Cobalt ⋅

I am a woman living with three cats but that doesn't make me a crazy cat lady. It's all the other stuff I do that mark me as crazy. The cats are purely incidental.

A Fragile Equilibrium


Entries 170

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KellyAnne knelt on the couch in the oval office - Anger! Furor! Indignity! Oh hell’s bells, get over it. Who freaking cares. It isn’t even surprising. Obviously, if she can’t tell the difference...

Excerpt from a post-inaugural interview by O’Reilly O’REILLY: You know what was fascinating? To watch you at the Inauguration with Barack Obama. You guys seemed to get along, alright. Would tha...

February 28, 2017

First things in Well now

I’ve been here before. One of the (admittedly few) nice things about my job is the school calendar. I cannot complain about the time off. Especially today. Smile. Especially today. I’m on day t...

February 23, 2017

New rule in Well now

Hey, I don’t want to get graphic, as telling the tale of what just occurred would require. Suffice it to say, there’s a new rule in my office. Anything that goes in your nose, stays in your nose.

February 19, 2017

Mutton in Deplorable thoughts

Once upon just yesterday ago, there was a law to protect the people great and small from those who would rob them of their life savings and leave them destitute in their old age. You would not...

February 18, 2017

Currently cursed in Deplorable thoughts

“May you live in interesting times.” I don’t think we should think of that as the Chinese curse anymore. I’m fairly certain it’s more of a Russian curse these days.

We are still marking his time in office by days and weeks and already, already!, not even a month in, the first scandal-caused resignation. Does this surprise?

Saw my doctor this week. I like her, a lot. There was a possibility, though, that I was going to have to end our comfortable relationship of several years. It all depended on her answer to one qu...

February 12, 2017

Side effects in Well now

It is a good thing that the young have no idea about growing older. It would scare the living shit out of them. Like many aging souls, I take a cornucopia of prescribed chemicals on a regular ba...

The trumpists are crowing. They are completely unconcerned that the man lies, doubles down on his lies, and has his spin meisters spewing “alternative facts” as though facts are subjective. Peo...

Honestly, before this particular election, as anyone who’s read me over these many years can attest, I never said word one about politics. I had faith that it would all work itself out and who ...

First off, let me say that I believe in regifting. It makes perfect sense for those people who aren’t really special but that you have an obligation to give something to anyway. As long as it’s...

It’s just damn rude. Every year at Christmas it happens. I don’t mind, really, when the kids and their moms drop off brightly wrapped packages of luscious home-made nibble nuggets. It’s a school...

December 11, 2016

At a loss in Well now

More on the Donnal thing later - nice stuff actually. For now though… I need $500 for house insurance. I made over $400 at the craft fair last year and my stuff was nicer this year, so I thought...

December 06, 2016

Territory unmarked in Well now

Background noise - I run very close to the edge financially on a month to month basis. The problems with my house, including major foundation work that had to be paid for on credit cards, have pu...

There is such a thing as truth. It does exist no matter how many layers of bs are put down to obfuscate it. The new party line, perfected by the ImPOTUS (Imminent President of the United States...

November 27, 2016

Paradigm shift in Deplorable thoughts

The quote was sent to me by a friend and it is stunningly apt. “It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all. He saw to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinen...

I have a big entry in draft that I cannot finish. It is my attempt to sift out why I am so - and here, even, I cannot finish that sentence - I am that torn and jumbled. There is so much for me ...

I would have put this in the book “Boystories” because it is indeed a story about boys, but those are usually funny stories. This one is not. This one belongs in “Deplorable thoughts.” ////////...

November 10, 2016

Trumped in Deplorable thoughts

Thank god. We now have a president that the Neo-Nazis have embraced. That’s just what we’ve been waiting for to make America great again.

There have to be boundaries with the boys. I mean, I’d beat them if the situation required it, but I won’t touch them. No high fives. Definitely no hugs. I’m just not that kind of a girl. //////...

Here is how close Donnal and I are not. Donnal’s second daughter, my niece Marie, is pregnant, very pregnant, eight and a half months into her second pregnancy to be near exact. It is a lovely t...

October 15, 2016

Expert advice in Well now

A popular television cat whisperer says that cats, especially housebound cats, need mental stimulation. Due to their curious natures and inborn hunting instinct, you should challenge them on a d...

Okay, I haven’t talked a lot about the elephant, I mean the gorilla in the room with any sort of specifics. I don’t want to and will not begin a debate about things that are so incredibly obv...

Nathe says he’s not trying to annoy me. (This is how it always starts.) He says he values my opinion and just wants to know what I think about these absolutely ridiculous and vindictive diatribe...

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