Cobalt ⋅

I am a woman living with three cats but that doesn't make me a crazy cat lady. It's all the other stuff I do that mark me as crazy. The cats are purely incidental.

A Fragile Equilibrium


Entries 170

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March 25, 2016

Good Friday in Well now

Good Friday? Honestly, is there any other kind? Today, however, is a day off of work, so I’m thinking it should be called One of the Best Fridays. I appreciated a joke I heard the other day abou...

March 23, 2016

Nathe-mail in Well now

March 23, 2016 - 1:56 PM, Nathe wrote: Somehow, someway I have lost my mind.... okay.. now that the peanut gallery has stopped laughing I’ll continue..... I’ve lost my physical notebook with all...

March 14, 2016

Paper noir in Well now

The kitchen floor, like all the floors save the bathroom in this wreck of a house, is a hardwood stained dark mahogany brown. Don’t let anyone tell you dark floors are easy to keep clean. They a...

March 09, 2016

'Lo to you too in Well now

I stepped on my electronic scale just a few minutes ago. “Lo” it said in little black letters. Now, I know it was telling me that its battery is on its last legs, but I ignore such warnings. For...

“Miss Mack! Miss Mack!” D’marr’s hand is up and pumping like a piston from the third row of boys in Penance Hall (as detention in a Catholic institution is sometimes called). It’s a bumper cro...

February 27, 2016

Tempest in a tuna wrap in Well now

The clock ticks away the minutes as I overwork diligently at my desk. It’s the same old story of too many tasks and not enough time to do them, but today I am strangely content. It is Friday m...

February 27, 2016

Tempest in a tuna wrap in Well now

The clock ticks away the minutes as I overwork diligently at my desk. It’s the same old story of too many tasks and not enough time to do them, but today I am strangely content. It is Friday m...

When there’s nothing you really want to watch, you try something completely different. So now I’m watching (Amazon Prime summary) Hong Kong Retro Cinema - The Haunted Cop Shop (English Subtitled)...

February 05, 2016

The ugly human in Well now

It matters not that they will knock over the garbage and play in the contents or that they will splash in the toilet or sleep with their faces inside my stinkiest shoes or greet each other with a...

January 30, 2016

Word from the unwise in Well now

When the label on the exceedingly cheap plasticware says “Not dishwasher safe” - Believe it. Your dishwasher will thank you. I need to store this in my brain for future reference. ‘Nuff said.

January 23, 2016

Etiquitte / Eticat in Well now

Very late Friday night. Sitting at my study table doing overwork I brought home to process and prepare to enter back into the school master program when I go back in to work tomorrow (Saturday!)...

January 01, 2016

Scrap entry A in Boystories

I could sit down and write an entry about New Year’s stuff, reso-illusions and such, but I’m actually working on one of them right now and really oughtn’t use this journal (which I’ve been negle...

December 19, 2015

How very sweet of you in Well now

Today was the last day of work until after the holidays. Huzzah! There were flurries of gifts being handed about. I don’t celebrate Christmas much but, being as it’s a school and I’m very visib...

November 14, 2015

Have need in Well now

Have runny nose. Have watery eyes. Have body aches. Have cough. Have pervasive yuck. Am alone. Need meds. Went to store in less than sharp shape. Needed meds and tissues. Wandered about store. Co...

November 01, 2015

War! in Well now

It’s a war of opposable thumbs versus the one-working-braincell-between-the-two-duo. For the last few days the kittens have been winning, striking major blows in their natural need to destroy a...

Esme, like most of her species, has an inborn aversion to water. Unfortunately, also true to her species, she is a slave to curiosity. Sometimes the combination of these two traits can get a si...

October 27, 2015

Concerning that comment in Well now

It was a private comment but it did make me think about what other people might make of my journal. Being what I’m thinking about tonight, that train of thought becomes my entry and most of my e...

October 27, 2015

I shouldn't be here now in Well now

I’m on a deadline. I should be working, working, working. I’ve got less than two weeks until my first craft fair, my first sales venue since Katrina, and I think I don’t have enough inventory o...

The kittens are doing quite well, thank you very much. The plan was to get two kittens, rather than one, to fill the void left in Lucy’s life after Tessa passed. It seemed cruel to me to let Lucy...

October 18, 2015

Jai guru deva om in Well now

It’s a beautiful song. I’ve known it nearly all my life and it moves me in ways I can neither understand nor articulate. Yet every time I hear it, it stirs in me both these inexplicable emotion...

There’s the old question about the glass. How you look at the glass, how you answer the question, is supposed to say a lot about you. I suppose that’s true. Some people say the glass is half empt...

September 19, 2015

Cryptic - An OldBoysStory in Well now

Nathe can be so exasperating. You never do know when he is telling you something true or lying for his own amusement. By this late stage in our siblinghood you would think I’d have a clue. Trut...

Apologies in advance. I have been wanting to write the second half of this entry but have been completely unable to go there until I wrote the first half. Totally ridiculous, of that I am aware,...

August 10, 2015

Things I don't do anymore in Well now

I don’t get up each morning and check the floors for accidents that need to be cleaned up right away. I don’t run a special wash load of old towel kitty pads every other day. I don’t set out supp...

I knew that I couldn’t go anywhere for my vacation this summer. The thousands of dollars I put on my credit cards to pay for the foundation work on the house guaranteed that. No vacation this s...

Books 7

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38 Entries

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