
Everyday Ramblings

by noko

Entries 1,277

Page 1 of 52

In front of this photo, the north half of my modest garden yesterday. You can see the cosmos are getting ready to burst into flower. They are quite happy. Did I mention this before, that my pl...

July 14, 2024

A Strategic Retreat

Yes, I know I could alter the photo and take the wire line out, but I like these markers that what you are seeing is what I am seeing, living plants in real gardens here where I live… not some...

July 11, 2024

Not Retiring Retirement

These days I am focusing on small accomplishments. Ever since I moved here to Oregon and saw wild lupines in a field with foxgloves, I have had an affinity for them. They show up in my poems o...

July 08, 2024

Overwhelmed? Me?

Dahlias from our abbreviated walk on Saturday early morning. We went early to avoid the worst of the heat, but we ended up only walking for an hour anyway because Mrs. Sherlock realized she ha...

A weird angle but a pretty true red of this early dahlia. When I was walking with Mrs. Sherlock last week, I asked her what she was doing on the 4th of July. She said she was not doing anythi...

A brief respite on the flower clock. The dahlias are coming on but so far, I haven’t been able to get a decent shot without glare. Things are hopping in my world. Class, grocery shopping, fol...

June 23, 2024

Considering the Slog

Big time hydrangea on the flower clock. That means July to me, and we are coming up on it. But first I need to transition my role from budget chair to treasurer this coming week in terms of au...

June 21, 2024

The Thought That Counts

Mid clematis on the flower clock. I posted a picture of this same plant last year but how can one resist the vibrant color. A good year for this variety here. I had a lovely birthday. After t...

June 16, 2024

Community Building

I took this picture yesterday morning in a neighborhood across town. It gives you an idea of our verdant spring. This is two blocks from a fairly busy street here in town with lots of shops an...

June 12, 2024

Almost Summer

Wildflowers in a scrub patch on the way home from the garden today. A lovely day, not too warm yet and Mt. St. Helen’s looking mysterious in a light brushstroke of cloud. Other than my mornin...

June 08, 2024

Good News (with Herb)

Love-in-A-Mist. Nigella. I have been trying to grow some from seed, but it is it’s time here on the flower clock. The woman that cut my hair a few weeks ago has it growing like mad among her f...

June 05, 2024

A Bit Thorny

Wild thistles from the weekend. The hostas, (aka plantain lilies) are blooming as well. My friend, Mrs. Sherlock, has been having some digestive discomfort for a while now and the last time it...

It might not look like much, this rough public hillside I walk by on my way to the garden, but all those white blossoms… Those are wild blackberries. Oh boy. The raspberries here are just begi...

May 27, 2024

Trade Offs

I send out a reminder every Sunday morning (my time) to the people participating in my classes and I front it with a photo that I have usually taken within the last week. I normally try not to...

May 25, 2024

A Map of My Heart

Talk about your stairway to heaven… We have a tram line that runs from the medical clinics in the flatland at the riverfront to the hospitals up on the “hill”, (which is technically a small moun...

May 18, 2024


I learned something about myself this week. There was evidence back in my past that this was true but now I have proof. When I tell someone, I am going to do something I do it. Even if that s...

May 11, 2024

Needing to Talk

My favorite azalea color, taken yesterday. I got another picture this morning in the dawn light with the big pink rhododendron behind it on my way back from the garden. My world is full of col...

May 04, 2024

Time to Get to It

It is raining, but even wet, the early clematis is beautiful. Walt wanted a poem for the current issue of peace, love, happiness & understanding. I have been thinking a lot about what it ...

April 27, 2024

Transfiguration? Unlikely

Yeah, well it seems apparent that it is Wisteria on the flower clock. This from my walk with Mrs. Sherlock this morning. I don’t seem to be able to stop yawning. It is one of those afternoons....

April 20, 2024

But Otherwise

California poppies about to bloom from this morning. The light here lately has been marvelous. Disconcerting as not having any rain this last week has been, the light on the full transformatio...

April 13, 2024

Sounds Like a Plan

I turned in the big budget project I have been working on and stressing over since the middle of December, midweek. I learned so much on many levels doing this. You can’t say I haven’t challen...

April 09, 2024

Checking In

From today, rhododendrons on the flower clock. I am in this liminal space where I am okay, and I am not okay. At least I don’t have Covid, I do know that. Why my wrists and ankles ache is a m...

April 06, 2024

Things in Common

A neighboring garden plot. Ready to go. I was thrilled when I went down Monday and saw that the columbines are beginning to bud. They made it through the ice storm. It looks like the dianthus ...

March 31, 2024

Getting There

Happy Easter. This is from yesterday. And yes, in the middle of that yard is a giant edible chocolate bunny. A person can do this, if so inclined, when it is not raining. And it is not raining...

I have been taking pictures long enough now when out and about that I can type in a date in Google Photos and get thumbnails of all the pictures I uploaded on that date. This is how I keep tab...

Book Description

What flits through at a particular time.