From Sweet April Showers Spring Lovely May Flowers in Scottish Meanderings

  • June 1, 2021, 6:59 a.m.
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Problem is, the guy in charge of the sweet April showers in Scotland appears to have forgotten to have switched them off!

I got my second vaccination on the 26th and had a similar reaction to the first one although the fever/chills don’t seem to be quite as bad this time.

And I felt well before it this time - last time I had been unwell for weeks beforehand (not COVID symptoms) - but my legs still turned to jelly en route and my heart was thumping crazily by the time I got there.

Only to be faced with queues of people 4 lengths long which I hadn’t bargained for. We did move relatively quickly but when I got to the cubicle and was asked how I was, I was truthful. Doug, my assigned vaxxer, couldn’t have been lovelier.

I asked if I could lie on the bed instead of sitting in the chair for my 15 minutes and he said absolutely no problem but why don’t we just do the whole thing on the bed? So that’s what we did. Same reaction as last time but it abated enough after 10 minutes that I was able to drive home.

Have felt pretty lousy for the past few days and thought I was getting better but yesterday (Sunday) I had to leave Pitmedden early because I felt so rotten and today I’m battling a horrible nausea and still feel awful so I'm clearly not out of the woods yet.

I bit the bullet and asked for help with the back garden this year. I was making myself ill weeding it - it would take 2-3 hours and I would be useless for 2 days afterwards. I never put weed killer down because of the cats then after Bailey died, a cat from 2 doors up began visiting so that still stopped me.

My neighbour had also, for some unknown reason, stopped trimming my side of his hedge at the back - he’s done it fairly regularly when doing his side and whether lockdown apathy got to him last year or not I don’t know but in retrospect he probably did me a favour.

I don’t have a hedge trimmer so would have had to get someone to do that anyway so I thought right c’mon just get the weeding done at the same time and be done with it. But 2 quotes of £100 had made me stall until I was faced with this.

This is what it used to look like not all that long ago.

The face of chronic fatigue :(

I warmed straight away to the second service who came out - a nicer couple you couldn’t meet - they were efficient, willing, knowledgeable and apart from encouraging pics of their work, they posted cute little gardening finds on their website which really appealed to me :)

So we organised a date - they came - and after 3 hours I had this.

Which has done wonders for my flagging spirits ever since. And they transplanted my blue-eyed Mary - the only surviving plant from the back - round to the front buckshee.

I know this still looks awful but it's the first step in what will hopefully be A Big Plan. I can manage to keep the front tidy at the moment myself so I'm hoping to get the back all paved over (with bonnier stones) either completely or partially and get a new shed and fence at the same time. Which will hopefully make me sort out the gunnel that is the present shed and make me feel a whole lot better about myself in general.

Nikki, obviously having decided that being a single mum with 3 kids, 3 cats and a part-time job wasn't stressful enough, made the decision to add a puppy to the mix as well! Her neighbour, Michelle, had mentioned that her cockapoo was having puppies and she might be stuck for a home for one of them. They weren’t sure how many puppies there were - if there were four she had homes for them all but if there were five that would be Nikki's.

There were four. So that was that.

And then two weeks later one of the prospective owners had to pull out. So to Nikki of course that was 'a sign'.

It cost a lot of money and I was a bit annoyed about that when there are so many rescue dogs out there desperate for a home but OMG - I got to see them last Sunday. Let's just say if the little girl puppy who fell asleep on my lower legs and peacefully snored for the whole hour I was there wasn't already spoken for, I think she would be coming home with me! :)

I’m such a hypocrite!

This is Nikki's one. She goes to see him on a Sunday when I come out - last night she took Lily and they finally decided on a name.

Meet Alfie😍

I do feel sorry for the cats though who have no idea what's about to hit them in a few weeks' time😟.

I managed to claw back a few Wednesdays this month which really made a difference overall. As I've mentioned before, I was helping Nikki out with childcare on a Wednesday when she worked, picking Ruari up from his childminder at 3 and the girls from school. Then the girls got into the After School Club so I just had Ruari but drama classes started up again (they’re over teatime on Wednesdays) so I had to stay at Pitmedden with Ruari and give him his tea while Nikki drove the girls through to the next town for classes at different times.

That took its toll and there were a couple of Thursdays when I realised, if my Italian class hadn't been on Zoom, there was no way I would have been able to drive over to the teacher's house for one o'clock.

I don't purport to any specific religion but have had evidence in the past that the spirit world exists so I often ask them for help with anything I'm stuck with if I can't see a solution. So I asked for help with this.

The following week Nikki texted "Kate (Ruari's childminder) has just messaged me to say there's a place for Ruari on Wednesday afternoons but only until the summer - should I take it?" I refrained from replying "OMG YES!" And just did a nonchalant that sounds like a good idea instead :)

Huge help! Still meant I was doing the teatime slot for drama but she’s been trying to see if she could manage doing it herself to save me coming out just for that (changed days eh!). It’s proving pretty stressful though so I get the feeling I'm going to be asked to go out again from this week.

However those few free Wednesdays meant I was able to write something for the writing group for this month. They've been doing Zoom meetings but they were on the same night (Tuesday) as the family chat Messenger video call so I hadn't been going plus I have a bit of a personal rule that I have to contribute something if I go and I just haven't had the bandwidth to write something each month.

This month our theme was Celebration. The Scottish Book Trust have that as a theme just now for a competition and are looking for submissions - the best get published in a book they produce. So the group thought it would be a good idea to do the same theme so that we could practise writing something for it.

When I sat down to attempt something I had no idea what I was going to write about and eventually decided on the personal celebration of managing to get to see Ruari being born, something I thought I might have had to forego because of the CFS.

I mentioned that this was the first great grandchild Mum wouldn’t get to hold and then to finish it off, I told the story of the competition we had for his weight after he was born. I had thought 8lbs, 8 2 at a pinch - the others had similar guesses - and then I very clearly saw the numbers 8 and 6 in my head which I knew had nothing to do with me! So I changed my estimate and he was - 8lbs 6ozs - right on the money - so we laughed and said Granny was there after all!

I had actually forgotten that bit about the weight when I was writing it all out so I smiled thinking she’s making sure that doesn’t get left out :) Then I realised the day I was writing all this was the 15th May - her birthday! And not only her birthday - it would have been her 100th birthday!!

I think someone wanted to be remembered😊❤️

history of love June 01, 2021

Awww Alfie is a such a lovely name. Cute puppy! I hope that cats are going to be ok with him.
Your back garden is a huge improvement! Hope your plans come to fruition :)
Hurrah for the second dose. X

Marg history of love ⋅ June 04, 2021

I’m just waiting for a cat or two to be offloaded on to me because the dog’s stressing them out - wouldn’t put it past her😁

MageB June 01, 2021

Puppies are wonderful when they are asleep. The garden awakes. It's going to be lovely.

Marg MageB ⋅ June 04, 2021

Ha yes! That bit will be more of a deck eventually I suppose - the ‘real garden’ is round the front :)

simple mind June 01, 2021

Awww the puppy!!😍

Marg simple mind ⋅ June 04, 2021

She was just adorable - had a hard time waking her up when we had to go :)

Jinn June 01, 2021

I wished my back yard looked like that. You would have a fright if you saw it 🤦‍♀️
The front is not much better.
That puppy is soooo cute!!I hope she can train it and not get too stressed out.

Marg Jinn ⋅ June 04, 2021

I keep telling her training is so important so I’m really hoping she takes that on board!
I think I’m levelling with you on the horrible vaccine reaction front - still suffering and that’s been over a week now :(

Jinn Marg ⋅ June 04, 2021

I really thought I had made a mistake getting the vaccine because I was so sick with the reaction. Finally I got better but I am not exaggerating I have had a headache daily since the second shot. They are manageable but it’s every freaking day and I have to think it’s not just a coincidence. I am relieved I got the vaccine as the virus is far from gone but it’s been a little anxiety provoking. So many people get it and do not react at all ; why were we so lucky ? 🤦‍♀️
Cockers are known for being stubborn so your daughter will have to be consistent with him and patient. We work daily with Tess and every day I wonder when she is going to behave better :-) She was no trouble to housebreak at all and she knows all the basic commands but she will not heel worth a darn and she pulls like a donkey. She has to be watched every minute because she will get into anything and eat it :-( . She is huge and sheds worse than 20 cats :-( .

Marg Jinn ⋅ June 05, 2021

I know it’s so frustrating when you constantly hear “no reaction at all”, “just a sore arm”, “bit of a headache on the second day” etc! I think it must be because our bodies struggle with the basics anyway so anything ‘extra’ is going to send them into a frenzy!
I don’t think Nikki realises just how much work this is all going to be.

Jinn Marg ⋅ June 06, 2021

It seems easy when puppies are tiny and adorable ; when you can just grab a paper towel to clean up messes :-) but it gets real fast ; the getting into stuff, chewing,nipping because they are teething, the cost of the vet visits and the hours spent teaching them to go potty outside and understand basic commands. It’s really like having a toddler for a couple years. They have to be watched every minute . I think it’s worth it but you have to have time you are willing to devote to it and patience.
I am so glad that getting the vaccine is over . Knock on wood ; this is the first morning in weeks I have not woke up with a headache. :-) So far, so good !

Marg Jinn ⋅ June 06, 2021

Yes I hope she’s realising that - I’m quite worried how he’s going to react with her out working - I think she’s planning leaving him in his cage and someone comes in a couple of times a day to play with him but it’s still a long time. It would have been far better if she could have got him before she started with the new job!
Very glad to hear you’re starting to feel better - hope I don’t have long to go to feel the same!

Jinn Marg ⋅ June 06, 2021

For a puppy leaving him crated for very long is a recipe for “soon to be giving him away”. 🤦‍♀️. It makes them crazy ; too much pent up energy and they get bored. Dogs are pack animals so they need to be with people or other dogs ; otherwise they get anxiety then start bad habits ; like incessant barking or shredding bedding .Where are the kids when she works? Could he go with them ? It would be good if they could be with him and keep him entertained. Puppies really should only sleep in their crate at night or be in it for very short intervals of time when they can not be observed. Dogs get crazy just like we do if they are confined too much. They need a lot of exercise . Smaller breeds can do with less Exercise but they still need it. Frank walks Tess at least three miles a day and that barely is enough. We try to burn off that endless energy she has .
I hope you start to feel better soon too. I do notice that the feeling of fatigue persists. I woke up tired and it occurred to me that is my norm lately. :-(
I heard on the news yesterday that Pfizer and Moderna have issued a statement saying that the vaccines may not be as effective as they originally thought. They are testing a lot of people who are fully vaccinated but have no antibodies. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

Marg Jinn ⋅ June 06, 2021

The good thing is she’ll be working from home during the summer holidays so that’ll be a couple of months he’ll have with them all. The kids would be in school in term time so he can’t go there and childminders can’t take animals. At least she only works 3 days, possibly 2 so it’s not all week.
Yeah a lot of this is so new to a degree so I guess there’s a lot of trial and error going on just now.

Jinn Marg ⋅ June 07, 2021

That’s good for the puppy that she will not have to work every day. :-)

Jinn Marg ⋅ June 06, 2021

Sorry for the puppy lecture. I get passionate about animals ; always have been. I can not help myself. 😂

Marg Jinn ⋅ June 06, 2021

Oh don’t worry I’m the same - I just don’t want this puppy to be distressed for avoidable reasons!

Jinn Marg ⋅ June 07, 2021

:-) It’s so cute!

Ginger Snap June 01, 2021

Your back garden looks great! Like a fresh, new slate!

And that puppy! Yes, add a little more “excitement” to the mix, but maybe that’s just what this crew needs! 😊💗

Marg Ginger Snap ⋅ June 04, 2021

Not so sure about that - there’s times I’m scraping them off the ceiling as it is but hey a new puppy brings lots more cuddles and that’s never bad😁 Poppy, Daisy and Ivy 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ might not be in full agreement with me there ......

mcbee June 02, 2021

Very enjoyable entry, and really nice seeing a picture of your mother!

Justlovely June 02, 2021

I totally get it about the relief of getting your yard done, and worrying about poisoning the neighbor kitty. I'm so happy you were able to get this first step in your longer plan done. And COVID vacc? Yeah. My son was so anxious waiting in line, too. I'm glad you got through it without incident.

Justlovely June 02, 2021

Isn't writing wonderful? It preserves our stories. That puppy is very cute. He didn't look so tiny in the first pic.

Marg Justlovely ⋅ June 04, 2021

Preserves our stories - I like that!
That’s two different puppies so they probably are different sizes :) They’re all still with their mum just now for another few weeks so Nikki goes up to see Alfie every Sunday when I come out then I can stay with the kids. That day we all went en masse so I was able to get cuddles too!

thesunnyabyss June 02, 2021

I just love this entry, the puppy is adorable and I love your yard.

And wow what a neat story about your story, hard to chalk all that up to coincidence I'd say.

I hope you are feeling better today, take care and be safe!!!

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ June 04, 2021

Thank you - still suffering unfortunately - hopefully it’s going to find the Exit very soon! :)

thesunnyabyss Marg ⋅ June 05, 2021

Well hopefully it's better now?

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ June 06, 2021

Not yet :(

thesunnyabyss Marg ⋅ June 08, 2021

I hope you are feeling better now.

noko June 02, 2021

Glad you found the couple that does good work. It is so hard when we think we should be doing things ourselves but because of limitations we just can’t. I bet that puppy love was healing. He is part of the family now. Interesting about the story and your connections to the generations with the weight and the perfect guess. I do believe there is so much we don’t understand about those we have lost. Good luck with the Wednesday thing. It sounds like the break did you a world of good.

Marg noko ⋅ June 05, 2021

It did so I’m keeping everything crossed that she manages the hell of drama classes herself :)

blackpropaganda June 03, 2021

Great work in the garden - a real basis to work on - ad well worth it. Glad you are just about coping - rather like babises I enjoy other peoples' dogs cos I do not have to walk them!

Marg blackpropaganda ⋅ June 04, 2021

I think I’ll have the same approach to this puppy! Although maybe I should take bets on how long before I get asked to help out with the walks😁

Serin June 03, 2021

I'm glad you got relief on the Wednesdays but be careful. Sometimes the universe provides, but sometimes it's got this other thing and can't get to your thing for a while yet. :)

I hope the vax side effects are passing.

Marg Serin ⋅ June 04, 2021

Not passing quick enough for my liking! :)

NorthernSeeker June 05, 2021

I'm glad your vaccine reaction wasn't as extreme this time (although it's no walk in the park). I imagine I'll be called sometime in the next book the appointment. Your yard cleaned up pretty well in three hours. I do know how a big step into A Big Project can make you feel so much better. Alfie is your darn cute. I hope you get to look after him sometimes. How is Nikki ever going to fit the whole herd into a car for a day trip? It's great to hear that you have been able to write again.

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ June 05, 2021

She has been pondering that herself and come up with various permutations! I never thought of granddog - that’s cute!

JustSurviveSomehow June 06, 2021

I hope it didn't take you too long to recover from the shot. I feel like people either have no symptoms or they are run down completely.

That is an adorable puppy but I couldn't even imagine the stress! She is a brave woman!

I'm glad that you were able to get a little break from watching your grandson too. I have your same feelings on religion/ spirituality and it's pretty ironic how things work out in that regard.

Marg JustSurviveSomehow ⋅ June 06, 2021

I just hope she’s not taking on too much because it’s that wee pup which will suffer. I wish I was closer, I could pop round and keep him company while she’s working or take him for a walk when he gets to that age.

Oswego June 06, 2021

A really lovely photo of your mum. My mother would have been 98 this December. I miss her so much.

I think the weeded area has a lot of potential for a mini green space with lots of planters and flowers.

I like your personal celebration idea for the writing group.

Marg Oswego ⋅ June 06, 2021

That area is going to be a sort of decking area because I have the front garden for flowers and greenery etc. Can’t manage them both though. So minimum upkeep for the back then I will continue with the front for as long as I’m able :) I might put some pots/planters at the back as well though once it’s all done.

Sabrina-Belle June 09, 2021

That's lovely about your mother wanting to be remembered on her hundredth birthday.
Cute puppy.

kmh. June 15, 2021

I'm glad you asked for help with the garden.. sometimes it's just what we have to do, and hey those people & services exist for a reason :)
Awwww, how adorable is that puppy!
What a lovely photo of your Mum, and nice that she is sending you little reminders that she doesn't want to be forgotten x

CatEmpress June 23, 2021

Ahh! Those puppies!
Good luck with the garden 😊

Marg CatEmpress ⋅ June 24, 2021

Thank you!😊

edna million July 24, 2021

That is so interesting, and totally agree your mom was in on helping with that story!

I don't think I could resist that puppy, and I don't want a puppy at ALL! He's adorable, and Alfie is a great name. What a nice little spot you have for a back garden!

Marg edna million ⋅ July 25, 2021

Oh God Beth it's a mess but at least I have a nice front garden which is the one everyone can see from the street so that's okay! :)

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