josh (he/him)
President of the Mochi fanclub. Always available at [email protected]
When we are young, the words are scattered all around us. As they are assembled by experience, so also are we, sentence by sentence, until the story takes shape.
Entries 64
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New year, new Prosebox survey in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, Happy new year! I can’t believe it’s already 2025, what in the world happened to 2024?! Buffy and I have been busy behind the scenes making various small improvements to infrastr...
An update and an apology in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, The last few days have been a whirlwind! Had a few things I wanted to update everyone about. We’ve been steadily pushing out updates for the last 48 hours attempting to iron out s...
Upcoming Prosebox downtime on Tues 8/20 in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, Exciting news! We’re closing in on the upgraded Prosebox platform (what we’ve been calling the beta) being ready for prime time. 🥳 Buffy has put in a TON of work the last several mo...
Beta, subscriptions, spam in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, First, I’m excited to share that the beta is open again! We’ve put a ton of work into shoring up things behind the scenes and squashing bugs, and we’d love to get your help running ...
About those crazy ads.. in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, First, thanks for all of your help with the initial testing of the beta site! We still have a lot of work ahead of us to iron out the bugs, but it’s really promising to have made so...
Prosebox beta: Now Open! in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, It’s that time! The rewritten and modernized version of Prosebox is ready for beta testing. You can check it out here: Your login credentials from the main site wi...
Growing pains in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, You may have noticed, but the site went full panda around 4AM CST this morning. This was a weird one — turns out the database ran out of space! Thankfully it was easy to fix, we j...
Everyone, meet Buffy in Site Updates (Josh)
Let’s give him a warm welcome on his first non-test post! No Mochi pic this time, as Jasper, Zoey, and Klaus deserve center stage (AI generated result of “Buffy the Codeslayer” as coined by Zen...
The (exciting) future of Prosebox in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, A lot has been happening behind the scenes this last month or so, all of it SO, SO exciting, but before I get to that, I’d like to share a bit about what led up to this announcement...
And.. we're back! in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, Looks like we’re back in action after a brief full-panda blip! Never underestimate what a talented developer can accomplish over their lunch break. 💪 The front page and entry searc...
New year, new panda in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, I appreciate all of you that reached out about the issues with the front page not updating and the pandas that are showing up when you try to post. This is similar to the issue we h...
We're in the zone now in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, Wanted to share an update on how everything’s going with the new spam tools that were rolled out a few weeks ago. In short: we got ‘em! This is super exciting!!! Going from where ...
New tools to fight the spam in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, First, I’ll acknowledge the elephant in the room. The spam the last few months has been completely insane, exhausting and inexcusable. I’m sorry. There were days that the entire fro...
Annnd we’re back! in Site Updates (Josh)
The front page is fixed, posting is fixed, and some preliminary anti-spam measures are rolling out today/tomorrow. Will update this with more info and a Mochi pic soon, but wanted to let you all ...
Issues with the front page in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everybody, About 20 hours ago, for reasons unknown, the front page stopped updating. Additionally, anytime you try to publish an entry of any kind, you will see a panda. HOWEVER, the entry wi...
Upgrade: successful! in Site Updates (Josh)
It’s fairly late for a school night, but after a few hours of downtime, it looks like we’ve fixed the issue! The upgrade was a bit tricky, but we got it done, and in the process also moved the da...
Sloowww, slow, slow in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, tl;dr: Yes, I know, and I’m just as frustrated about it as you are. We’re working on it. The long version: I know many of you have noticed the frequent server slowness lately. Beli...
We're back! in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, Wow was that a stressful morning! It’s never fun to wake up to a panda infestation, let alone on a work day. But, thankfully we were able to get back up and running relatively quick...
Sunday server issues in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, Apologies for the strange server issues tonight. We had an issue with some of the server software being out of date, and what used to be something automated ended up taking a few ho...
Pandas, spam, and a few updates in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, Hope your summer is going well — and isn’t too crazily hot. Mochi and I made the move to TX at the height of the pandemic last year, and I thought we were the ones with the terrible...
On doxxing in Site Updates (Josh)
As I’m sure many of you have heard, a PB community member was doxxed last week. If you’re not familiar with that term, it means that someone copied content from this user’s journal and shared it ...
Distraction Survey in Etc
Are you a cat person or a dog person? I’m a Mochi person. How many pets do you have? What are their names? Just Mochi for now, though I’m putting together an aquarium with frogs and shrimp in the...
A survey to pass the time in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, Take a deep breath with me. Ok? Now let it out. Whew, that felt nice. [immediately goes back to screaming into the void] Alright, well, that didn’t work. On to business then I suppo...
Downtime tonight (Friday) and a note on subscriptions in Site Updates (Josh)
Hey everyone, No, this isn’t the continuation of the rules conversation — I’ll be posting a follow up to all that in the coming days. I’m still gathering my thoughts into a digestible format. Wan...
Updates to the site rules in Site Updates (Josh)
I have a friend we’ll call M. He’s an author, and he’s a fascinating and occasionally frustrating human being. Fascinating in part because he always knows exactly what profound thing to say at an...