Soul Karma

Entries 9

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January 31, 2014

It's time to put it down... in PUBLIC

I'm currently in the throes of illness, having run fever all day yesterday and battling a mean stomach bug (Hello norovirus, you bastard!!), but there's some unfinished business to do now that m...

I first learned of the OD "closure" announcement through a friend on FB. I knew it was coming, but I was hoping that it would take a little longer to happen. I would have preferred to squeeze j...

January 24, 2014

More Gratitude in Gratitude Journal

I'm thankful for the hard freeze we had last night. I might grumble about the bite of the cold underneath my breath as I walk out to the mailbox to fetch the mail, but this cold weather does hav...

December 22, 2013

Pre-Christmas Nervousness in PUBLIC

I'll admit. There's a metric shit-ton of writing that I have to catch up on, but there's not nearly enough time to do so until the Holidays are over. In the meantime, I'm experiencing a bit of ...

It's a funny thing when you find the love of your life. At first you doubt it. You say to yourself, "This is too good to be true." - all the while hoping that your wrong. Slowly the whole pi...

I'm trying to focus on the positive, particularly when it comes to my work. I see that there are a number of people who want change there. I'm not opposed to change, but I'm uncertain of how to...

Last night (Friday Night), I decided that I wanted to go and eat some catfish. It was a craving that I needed to satisfy, and I wouldn't accept "no" for an answer. So I sent my Hubby a text mes...

After reading and commenting on an entry by TheShizKnit, I dug around and found the crochet project that I have yet to complete from last spring. I'm struggling with joining the pieces togethe...

July 17, 2013

Peektuurs. in Photography

I'm just trying this out to see if it'll post! LOL! I haven't used html in so fucking long. LOL! It's the June 2013 supermoon: Hungry eyes:

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