personal rotisserie

Entries 35

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May 02, 2015

aggro in Songs

TRUST THAT THE TRUTH WILL HURT the meanest people are the most honest, often so are the nicest after you remember that nothing matters existential zoot

September 09, 2014

kelly in Songs

Sometimes if I don’t get enough sleep or I stress out my stomach acts up. Right now I’m half asleep and my body temperature is rising because it needs to or else I’ll die. I’m excited to wake ...

August 24, 2014

gash in Songs

I had my first day on the job yesterday then I went to a noise show where I didn't know ANYONE and missed the fucking performance of this girl who screamed and broke glass because I was waiting i...

j elliots clean but he's mine l he's not clean, but he's totally yours. l because i am on my period and therefore blessed with the ability to tell who likes who. he would let me do him if i sudd...

arewefiredyet bitch brigade PMO-596 (money, ask how much is in the set, need more or less 10 bills, preferably ones) DDS-875 other dishes too?? would like about 20-25 dishes that are the sa...

November 22, 2013

Jersey in Songs

Lately my eyes feel like they've been crossing, also I figured out that I blend in with everyone else when I keep my eyes averted and my head down. Yesterday I started my morning with a spliff a...

November 04, 2013

uhhhgh in Songs

I spent all weekend in bed having sex. Seriously only getting out twice in order to get food and then the second time to leave and go home. With this in spirit I was totally all kinds of chipper...

October 28, 2013

culd in Songs

I'm kind of hungry and mostly cold. It is the end of fall wait to see who can go the longest without turning on the heater. I also got full fast eating turnips onions garlic jalapenos stir fried...

October 24, 2013

2025 in Songs

So... I guess OD is poop. But this is poop too! required title? required "book"? WHAT IS GOING ON

August 09, 2013

no automatic dating system? in Songs

testing 123 testing

Books 2

40 Entries

5 Entries