
New Beginnings

by Robbo

Entries 167

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February 08, 2015

Taking the Plunge

I finally signed up for Gracie Jujitsu. I’ve wanted to start learning GJJ for a while, but always found an excuse not to. I suppose one can always find a reason to procrastinate. In my case, I...

February 01, 2015


Catcalling has been a topic of discussion frequently, and all this talk of the issue brought this memory to my attention. About a decade ago, I was attending a local community college. I was fi...

January 25, 2015

Winning the "Crap" Lottery

Why is it that sometimes random luck aligns just perfectly to screw a person over? Allow me to elaborate. One of my responsibilities is capitalizing expenditures. My company builds a lot of it...

I wanted to write about the following a couple of weeks ago, but year-end close kind of consumed my life as it usually does. Now that the books are closed for another year, I suppose I can get t...

Maybe I’m a grinch or a scrooge, but my favorite part of Christmas is when it ends. Every year since my Mom died, each year my Dad’s mental health seems to get progressively worse. It’s increme...

I wish there were a paint by numbers guide to reading women. A memory keeps popping up in my mind from that coffee “date” I had with that recruiter, Tayna. At one point, we were discussing how ...

November 29, 2014

Each Year is Worse

I’m almost finished with Thanksgiving vacation. I came down to Eastman on Tuesday to spend the holiday with Dad. I’ll go back tomorrow, and tomorrow can’t come soon enough. My dad’s hoarding pr...

November 25, 2014

Dating Desire

My practice date was fantastic, and by “fantastic” I mean it would have scored a 6 out of 10 if it had been an actual date. As it was actually a networking interview, it would probably rank at a...

Sometimes I feel like I’m living someone else’s life. I went to a seminar hosted by a regional CPA firm. It was an entire day of presentations covering…sigh…all the many exciting changes in the...

November 10, 2014


I have a fear of embarrassment. Ironically, considering much of my childhood (and adolescence), I’d expect to be used to it, but I’m not. I realize exactly what I need to do to be more emotiona...

October 27, 2014

Mandatory Vacation

My company is sort of forcing me to take a vacation. We’re on a company-wide retreat, two days of meetings at a resort at Stone Mountain. Tomorrow, we’re supposed to divide into groups and brai...

October 21, 2014

Grown Up Stuff

I’m travelling this week to finish a fixed asset audit for our plants. I’m in Gleason, Tennessee right now, and I’ll travel to Crenshaw, Mississippi tomorrow. I booked my hotels, I rented a car...

October 05, 2014

In Need of a Life

I need to get a life if for no other reason that I have something to write about. It’s not as hard as one would think I think it is. I live in the Atlanta area, so there are loads of clubs and ...

September 20, 2014

I wish I could write something noteworthy. That is, I wish my lack of writing were due to me being engrossed in something interesting. Sadly, such is not the case. Honestly, I’ve just been lazy...

I actually made my very first PC. Let me rephrase that, this isn’t my very first PC. Rather, it’s my very first PC that I made myself. I’ve wanted to do this for a while, but I was too afraid ...

August 15, 2014

Oh, God, the pain!

At least my ankle is feeling better. It's still a little stiff, but I only feel the pain at the very, very tips of the range of motion. My arm is another matter, though. I was getting anxious ...

I seriously hope I'm not growing old before my time. Somehow, I must have sprained my ankle Thursday night when I was working out. I was practicing spinning side kicks on the heavy bag, and I l...

I haven't been kissed or kissed anyone in over eight years, now. That's a really long time when you think about it. I wrote about these experiences before in my Open Diary, but I suppose I'll s...

July 23, 2014

Adventures in Cooking

I realize recipes scale in difficulty. I'm actually trying to make something new at least every two weeks, preferably every week. It doesn't have to be immaculate. I merely want to claim that ...

July 19, 2014

Waiting is not Living

There's one thing that bothers me about my home. Pictures. That is, the lack of pictures is what bothers me. My walls are so bear. I've hung my college diplomas, and I even bought a few piece...

July 04, 2014

Lesson in Gratitude

This week was a lesson in gratitude. I walked through the front door of my condo Tuesday night into what felt like a sauna. Yep, my air conditioning was broken, just in time for the 4th of July...

June 17, 2014


That $ 200 estimate I was hoping for in repairing my neighbor's wall and ceiling? It's going to be $1,000! I think I need to lay down.

June 16, 2014


I totally nailed the chicken fettucini alfredo recipe last night. My first time cooking in over five years, and I pulled it off. In hindsight, I probably should have adjusted the proportions of...

I need to just accept that in acclimating myself to living on my own again is going to require my making mistakes. I really blundered in the purchase of my washer and dryer off Craigslist. Don'...

June 01, 2014

Getting the Hang of It

Living on my own is awesome! I get to keep things the way I want. My bathroom is always clean. I can always use the sink because it's never piled up with someone else's dirty dishes. I don't ...

Book Description

Hello, my name is Rob, or Robbo, if you will. It was a nickname given to me in college by some very close friends. Well, I jumping on the Prosebox bandwagon. For close to 13 years, I had a journal on Open Diary. Sadly, Open Diary is going offline, and I need to find a new diary site to call home, so here I am. I miss Open Diary already; it was such a community. I hope I can find that same kind of environment here. Cheers.