TudorRose ⋅

A Gemini, with various interests. I love reading, to the extent a book goes with me everywhere. I am one of those annoying people who seem to have a collection of blank notebooks, ready to be used. And a huge TBR book pile.

Entries 115

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The Forever War By Joe Haldeman (240 pages, including Afterword by Peter F. Hamilton) is the story of William Mandella, a private fighting an interstellar war. Relativity makes him isolated - eve...

So, The Library of Unrequited Love by Sophie Divry (96 pages, including reading group guide) was an interesting monologue to read. One morning, a librarian finds a library patron, fast asleep in ...

So, I’ve just finished a self help book. Entitled How Proust Can Change Your Life by Alain de Botton. 216 pages, including acknowledgement. Read from 4th March to today, the 8th. So, what did I ...

March 06, 2016

Hikes and bikes in Dreams 2016

Two dreams from last night worth noting. The first involves me noticing the front door is open. A young man, possibly early twenties and black hair, cycles from outside the front door through th...

So, I read The Bastard Of Istanbul by Elif Shafak last year and was impressed enough to pick up another one of her books. I’d never read a book set in Turkey before, or anything by a Turkish auth...

A couple of dreams I’ve had recently…thought they were worth noting. The first was during my sleep on 25th of this month (was doing night shift, so I was asleep during the day). I dreamt I had on...

So, Terry Jones’ Medieval Lives by Terry Jones and Alan Ereira (224 pages, including bibliography and index) was an interesting read. The chapters are broken into what life was like for various r...

February 22, 2016

Mourning a dream suicide in Dreams 2016

I have been trying to work out the meaning of a dream I had today....I’m doing night shifts at the moment, so I have been sleeping during the day. Anyway, the only thing I can remember is that...

I’m a little bit behind on my book journal - so this entry is my way of playing catch-up. I’ll only briefly dip into each review, as I don’t really have time to do a detailed one right now. I kin...

Last night I had a couple of dreams - all about family. The first starts off involving a teenaged cousin of mine, who in the real world lives over the east coast of Australia with her family. In...

Two book reviews this entry… First is Confessions of a School Nurse by Michael Alexander, a pseudonym of a male nurse. This is a quick, easy read at 315 pages (including acknowledgements). The pr...

Places I’ve Read About Of places I’ve read about so far in 2016Make yours @ BigHugeLabs.com Where The Authors Are From Of places I've read about so far in 2016Make yours @ BigHugeLabs.com

Confronting The Classics by Mary Beard (310 pages, including Further Reading, Acknowledgements, Sources, List of Figures, Index) is one of those books that “does what it says on the tin”. As the ...

Well, this was a quick (re)read at 136 pages (including Glossary and References). However, Follow The Rabbit-Proof Fence by Doris Pilkington/Nugi Garimara is an important one. It’s the story of t...

Just finished re-reading The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood (324 pages). The Republic of Gilead is in it’s infancy. Offred, like other Handmaids, has one function - to breed. Any deviation fr...

So, every so often I might update the following map - where my reading is set. An experiment to find out where the stories I’m reading are set in. Of places I've read about so far in 2016Make yo...

A race known as the Heechee left behind an artificial spaceport full of spacecraft before they vanished. When this is discovered by the human race, the idea of going off exploring for treasure in...

The Name Of The Rose by Umberto Eco (493 pages) is one of those layered books that requires more than one read to really understand the two plots. Or maybe the fact that I was struggling to conce...

This entry’s a day late, but I was unable to write anything yesterday due to life getting in the way. These two are from the morning of 8th January. I had a broken sleep, and the two snippets of...

Book number two for my reading challenge is Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa (338 pages, including author’s note, glossary, references and reading group guide) . This is the story that spans f...

Well, that’s book one out of 52 read. :) The Red Notebook by Antoine Laurain is set in Paris, France. Laurent Letellier is a bookseller and divorced father. One day he finds himself stumbling ac...

Well, it’s the end of the year again. I’ve really neglected both my online and real world journals this year because of one thing or another. However, next year I intend to try and re-do my 52 b...

It’s been ages since I wrote last, and to be honest I had forgotten about this site. The 52 books in 52 weeks thing I started at the beginning of the year kind of fell by the way side as I had m...

A Cup of Sake Beneath the Cherry Trees by Kenko (51 pages) is a short collection of musings by an Japanese monk who lived in the late 1200s/early 1300s. This has some fantastic little gems - one ...

The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe (48 pages) contains three short stories - The Fall of the House of Usher, The Cask of Amontillado and the title story. In the title story, a man tries to co...

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