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June 27, 2021

Ughh in Everyday Ramblings

If I were a house, I would look like this right about now. Wild sweet peas in the front yard and vines starting to creep onto the porch. I am pretty much fine unless I look in the mirror or at m...

This is my favorite picture from the last few days. The clematis is in Mrs. Sherlock’s Garden. (Spellcheck insists on capitalizing garden, which makes me laugh as if her garden was an amusement ...

This is one side of Mrs. Sherlock’s garden fence, with the area newly cleared as they begin the process of separating their property from the one next door that they partially owned until recent...

You can see we got the netting up yesterday. As soon as we anchored it with the bricks, the bugs were on the outside trying to get to the chard. The Spinosad worked on the leaf miners though. Ne...

Alright, it is already passionflower on the flower clock. This is the vine that covers the northwest fence of the community garden. It has heavy competition from some raspberry vines though. Th...

The big park by the river yesterday. It is actually raining a tiny bit today, unlike yesterday where it only threatened in a visibly dramatic fashion. I am getting started on promoting the PT C...

The big, ruffled poppies are blooming across the street at the track. It has been windy so getting a decent shot is not so easy. This is the time where we move from spring to summer and the wild...

Be it ever so humble…”my” plot. The bugs are crazy around the leggy nasturtiums, the beets and regular chard. I was able to harvest a few unaffected leaves to eat yesterday. I grew the carrots, ...

Late lilac garden with interesting sky. The city has issued a proclamation about how we are a city of gardens and apparently next year this time there is going to be a conference of horticulturi...

Well then, it is clearly roses on the flower clock. There is a cottage front yard chock full of roses and weeds and a stray iris or two down one of the main drags in what used to be our neighbor...

Another shot of our walk last weekend with open peonies. Yesterday I walked with Charity. She has this idiosyncrasy that she doesn’t like to carry anything when she walks. She used to carry a sm...

I am having a needed quiet day. I took this yesterday. Mrs. Sherlock and I went for an easy 4 mile walk over in another residential neighborhood across the river. Charity and I went over there i...

Trees come up a lot in conversations with my students. In talking to a couple of them about where they live, they mentioned that there were two magisterial trees on their block. A big “Monkey” t...

The community garden in the morning a few days back. It is peaceful and lovely to apprehend. I repotted the leggy tomato seedlings yesterday and was so sad to see that because of how I watered,...

From our walk on Saturday. Lovely poppies. I went down to my plot this morning to plant the somewhat leggy tomatoes we took down in a couple of pots on Sunday. These were starts my sister picked...

I saw the first roses of the year on Thursday but this perfect one is from yesterday over on the other side of the river. We got in a car and went to the strolling neighborhood we used to go to ...

My favorite color of azalea is becoming more popular. Charity wanted more up in our weekly walk as the gym has been closed for two weeks (enhanced Covid restrictions due to still high case count...

White lilac (in the most fragrant of years), this last week. We walked through the local lilac garden on our way home from all that up last week. Even though we are in drought conditions everyth...

April 29, 2021

Fragility in Everyday Ramblings

One of the trilliums from Sunday. I did all this reading about police accountability and then yesterday we had a Zoom consensus meeting on prepared questions for a position on a ballot measure ...

This is a graft of two fruit trees in bloom from a few days back. It mostly drops a kind of crabapple in the early fall. Our ornamental cherries are almost done blooming as they push out beautif...

April 23, 2021

Moonwort in Everyday Ramblings

I walked by this plant last week, and thought hmm, a nice burst of color. On the way back I took this picture and ran it through iNaturalist. It is Lunaria Annua, also known as “Honesty”, “Silve...

These trees were not in bloom when I left to go to the beach. The slender maples that surround the patio well did not have leaves. I didn’t have an actual carrot coming up in the garden plot. U...

April 16, 2021

Ah in Everyday Ramblings

From this morning just after sunrise. My inner beach pony is very happy. We are having a warm snap, very unusual in April. Last night Most Honorable and I went for an hour walk on the beach as ...

April 12, 2021

Once You Know in Everyday Ramblings

Here is the drama shot from the weekend. Walking with the crew we turned onto a street that I had never been on before up on the neighborhood where the 1% live. Well, actually, the just over 1%....

Not all the tulips are open yet out there, but a number are. The daffodils are on the wane. A couple of weeks ago I woke up with a few itchy bump blotch things on my shoulder and the center of ...

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