
2017. got it.

by nothispenelope

Entries 508

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May 16, 2018

The Trevor Project.

the 24th: ‘ ok first of all. there should be something like that for adults. and secondly. i get it. yeah a reason so...........many gay [LGBTQ] teens k*ll themselves. is cause they’re not out fo...

the 24th: ‘ but maybe, we won’t have a family, or get married. i don’t know the future’s not here yet. i’m not even dating anyone. [yes. i put ‘anyone.]. but. i’d be open to that. [well. clearly...

from. the 24th: ‘ cause i’m not. completely straight. so for right now. i’m not one or the other i’m a f***n reese’s. and who doesn’t like those? so for tonight. i’ma own that. and later that mi...

May 15, 2018

prejudice and bisexual

from. the 24th: ‘nailed it. from an article on wikihow: ‘ Be open and accept yourself. Sometimes when we feel threatened by prejudice or discrimination we can want to hide ourselves from the wor...

May 15, 2018

bisexual and rape.

from. the 24th: ‘ so. ok. [and no i wasn’t raped again. thank god. no um.]. ........ i, didn’t have a choice when, i was raped and. i don’t have a choice in, my sexuality. so i’m not a big fan o...

the 24th: ‘ right as put. so. I’m bisexual. now what? where do I go from here? i don’t..........entirely.......know. anywhere I guess.’

from the 24th: ‘ like his test. gay straight 12 12 1 2 1 2. binary. like oh well there are only 2 ‘right’ answers and apparently. being bisexual isn’t one of them. i remember. in the ep. of ell...

May 14, 2018

16 wks.

well. it’s been 16 wks. since i sustained my concussion. or. 4 months.

May 14, 2018

um. ok wow.

i’d say i don’t want to make this a thing but well. yeah. i do. however there’s a time and a place. so apparently. a noter who noted me back in.........feb. on an entry regarding what happened w...

this. from the 24th: ‘ i did something brave today: while at starbucks i wrote ‘end biphobia’ on one of their advertisement things. and then put it by a mirror in the ladies’ rm. [cause. i want t...

from the 24th: ‘is. if the guy in question the guy who’s um. not all that open minded [apparently]. if he had a daughter who he knew was bisexual. would he have the same reaction? if yes then. oh...

from. again the 24th: ‘right so. i’m not homophobic. or biphobic. or transphobic. or. w/e. but i have a problem w/ people who are. back when he thought i might be a lesbian. that was fine oh but ...

welcome to life blackbird. welcome to life. I thought the ‘60’s were over but. apparently they’re not not for some people. the days of prejudice aren’t over. homosexuals. are included in this too...

May 12, 2018

but, ya know.

this is again. from the 24th: ‘ um.........ya know. the interesting [well to me anyway] thing is. that. when i came out to him...........i wasn’t. coming off as straighter then i actually am. so....

this is from the 24th: ‘ so, apparently. just learned this. biphobia is. a form of prejudice. and, for some strange reason. bisexual females er women. are a ...

and now. back to my sexuality. this is from the 24th: ‘ like i said. i’m not confused at all. on my sexuality. and, it’s kindof peaceful realising ok. this is exactly who I am. like. this is me. ...

May 10, 2018

like me.

so my mom’s cousin. he um. went naturally. also apparently he was a pioneer of LGBTQ rights so that’s cool. he was like me according to one of the articles my mom showed me.......kind, humurous [...

right so like i said. my mom’s cousin isn’t w/ us anymore. the way he went was natural in that. he went from........yes........HIV. oh............ which apparently is a sad. illness? condition? d...

for those of you who’ve been following me on fb you already know this. [and for those who haven’t. er don’t. i mean. well....]” so. i have news. [oh no. yes it is ‘oh no’ kindof news.]. my mom’s ...

May 09, 2018

15 wks.

well actually a little over. it’s been 15 wks. since i sustained my concussion. or 3.5 months 3 wks.

from. again the 23rd: ‘ so last summer. my mom’s choir had a cabaret thingy and the theme was ‘love for sale’. [well. not literally.]. no but um. they were celebrating love. and near the end one ...

again. from the 23rd: ‘ this is referring to my uh. recent experience w/ biphobia: that’s Miss Bisexual Confused Woman to you. [actually. not confused.]. but then. when people are alone. we turn ...

May 03, 2018

so at wendy's today.

from. the 23rd: ‘ the um cashier lady Emma gave me a discount. she didn’t charge me for the soda........well ok.........if. if you’re sure. not sayin no. I wonder if she thought I was cute. no......

from the 23rd. again: ‘ Ok so yes i realise. that. people don’t choose to be straight. or gay or w/e. No i get it. [well. now i do.]. i know that’s not how things work. No but if they did. I wou...

from the 23rd. again: ‘ Way I see it. well a way I don’t see gender or sexuality. Some people. have a problem w/ LGBTQ people. if they’re in love. i don’t see what the problem ...

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