
Gathering of Poetry and Fiction

by LachrymoseBeauty

Entries 19

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October 03, 2018

Playing Pretend

Why do I feel so broken? Hearts scared and mind askew. I am different know. I dont know why. I’m like a paper mache mess. Sloppily glued together to appear whole. I’m not sure what shape this is....

We weave our dreams together, Carefully, Strand by hesitant strand. We share pieces of ourselves, And slowly we form a plan. Our hopes, Or goals, Our delights, Our woes, Our sins, And our souls. ...

April 01, 2018

An Angel Smiled

So there I Am, where everyone said I shouldn’t be. My nerves are balls and knots, tangled up inside of me. I try not to show it. See everything is fine? If I make one wrong move, will everything ...

March 22, 2018

Am I Well?

Oh dear, Sometimes I forget which game I am playing. Does it even matter? I don’t know why I am like this. Itching to play. Perhaps I just miss you. Busy rueing the day. You’d think after all thi...

Repressed memories. And suddenly my world starts to lose color. Like a thousand blades in my back I remember. All the things the damn was holding back. I asked God for this. A better memory. As i...

March 15, 2018

Social Fucking Structure

There are certain things that are just lost on me. Social convention? What’s that? Social structure? Standard conversational ques? Tact. Yeah right. Perhaps I missunderstand everyone else as much...

March 15, 2018

Am I Wasting Your Time?

I felt aweful and didn’t know why. Then I discovered Stephen Hawkings died. It was hard not to cry. Then you messaged me Pretending you’re a saint. How generous of you To waste your time talking ...

Paranoid Personality Disorders You are all doing this to set me up for disaster. Schizoid Personality Disorder I hate everyone equally, except you, I hate you the most. Schizotypal Personality Di...

September 29, 2017

One Night

I see that smile, you are hiding from me, don’t let them see, or think you enjoy my company. now I remember, what torture was worth, moments like this, a shadow of birth. the sparkle in your eye,...

September 25, 2017

Is J Dead?

People see me write on here about my old friend J, and they have a million questions. Who was he? A lover? A friend? A Nemesis? Why is he no longer around? Is he dead? J is Schrodinger’s cat. The...

September 25, 2017


Joy, like a bubbling hot spring, it fills my body, warming my extremities. The Spirit flows through, my heart takes flight, I could fly into the clouds, bathed in light. I can not understand it, ...

August 31, 2017

The World to Me

I wish I could be in a place where I could see your mind Outside of your mind. And hear your voice Outside of my head. And see your face Right in front of my face Everyday. And I wish I could see...

July 14, 2017


Gloom. Looking around and realising, How alone I am. Fighting all day to be social, Like maybe this will help. At the end of the day, Its all the same. Alone. This is the life of a freak. I have ...

July 07, 2017

A Friend

Nothing I can do for you, Right now friend, So I will let you be, Just do my thing, And be me. I will watch, And I will wait, Try to slow the tides, When the floodgate breaks. Your words are hars...

July 06, 2017

The Things I Miss

Stuck in a fog, Having conversations that will never happen, With people who never cared, And aren’t really there. Why should I crave conversation so bad? I know I will not talk to you, Not the w...

July 04, 2017


Powder, All over your nose, Makes you feel, The power, But you don’t know. Trouble’s waiting, And its coming for you, I hoped you’d be ready, But you’re coming unglued. Story’s changing everyday,...

July 03, 2017


I hate the mask you wear, All the things I loved, Hidden behind the stare. You were perfect, In all your flaws, But the real you, I fear is gone. Everything I wanted, Gone in a minute, Ripped fro...

June 30, 2017


My soul is at war. The sadist inside screams for malice. But the person I’m becoming will not allow it. The desire to help others fights for control, As apathy tries to stengthen it’s hold. Your ...

June 28, 2017

A Place For Us

I’ve created us a place. A place in a book! What a familiar concept to me. I do not know you. You cannot see my face. Yet I wonder who you may be! Share your writing here, I’ll treasure it foreve...

Book Description

A place for us to share poems and short stories. Please feel free to post them or links to them in the comments so we can find one another.