Entries 30
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Close call for Trumpers
Craaaaaazy! I turned the TV on this morning when it was breaking news that Trump had been shot, although they were reporting it as though he hadn’t been hit and he just just ducked when the shots...
Double homicide shock
So I’m in shock that this beautiful boy is no longer with us, it seems. I had a shock yesterday afternoon when a bunch of people were sharing ‘missing person’ reports of him, and the link was fro...
Today was one of those horrid days at work. There was a dodgy group outside the store as I arrived and when we opened. Sure enough they tried to steal $100 of stock. Not long later, a customer w...
Travel bubble!
Well I haven’t even left my own state in 14 months, but this is exciting news! New Zealand has opened up a quarantine travel-bubble with Australia from 11:59pm on April 18th. We’ve been open to...
U.S.A! U.S.A!
Well, you know what this is about. I woke up this morning to the news being announced officially about four hours prior. Was it PA who gave Biden the final electorates? Or did deep-south Georgi...
Smoke image
Satellite image of our east coast atm Meanwhile, there’s a fire that’s broken out out past my old hometown and friends have been posting updates on it. There are people who have refused to foll...
Why James, Why?
Does anyone remember when I brought that guy back from the party at Leo’s house in Wooloongabba like 4-5 years ago? I dunno, I lose track of time. I’d have to find the entry. He was drunk and ...
Lil' nugget/Mr Hanky.
So apparently one of my workmates has some sort of bodily health problem. I’m not sure why Kirsty (a chick in my department) felt the need to tell me this, but I guess it’s work-gossip now. Some...
An historic day :) #equallove
Thanks for your views on my friend. I just don’t want him going off the rails, so I’m a bit worried. Anyway, I’m sure you’ve all heard by now. Today is an historic day for same-sex couples in m...
Cyclone Debbie
This is what Cyclone Debbie looks like (bottom photo) at the moment. It’s going to cross just south of Townsville tomorrow morning. I am south of the southern end (out of the way) of the cyclon...
Trump is the 45th US president?
When I turned the TV off this morning, Hilary was in the lead at the start of the counting. I turned it off because I was already sick of hearing about it. It was on every channel. I went and ...
Light! I have light!
The electrician just left here. Seemed like a really nice guy. He told me he was able to allow me to have use of my lights during that visit. Woohoo! He pulled out the troublesome wire from ...
It’s so sad to hear the breaking news about the shooting at Pulse in Orlando. A friend seems to think it’s a hate-crime, but the media are labelling it a terrorist attack. But fuck, how terrifyi...
Best man at a lesbian wedding?
I just got the most random message from my friend Naomi (the one who’s getting married to her partner this weekend). She just asked me if I have a pair of black slacks, a long-sleeved white t-sh...
"Service 60 in Aisle three please"
I just got back from dinner with the boys (Vish, James, Scott and Rick this time) and I was telling them about my rather interesting day at work today. We have a new store manager and ASM and bot...
A giant sinkhole opened up near Rainbow Beach today. Aerial footage of it is here Crazy! I went for a random drive there once. It was nice.
Makes you think!
I came across this album on Facebook, and, wow, just wow at some of these. Of course, certain ones hit home more than others, but I’d like to share it with others here if you haven’t seen it. h...
Crows - a fascination
Man, crows are fascinating creatures. It reminds me of one of my walks last week that I wrote about, where I’d sat down by the river with my drink and pie. A short while later, two crows flew i...
Shark Attack
Jesus Christ! I turned the tv on this morning to see this had happened! http://player.theplatform.com/p/2E2eJC/nbcNewsOffsite?guid=f_ots_jbay_shark_attack_150719 Apparently it was either a White ...
Does anyone else find this as FASCINATING as I do? I’ve been following the Q&A session on the NASA Facebook page, just learning as much as I can about this historic few days. The scientis...
Same-sex marriage bill introduced to parliament
I just finished watching Bill Shorten introduce his marriage equality bill to the Australian Federal Parliament this morning. It was a wonderful speech. Not just the bill itself, but with how d...
Downpour! Phewie!
I don’t know who pissed off the Gods today, but holy SHIT this downpour is torrential! The 15 minute trek home felt like a marathon. Thankfully I was smart enough to take my sturdier umbrella to...
Whoops, wrong snake!
Trust the Gold Coast police to go and release a deadly animal into the wild LOL. Boa Constrictor On The Loose
A Speck Of Dust
How a child is born
Saw this today and thought it was pretty incredible to see it put in pictures. How A Child Is Born
Book Description
Stuff that shocks me upon first hearing about it.