anticlimatic ⋅ 42 ⋅

Fool and contradiction.

Entries 224

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September 17, 2023

Government Family in anticlimatic

I’ve always had enormous contempt for government. Not for the taxes they steal, as I’m not particularly greedy and never spend much time on my own financial details, but just on the amount of has...

September 05, 2023

An Adequate Break in anticlimatic

On Saturday I woke up to silence except for the trickling of water from the artesian overflow outside my bedroom window. The bed had never felt so comfortable, so I went back to sleep for a time....

I think a lot of people forget that Nature is the enemy, but not me. I am inclined to take care of It- to collect and remove rubbish from natural spaces, to escort pests away from homes instead ...

I was enjoying a warm, windy, end of summer evening, when I came upon a soccer field in this little village. The sprinklers were pinging the goal frame, and at once I recovered a feeling of being...

I feel very lonesome without the company of people that only exist in my imagination. I like people, as a concept. I like myself in similar regard. But in practice? I feel like anytime I get the...

August 05, 2023

Retiring Psychology in anticlimatic

Noted an interesting transition in my interests and motivations over the last few years just the other day- I am much less curious and captivated with human psychology, of any sort. I have an end...

August 04, 2023

Territory Map in anticlimatic

I am reenacting my twelve year old life, it seems. Not deliberately, just…incidentally perhaps. I wonder if it’s an indication that I have approximately 12 years to live, during which I am fated...

If granted immortality at, say, the age of 35- assuming also that the speed in which it feels time passes us by continues to accelerate at the same rate that it does for our first average lifetim...

When I was a teenager I was full of all the angst and longing and binary sunsets one would expect, and one outlet I had for the abundance of energy these feelings would generate was cycling. I’d ...

I took a photo of a bulldozed lot this evening, from the front of a vacant and overgrown storefront. The storefront used to be Mitchel Street Market, and before that 7-11, and for a time it was t...

One of my favorite customers is this eccentric guy named Jeff who lived on this farm compound with his nurse wife. During covid she moved into the guest house to “stay safe,” and must have discov...

In the year 2000 I was 18 years old and about to (barely) graduate high school. I had a cell phone- just a flip phone, but they were new at the time and not many even had those. Back then it was ...

May 30, 2023

The Lilac Parade in anticlimatic

First hot night of the year has it’s traditions. One of them, I call The Lilac Parade. It’s an exercise I undergo at last once a year, on the first hot night of spring, when the lilacs are every...

May 02, 2023

Ave Maria in anticlimatic

I haven’t taken a day off in a month, or a vacation at all in many many years, and there’s no signs yet of slowing. I swore I’d never be one of those workaholic idiots, but here I am. Not because...

Ever have a day where you can’t seem to make a single wise decision? Granted, I’ve been working with a fever- alone, of course- for the last couple days, and a minor lack of sleep from other col...

March 30, 2023

Ping Says Goodbye in anticlimatic It took me a long time to figure out why this scene would randomly pop into my head and make me feel emotional. The other day it dawned on me- this is a...

These are the toughest weeks of winter, these first of spring. My life feels like a washed out grey canvas where once, maybe, there was a painting. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a conve...

March 05, 2023

A Winter Of Springs in anticlimatic

I find it easy to love people and easy to be loyal. Not to anyone, of course, but once my mind makes a decision that someone merits dedication the rest of the unconscious levers follow suit witho...

I used to listen to this song in my room at night when I was 15 years old, and dream about all the potential lives I could lead. The world was splendid then, everything looked up. I thought abou...

February 15, 2023

February Sun in anticlimatic

What a beautiful Valentines Day. The glorious sun returns. I’m getting used to these warmer winters…though they are causing me to enjoy work maybe a bit too much for one’s own good. I have never ...

I never write in the mornings, though it should be when I do. Instead I usually write after I should have been sleeping for an hour or two, when my brain is as mushy and disassociate as it can be...

February 07, 2023

The Place That Cannot Be in anticlimatic

I’ve been thinking about my first adult job lately. The one I that I acquired in high school, that paid for my first apartment afterwards as well as two full years of moonlighting college courses...

January 29, 2023

Winter Deepens in anticlimatic

What’s important? Where do we go from here? I always had this sense since I was young that the more I thought about things and learned about things the more…horrifying and terriffic the aggregat...

January 24, 2023

Straight Chillin in anticlimatic

Winter, I must say, has been doing me right this year. Mild temperatures, but plenty of that clean freeze blanket covering the bulk of the month. Just the right amount of festive blizzards scatte...

Books 1

244 Entries