Raphael Tiriel
Entries 565
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Jester's Journal #1 in Poetry
I am writing this journal to understand this place away from everything. I do not know what they call this place. I know that this is the ultimate reality, and all other realities are connected t...
Brics part 11 The Elites in Poetry
Brics part 11 The Elites Video
Brics part 10 Russia, China, Iran, and Africa in Poetry
Brics part 10 Russia, China, Iran, and Africa
Brics part 9 The Multipolar World Order in Poetry
Brics part 9 The Multipolar World Order
Knowing what will come part 11 The Third Party Candidate in Poetry
Knowing what will come part 11 The Third Party Candidate Providing evidence that I was confused about the 2020 and 2024 elections. The rise of a new party and a third party candidate that will c...
Brics part 8, Biden Administration failed to implement recommendation
Knowing what will come part 10 The 1998 Documents Ep. 73 Searching for Political Identity Podcast Link to Searching for Political Identity episode 73 Episode 73
Knowing what will come part 9 Noticing the Fake Reality in Poetry
Knowing what will come part 9 Noticing the Fake Reality Link to poem
Brics part 7, In times of war, the law is silent in Poetry
Brics part 7, In times of war, the law is silent In times of war, the law is silent.
Brics part 6, cyberattacks and infrastructure, WW3 in Poetry
Brics part 6, cyberattacks and infrastructure, WW3
Knowing what will come part 8 The Light in Poetry
Knowing what will come part 8 The Light Link to the poem Resetting the Earth
Brics part 5, Business Warfare, Russia, China, and Iran v the United States
Knowing what will come part 7 Resetting the Earth in Poetry
Knowing what will come part 7 Resetting the Earth
Knowing what will come part 6 in Poetry
Knowing what will come part 6
Brics part 4, Great Depression 2026 2035, Economic Warfare, WW3 in Poetry
Brics part 4, Great Depression 2026 2035, Economic Warfare, WW3 Management trying to organize WW3
Brics part 3, the battle for currency dominance in Poetry
Brics part 3, the battle for currency dominance Currency and trade war
She’s trapped in a masochistic dream in Poetry
She’s trapped in a masochistic dream I watched her Diamond eyes Take in and absorb the light The prism divided time As I witnessed A kaleidoscope of lives And her soul Feels empty and fake Her s...
Brics part 2, Nesara psyop, QFS, history of China-Russia relations, Global Currency Reset Links https://www.goldmansachs.com/intelligence/archive/building-better.html https://occ.gov/ 10.17477/j...
Knowing what will come part 5 in Poetry
Knowing what will come part 5 I wrote this in 2004 and posted it September 13, 2018 Here is the poem: The secrets of heaven This is the short https://youtube.com/shorts/tJ4I5oEg3sY?si=0m-_aGLpu...
The paragon of humanity is the wisdom of the insanity Knowing what will come part 4 [video] The paragon of humanity is the wisdom of the insanity Knowing what will come part 4 The poem “Lost” if...
Knowing what will come part 3, creativity is the beginning of wisdom in Poetry
Knowing what will come part 3, creativity is the beginning of wisdom [video] Knowing what will come part 3, creativity is the beginning of wisdom The poem lost which I am going over Related vid...
Knowing what will come Lost part 2, love and forgiveness, I am the fool [video] If you want to see the last two stanzas before I get to it then here is the link to the poem Lost Here is also th...
Knowing what will come and there are no straight lines in Poetry
Knowing what will come and there are no straight lines [video] This is the first check mark for me to know what is to come. I am wondering how many check marks I will have. If you disagree with ...
Dissertation Chapter 5 Fear Traps Expression Last Dissertation Video in Poetry
Dissertation Chapter 5 Fear Traps Expression Last Dissertation Video [Video]
Dissertation Chapter 5 Results Themes 1 through 9 in Poetry
Dissertation Chapter 5 Results Themes 1 through 9 [Video] An important thing I point out is how to transform consciousness and raise your vibration.