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I don’t travel far and wide. It’s been two years since I’ve even been 40 miles from where I live. But rather than rue this situation, I have learned that the greatest measure of happiness and ...

There was a time years ago beginning in 2003 and ending abruptly in January 2010 when I was rather “addicted” to online chat, spending way too much time in one particular chatroom. I hate to e...

It’s nearing the end of October, the weather is much cooler, and the air has that distinctive feel of Autumn, that magical time of year when leaves change color and long-ago memories of this spec...

I’m sitting here this morning in the big sunny den where I spent so many countless days, months and years with my mother when I was taking care of her as she declined with steadily worsening deme...

I yield. I confess. Although I love the romanticized, idealized dream of a small town Main Street, with the little guy doing business in his cozy little fortress, not much happens these days on M...

I walk up the steps to the porch after a long, tired but glad to be home. The streets are quiet, the sounds of children are gone from the sidewalks. I notice once again the tall oaks lining the s...

Regarding my rituals of walking in the woods at nearby nature preserves or state parks, I said to someone recently, “I mostly am looking either down at the ground or up into the trees or sky.” ...

BK Shivani is a teacher in the Brahma Kumaris spiritual movement in India. In one of her talks, she says, (and I am paraphrasing) Someone, somewhere, at some moment will not meet our expectations...

Until a few months ago, I didn’t know much about Hinduism, but then I discovered learning opportunities through teachers and sages on YouTube, and my horizons have expanded. Previously, I’d just...

There are times when I feel most connected to life in the awareness of fleeting experiences that come to me in little epiphanies during the day. It doesn’t matter where I am. They are predicated ...

September 24, 2021

The stream in Daydreaming on the Porch

Gypsy Spirit recently posted a beautiful and evocative entry about a walk during which she discovered a tiny stream and a house and a garden that filled her with delight and awe. Cherry blossom...

I was going through things earlier this evening as I sorted and packed boxes for my big move, and came across this poem written in December 1978 when I was 27. It was the first actual, serious p...

I’m a former journalist, and it was my life at one time when I was younger. I was totally caught up in every aspect of news. That career and way of life ended rather abruptly 30 years ago, and ...

Do you remember the surfing songs from the 60s? They became big hits and classics for iconic groups such as The Beach Boys, Jan and Dean, and of course, instrumental groups such as The Chantays...

September 16, 2021

Cycles in Daydreaming on the Porch

Our minds create the experience of both happiness and suffering, and the ability to find peace lies within us… According to Tibetan medicine, living in peace, free from emotional afflictions, and...

…if thou hast learned a truth which needs No school of long experience, that the world Is full of guilt and misery, and has seen Enough of all its sorrows, crimes and cares, To tire thee of it, e...

Someone, oh so gently, implied recently that perhaps I dwell a bit too much in the past, and that is an interesting thought. But to that I have to say this: “Well, yes. I return to the past in my...

I have been asking why I’m here most of my life. If there’s a purpose, I don’t care anymore. I’m 74. I’m on my way out. Let the young people learn the hard way, like I did. No one ever told m...

The geode — crystals within a hollow, round rock — is one of the most beautiful and miraculous objects in Nature. Just try to imagine how the super hot liquid rock, the magma, cools from its fi...

One of the wondrous accomplishments of the best documentary photography is that it delves into and captures the very heart and soul of a subject, whether it be a person or a place. That is what ...

Yesterday’s headlines and news were so awful: 1,00,000 left without power in the New Orleans area afterHurricane Ida blew through: a massive California wildfire threatens to consume towns in th...

August 31, 2021

This day in Daydreaming on the Porch

Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. For yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; But today, well-lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and ev...

Time keeps flowing, like a river, to the sea… Alan Parsons Project Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that’s where you renew your springs that never dry up. Pearl S. Buck As I si...

I’ve been living in pandemic bubble for the past year and a half, a little solitary dream world of doing exactly what I wanted, keeping safe and isolated until the vaccine came along this Spring,...

What are some of the key truths about yourself that you learn over a lifetime? My strong sense of self - of who I am - discovered and strengthened over a lifetime, has helped me get through jarr...

Books 1

492 Entries