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The Equinox. Yay. My own personal celebration when the light is balanced and perfect… if there is light. There has been but today the unusual sunny patch that brought a number of trees into b...

March 15, 2024

Better in Everyday Ramblings

I know this photo is a bit of a mess, but I like it. I have been keeping my eyes on these starburst-like daffodils the last week and it was finally warm enough and dry enough to take a decent ...

From a walk yesterday morning. We had a break in the rain, and I needed to get out. The buildings looming up above are part of the institution for which I used to work, and now receive my medi...

Apparently, the longshoremen here on the West Coast used to get a case of whisky for each big job as part of their compensation. One of the guys in our group’s father was the attorney for thei...

This is a picture from a few years back but taken on March 1st in my neighborhood. It is, other than my apartment, my favorite nearby place because when you come over the rise Mt. Hood, (if it...

Noticing a theme here? Me, in search of color out in my world. I have been a fan of these particular crocuses for a number of seasons. They are a bit late this year and then, poof, they came u...

February 17, 2024

Not Nothing in Everyday Ramblings

…And the seasons they go round and round And the painted ponies go up and down We’re captive on the carousel of time We can’t return we can only look Behind from where we came And go round and...

It feels like flower photography season has started here. This is from yesterday. I got shots of snowdrops and those small deep blue iris in a clump as well as a nice shot of the mountain with...

My lodestar crocus, my groundhog. Year after year I look for these to give me a read of where we are with the season of regeneration and growth. When I see them, I know a universe of leaves ar...

February 03, 2024

Love and Sadness in Everyday Ramblings

Morning, a few days ago. The perspective one sees Mt. Hood through based on the weather is endlessly fascinating to me but here I was plain old happy to see the mountain at all. There is this ...

I just took a little journey through all the photos I have shared here since 2019 and I started using SmugMug to host. I wanted to check and make sure I hadn’t shared this early camelia before...

I did take a couple of photos today but didn’t think you would be interested in crocus shoots just coming through the moss or a big pile of vegetable matter piled on a raised bed in a garden I...

Not my usual pretty flower picture. This is the view outside my kitchen window this morning, day eight of our “weather event”. My goal here is to focus on the positive. Just think, with no on...

It is like a badly maintained ice rink out there even though it has been above freezing since this morning. One can’t drive on it even with chains and four-wheel drive. It is very quiet. I wen...

January 14, 2024

Eek! in Everyday Ramblings

There is a story about this not very interesting picture of my patio door midday yesterday. Kes and I were exchanging photos of our various forms of frozen precipitation as the snow, rime, fre...

January 12, 2024

And She's Off in Everyday Ramblings

Wow. I don’t think I have had as busy a week as this last one since I stopped working. Not that I am not working, teaching is working, but it doesn’t feel that way because I enjoy it. This is ...

January 07, 2024

Learn By Doing in Everyday Ramblings

A beauty berry bush down by the garden. I wandered down there on Friday to pick up blown oak sticks and weed a little in the plot. We are heading for a hard freeze at the end of this next week...

January 05, 2024

Telling Stories in Everyday Ramblings

I am struggling a bit to get contemporary photos to share with the current weather wet and cold and dark. This is from yesterday. I had hopped on an early bus to meet with the coffee guys and ...

December 31, 2023

Doing and Undoing in Everyday Ramblings

I was looking for a shot that had a bright expansive feel for the new year, so I asked Mrs. Sherlock if we could do the local river walk Friday morning with a potential detour to the portable ...

The parking lot at the train station in the town Kes and Most Honorable live in was full on Christmas Day afternoon so we drove to the very back were there were a few spots. There was this bar...

December 23, 2023

Mighty Nice in Everyday Ramblings

From an atmospheric walk out in heavy fog this morning. A residential neighborhood that is a mixed bag of old houses and new condos and townhouses. An area we’ve not walked in together before ...

Another sunrise shot. This time Mt. Hood. Today it was raining but I did get out for a short walk after class. The early camelias are starting to bloom and I saw the tips of a crocus plant bre...

What I saw out my kitchen window at sunrise Thursday. I saw this and then went outside and stood in front of the window so I wouldn’t catch the frame in the shot. The angle is a little differe...

I took this yesterday in freezing wind as I waited for the bus across from “the pink house” that I would love to buy. It is still for sale, this previous Masonic Lodge, telephone switching sta...

Although is has been raining we are getting skies like this periodically throughout the day. Little sunbreaks. We’ve got one of those atmospheric rivers coming in and an on again/off again flo...

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1279 Entries