
2017. got it.

by nothispenelope

Entries 508

Page 5 of 21

cause that’s not a thing. i don’t see a bunch of straight people hosting a festival simply based on that. the fact that they’re straight. yes i said ‘they’. and there aren’t ever straight, hate c...

from fri.: ‘ so um. I’ma come out to an ex of mine soon. really sweet guy I’ve known him forever. but. the last time I came out to someone I was 17. and I’m well a lot older then that now. [i’m a...

from fri.: ‘ I’m not completely 100% straight. maybe life would be easier if I was. were? I think I come off like I am. like. also I’m not dating. anyone. yes I said ‘anyone’. but maybe life woul...

April 24, 2018

3.5 months.

it’s been. 14 wks. since I sustained my concussion. 14 wks./3.5 months.

April 23, 2018

So I'm ???

again. I don’t know. I’m not straight [well. not completely] I’m not a lesbian. I’m not trans or binary. so that leaves. um. bi or pan. or questioning. it’s like putting on different pairs of pan...

‘on both sides’ ‘on the fence’ bi ‘in the closet but the door’s open’. does it really matter what it’s known as? so long as it’s known as something? like. the eskimos for example. have a lot of w...

so the other day my mentor asked me what kindof guys i like cause she’s always wondered. [not cause it was a set up.]. and i’m thinking ‘you’re assuming i’m straight’. i guess. idinno. i’d rather...

from wed.: ‘ so this whole my sexuality thing is hard for me to talk about. do people. that are um. on. i feel like it’s a bigger deal..........when a closeted lesbian comes out then when someone...

April 23, 2018

out but not proud.

from wed.: ‘ so. i don’t know. on fb people know i’m out. but i’m not...........really all that ok w/ my sexuality. i’m not really ok talking about that part. if someone’s out or if they’re not e...

April 23, 2018

the meeting.

so we had a house meeting Mon. er last Mon. it was ok i think oh i took part in a survey i liked that. and i. learned Marty’s birthday is May 28th. told him my opinions of um............

here’s something i don’t think we’ve heard about in awhile few months at least. my sister. well the last time well ok not the last time we got together was in feb. for her birthday dinner. so wel...

April 22, 2018

um. sister.

here’s something i don’t think we’ve heard about in awhile few months at least. my sister. well the last time [well ok not the last time we got together] was in feb. for her birthday dinner. so w...

well i’ve had a bit. [when haven’t i? yeah that seems to be my thing lately. anyway.]. no so on um. thurs. my mom was on the phone talking to my sister. and they were talking about my um. hygiene...

a lot of people do i think maybe. or else they wouldn’t have those commercials for that um. eye drop stuff........[.or at least they do. idinno i don’t watch tv on tv.]. anyway the eye dr. told m...

April 18, 2018

tbi and eye appt.

so like i said i had an eye appt. yesterday. er a vision appt. rather. ‘eye appt.’ wow. and yes that was partially on purpose. um. the biggest thing i was worried about was that they’d know about...

this happened yesterday: yeah so i had an eye dr. appt. earlier today it went ok. um during one part i evidently kept moving and he’s ‘hold still’. um. i’m in a rm. w/ a guy i barely know. and. t...

April 17, 2018

skull fracture *Med.*

so a couple wks. ago [actually it was more then a couple wks. ago. it’s been.........uh..........8 wks. it happened the 19th of feb. so 2 months ago. anyway] i evidently fractured my skull a bit ...

of all the places to hit when i got my TBI a little over 3 months ago. i hit my brain stem. yeah and here’s the thing. apparently the brain stem controls breathing........yeah god. wow. that’s t...

of all the places to hit when i got my TBI a little over 3 months ago. i hit my brain stem. yeah and here’s the thing. apparently the brain stem controls breathing........yeah god. wow. that’s t...

so this is from Wed.: ‘ omygod the heat thing. ever since...........what day’s it? wed. um yeah ever since maybe sun. or something i’ve had. the heat thing. [ok for those who don’t know what i’m ...

i don’t usually blog at 11:30 a.m. but here we are. um. so this is from the 8th: ‘to clarify. actually sleep is kindof a weird thing. not like going to sleep but what happens to the body once we...

April 16, 2018

after the TBI......

this is from the 3rd. of this month: ‘ after the TBI.......i felt. well to be perfectly blunt. ‘stupid’ and ‘clumsy’ in the words of a tv show. but that’s not what this is about. this is. about, ...

April 16, 2018

13 wks.

well. it’s been 13 wks. since i sustained my concussion. 3 months/1 wk.

this is from the 21st. of last month: ‘yeah the lady asked me that earlier. ok never ask me that when it comes to things like that. it implies i have a choice. between going and not going. [ok we...

this is from the 20th. of last month: ‘btw i’m tired and i make even less sense then usual when i’m um. tired. so earlier.......i’m not sure if i was actually sleep or if like. i passed out for s...

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