

by DE_Da_Bartender

Entries 55

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I think this is probably the first time that I’m writing without a clear goal in mind on something I want to get off my mind so it may be a bit rambly and distracted. I’ve been in more of a cre...

I think one of the biggest problems that Pam and I encounter in our relationship is that we have very different ways of dealing with problems. And when that’s the biggest thing that’s creating a...

May 22, 2020

The Worry Seeps In

You can tell I’ve been thinking a lot again, probably a little too much as I’m starting to worry again. While it’s been great the past week while I focus on beginning and maintaining an active r...

May 21, 2020

Living Lessons

This will probably be a light entry but as my mood is on a significant up-take I’m doing a quick look back on things that have helped me improve and get over a spike. Recognition is great in th...

May 20, 2020

Distilled Enjoyment

I don’t… what does that even mean?! Well lucky for you I’m here to tell you. Or at least here to tell you what I think it means… or what it means to me… ANYway… One thing I’ve been thinking abou...

May 19, 2020

Shotgun Motivation

Is that a term? I feel like that should be a term we use widely. Let me google this real quick… It’s not a thing apparently but it brought up a lot of Articles on shotguns so I’m probably on som...

May 18, 2020


Another chapter in the identity crisis series. Gawd I’m so fucking dramatic sometimes. Really, only here. But I suppose that’s an outlet that I need. Probably not helping the whole “who am I”...

May 17, 2020

Identity Crisis

That’s my middle name. Adam ‘Identity Crisis’ Daniel (Yes, that is my real-boring-ass-name, Google away. Well. If around the time of the last entry you’d had told me that I’d be locked indoo...

March 11, 2020

On Cooking - A Review

So this is something that I’ve been wanting to break down for quite a while. I’ve spent 12 years in the Culinary, or, “In the Industry” (Which is a term I hate because so many people stupidly ab...

March 09, 2020


It’s really not that bad, I just think that title rolls off the tongue. I think it’s all the A’s. Pam is stuck. In a matter of sayings and I’m not sure if I’m right about this but this is what ...

March 04, 2020

Unpacking Emotions

So month since we moved and there hasn’t been any physical unpacking since the first week which has left me in a position of looking back. There’s a lot less “Okay I gotta do A, B, and C” and a ...

Well we survived! Week one is now complete and despite the move itself being stressful in the sense of a climax of events and the ever looming idea in the back of my head that “I don’t deserve th...

January 11, 2020

One of those (good) days

Ahh it’s one of those days, where the rain outside is coming down lightly casting a light mist over the horizon, cars are whizzing by splashing water about as they fade into the obscurity of thei...

September 27, 2019

The Desire to Achieve.

I’m not sure if it’s because of Paternity leave or my growing agoraphobic tendencies but the days where I’m left wandering around lost and confused trying to identify this feeling of emptiness in...

September 23, 2019

Don't wanna say goodbye.

My goodness my titles are dramatic, I should take up a part time job writing headlines for clickbait. This is going to be an awkward entry, I’m not in the greatest mood for no real reason and m...

September 12, 2019

Self Care, Self Care, Self Care

The title of this entry is somewhat ironic but the other day I put up a post on Fbook about a reminder for Self-care to all those who need it and the very next day I’m sick as a dog (What does th...

September 07, 2019

Obligatory "Not Dead" Entry

I’m back! Or at least for now. The cycle has come full circle, starting with a fresh face and a new start and then falling back into the routine of “priorities” and distractions, I imagine a lot...

It’s no real secret that as of late Pam and I have been wanting to get out of London (Ontario, for those keeping track) I have another post on a different site and I may repost here but in that p...

July 05, 2019

The Week from Hell

Okay so that’s being a little dramatic and while I do tend to air (is that the right use?) on the side of dramatic flare, that’s not what I want this to be all about. I swear! I have good times ...

June 28, 2019

Too Bored to Sleep

I’m having one of those moments where I stare at the screen, unsure of what to write but sure that I /need/ to write. It’s like a building pressure mixed with angst and anxiety like surely doom ...

June 21, 2019

No Love Before Bedtime

Is what my wife said to me after I kissed my daughter on her head and she looked very confused with me. As that’s normally her bedtime routine. When Mom has her and I give her a peck. ANYway. ...

I’m all stuffy and sneezy again, I’m not sure if it’s the weather, the lack of sleep or the lack of water or poor eating habits. Really that should be a to-do list on how to get my health back o...

It really sounds more dramatic than it actually is. You know how you get those moments where you’re just in the zone? Where you’re so fed up with no one else doing it that you just pound your co...

June 13, 2019

Unpacking Emotions

Y’know, there’s a lot to talk about when it comes to the migration but I feel like it’s been talked to death so there’s only one last thing that I really wanna break down here. While I listen to...

June 12, 2019

Enter the Mundane

I’m not dead, I promise! I just kinda… feel like I’m dead. The past couple of days have not been easy or great ones so you’ll probably notice a tone shift as this is basically a hit piece agains...

Book Description

The beginning of something else.