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November 29, 2023

Most Ordinary in Everyday Ramblings

This probably looks like a perfectly normal mid-sized American city scape. This is right across the street from our main train station and there is something missing. That whole view has been ...

November 25, 2023

Oh, The Folly in Everyday Ramblings

Same trees as last post, different day, different angle. We have frost this morning and it is just freezing. Most of the trees are bare. Our local department of transportation has a huge budge...

November 22, 2023

Intentions in Everyday Ramblings

Not my favorite time of year and I have been allowing myself to drift a little. Reading a lot. Mostly mysteries or police procedurals. And about half in audiobook format. I love audiobooks. If...

Another fall glamor shot. This was a few days ago and the leaves are truly almost all on the ground now. With the rains coming back it is a big slippery mess. Someone was saying that we have m...

From a walk yesterday. Catching that tail end of fall as we turn towards winter. I was tired; therefore, it was a flat walk, mostly so Mrs. Sherlock and I could catch up on our recent goings ...

From a walk in the neighborhood this morning. Mrs. Sherlock and I were going to gear up and walk across the river, but she and Frieda bailed. It was raining hard, big ploppy drops at that poin...

October 31, 2023

Even Though in Everyday Ramblings

Always nice to get a slightly different perspective. Moonset, sunrise, a minus low tide on Sunday. Such a gift our clean public beaches are here. I am home now. Happy about that. After the di...

Early sunset out here on the Oregon Coast. This morning we watched the full moon set over the Pacific. A sight I have not seen in almost 30 years since I lived near the beach in San Francisco ...

This romantic looking building (across from the bus stop I wait at on my way home from the place where the coffee group is currently meeting) is for sale. Just in case you are interested. I h...

October 18, 2023

Hybridization in Everyday Ramblings

Late dahlias and tomatoes. I took my tomato plants down on Saturday. While there was still some green fruit. It was clear they were not going to ripen. The cosmos are still blooming cheerfully...

Rose hips and hydrangea. I had a challenging day yesterday. The news is affecting me, and I think I need a tune up or something. I am feeling isolated and on a lot of levels that is of my own ...

October 10, 2023

Our Strength? in Everyday Ramblings

If you look carefully here, you can see oranges on the tree in the middle. I bet that tree smells divine in the spring. It is unusual but not completely unheard of to see citrus growing here. ...

Not sure what the story is with this wildlife garden. It is a hillside, scrub woods, owned I think by the gas company. There is a small substation thing in one corner. At the top is a popular ...

September 30, 2023

A Good Thing in Everyday Ramblings

I wished I had managed a shot of this romantic late blooming crepe myrtle a few hours early when the unexpected light was breaking through the overcast behind me from the west. But I was on un...

September 23, 2023

A Sea of Story in Everyday Ramblings

Last Sunday we went to see “our” troll. There are six of them now here the Pacific Northwest. There is one too on Bainbridge Island, where my niece lives. There is one on Vashon Island and the...

This looks like a full-on meadow, but it is a front border on the public facing side of an expensive home up in the West Hills where Mrs. Sherlock and I walked last Sunday. It is clear either ...

This is the view from the bus stop I wait at on my way home from grocery shopping. I have the same shot from last week in the pouring rain, and the week before that I did not take a shot of th...

September 02, 2023

Seasonal in Everyday Ramblings

Happy spring to you in the southern hemisphere. With a full day of rain under our belts this week, yet the crackle of dry leaves underfoot we are experiencing fall unfold day by day. It has be...

From a walk on Saturday with Mrs. Sherlock. I didn’t plant any zinnias this year and the Helenium’s never came up. I talked her into a modest walk as even though she is testing negative she is...

August 24, 2023

Finally! in Everyday Ramblings

The light in this photo I took in the garden a few days ago seems right to me. It has an underwater quality and I love the balance between the colors, imperfect as the dahlias are. A few week...

It is getting late on the flower clock. Our Crepe Myrtles are starting to bloom. Later than where Kes and Most Honorable live. They buried Diego under theirs and as his favorite color was red ...

A lowly local thistle. Love the wonderful textures here. We have been lucky with the weather so far, no rain of course, which is a bit worrisome, but also not too hot. We’ll get there though ...

August 06, 2023

All Done in Everyday Ramblings

Love the color and the low light here from this morning. We even had enough rain to wet the ground a bit (after I took this shot) for the first time since June. Thursday afternoon I got the em...

Here is my sweet purple basil being engulfed by a healthy interloper plant. I have no idea what the green plant is, but it is thriving. I tried cutting it back, but it is surrounding the basil...

One of the reasons I like to take and share pictures of living plants is that they are imperfect. Sort of like me and my life. I took this earlier today on a tentative jaunt around the neighbo...

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