I greet people in the morning - a mumbled greeting, the odd polite inquiry - because it’s what you do when you see colleagues in the hallways. I do it becaus...

I live an ADHD life, completely undiagnosed but undeniably evident. I never seem to finish anything. I am torn between two modes of thought: - Absolute dismay at my inability of complete anything...

March 31, 2017

It's all in your head in Boystories

“Miss Mack, I’ve got a terrible headache,” said the boy in my office doorway. Hmm. Maybe, maybe not. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Always in the back of my head… T...

I am addicted to the news lately. It’s become a rather unhealthy obsession, but I cannot stop. This is the train wreck from which I cannot escape. I am as drawn to all this as I am appalled by it...

She looks up at me, her amber eyes full of offense. “Why do you keep throwing things on top of me while I’m trying to sleep?” “Lucy, love, with all the soft and comfy spots around the house to ...

March 19, 2017

Oh freaking lovely in Well now

What I knew: My next door neighbor is a druggie. By himself he’s pretty much harmless, rather pathetic in fact. It’s his friends that began to worry me. They come and go at all hours of the da...

Three nights ago I woke up in he middle of the night shivering. Seems a hard cold front had snuck in fast while I was sleeping and dropped the outside temperature from a lovely 65 degrees down ...

March 07, 2017

The tenth day in Well now

So I had a week off of work and I squandered it, just royally squandered it. I didn’t go in to work a few times when the place was empty to catch up on the overwork I can’t get done during normal...

Books 7

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