
Entries 173

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At Home Last weekend, we went to an open house in a really nice town. Its asking price was 0.5% above our revised price range (but 20% above our original), but it was really nice - it has the sa...

July 05, 2024

In Dependents Day in Trichotomy

Holiday We are upstate now at La Professeure’s parents’ for independence day holiday. We arrived on Tuesday and will go back Sunday. It is a bit low-key; La Professeure has a list of tasks to ac...

June 15, 2024

Carve Our Own Paths in Trichotomy

Jabba the Bun We used a small ottoman to form part of the rabbit’s habitat, we call it a “tunnel”, where three sides are surrounded by boxes and covered with a blanket. The rabbit has chewed a h...

Old friends The California trip is getting closer and I am planning the visits, but my piano teacher and La Professeure’s old student are not sure they’d be in town, so we may get some free days...

Earthquake Before and after the earthquake hit, the wind was blowing very hard, and I was still in bed half waking up. So when the house shook I thought it was just a very strong gust of wind an...

House as identity We’ve been going to open houses on the weekends but up till two weeks ago hadn’t found anything we liked. Two weekends ago we saw two nice houses that we would put an offer on....

February 04, 2024

Another Audition Date in Trichotomy

Constant Entertainment After a period of chewing the ottoman cave, the rabbit has returned to chewing on the couch. We had tried to distract him with other chew toys but he always returned to th...

January 21, 2024

Left Behind in Trichotomy

Get a hint La Prof went upstate for the funeral of her maid of honor’s mom. I stayed behind because of the rabbit, and because I was scheduled to host a recital. The recital concert was surpris...

January 01, 2024

Happy New Year in Trichotomy

The Break The way the holidays fell this year, with Christmas on a Monday and New Year on the next Monday, we were able to get a 1 ½ week off by taking three vacation days, since the Fridays wer...

December 26, 2023

Year-end Survey 2023 in Trichotomy

1. What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before? Set foot in Antarctica. Snorkle. Run a concert series. See an orange sky. Visit the Statue of Liberty. 2. Did you achieve your goals for ...

We had a reasonable disembarkation time of 8:15am, so I woke up at 7, which is not earlier than during the cruise, to get ready. The flight was at 2:20pm, so we anticipated spending 4 hours at th...

This was the last full day of our cruise, and there was rain forecasted in the afternoon, so we decided to stay in after one excursion and take the whole afternoon to pack. The morning excursion...

This morning we went on an “organised” tour at Sentry Hill. It has a zip line, called the “Flying Dutchman”, which sends you from a hilltop - highest point in the island - down to the port. You g...

We went with the included tour for today because we read great reviews about it. The tour did not disappoint. It took us to Blockhouse Fort, which has a nice view of the island, and then to Shirl...

This is the 7th day of our cruise, and we have turned back north and west. We decided to skip the bus tour we’d booked in the morning because we are lazy and it also didn’t sound that interesting...

We spent the morning doing the most touristy thing possible: we went to the CopaCabana beach at Carlisle bay. It was a nice and relaxing beach morning; what vacations normally are. Just lounged o...

We didn’t spend any time in Castries itself because we went on an all-day excursion to Soufriere bay. We were in a group of about 60 (including the onboard cellist, who now acted as the escort). ...

Our excursion today was at a more reasonable hour of 8:15am, so I got to wake up at 7am to get some light breakfast before heading out. The excursion itself was very sedentary; we rode on a catam...

I woke up early this morning at 6:30am to get some breakfast before our 7:30am excursion to Virgin Gorda. The first thing I noticed about Road Town is the group of Frigate bird and pelicans aroun...

I was still having some stomach issues in the morning, so had a light breakfast. But we slept very well. La Professeure secured a walking tour of Old San Juan for us in the afternoon, so we had t...

When my in-laws arrived on the Sunday before, I was already half-packed, partly because I wanted to clear out some closet space for them. By Monday night, I had already packed my checked luggage,...

In Love La Professeure’s sister-in-law’s father, who lives 20 minutes away from us, has had a case of dementia since last Thanksgiving. The doctor discovered a tumor in his brain, removed it by ...

October 01, 2023

The Expectations Game in Trichotomy

Jaded When Rabbits are happy, they hop straight up into the air and zip around. It’s their version of dogs’ zoomies. Our rabbit used to do that on a daily basis. However, lately La Professeure a...

August 27, 2023

Novelty in Trichotomy

Montauk We took half of a week off to go to Montauk three weeks ago. This would be our summer trip, and the first time we visited. On the first day we arrived early, so we had time to tour the ...

July 28, 2023

Busy and Hot Summer in Trichotomy

Amateurs I’m now upstate with the in-laws now to celebrate my mother-in-law’s birthday. This is the continuation of the summer where we have social obligations many weekends in a row. On Bastill...

Books 7

16 Entries

15 Entries

94 Entries

11 Entries