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Excuse my ignorance.. I open a door to show respect. I opened the door for a group of Amish people. A woman said she was capable of doing it herself. I held the door for the entire group. I told ...

My mother decided instead using a spoon she used scissors to smear on peanut butter on her sandwich. My husband decided waking me up at 3 am to complain about mom’s peanut butter scissors was a g...

I wasn’t thinking I sat in a computer chair holding Lemons leash. She caught me on my phone not paying attention. She wanted to run for a bird and almost Bob sled my butt down the stairs.. I lear...

The Zoloft hasn’t been working for my depression. They are going to try me on Cymbalta. With Zoloft I felt the urge to kill myself but I didn’t pursue to because thank God I am still logical. He ...

September 11, 2023

No lights,losing the kitten in Just Life

I am lucky that I bought some lanterns just in case. Power is off in my neighborhood. My dad always told me be prepared and for that I am forever grateful..I am also grateful there is some warm w...

September 10, 2023

Man at Sheetz approached me in Just Life

A guy approached me at the gas station and said Hi doll Baby how are you. I stared him down to make him uncomfortable he got to close to fast. He took a step back when I said good calmly giving h...

I have to drink more cranberry juice because my medicine gives me kidney stones. I was drinking it making faces cause I really don’t like the taste of cranberry juice. I told my coworker I mixed ...

My brother Tom works at McDonald’s. He was carrying a plate of food. A fellow employee ran into my brother dumping hot coffee in his shoe. His foot is very blistered. They gave my brother time of...

Dear Thief,Jokes on broke the lock on the security door yes but you didn’t anticipate a 8 inch solid metal bar across the back of the door. Dad may be passed in 2018 but his inventions s...

September 06, 2023

I hate the struggle in Just Life

Women get tired of asking for help and being ignored so women have simply skipped out the middle man and did it herself. Men complain women won’t sit down and behave like the 1950s housewife!.. m...

I think after work I am getting out of town for a bit. I missed some of my doses of Zoloft. I have been having suicidal idealizations. I have not acted in these idealizations because I know it’s ...

I went for a few days without Zoloft because I lost my medication in my car. I woke up today with the overwhelming urge to swallow all my muscle relaxers and end it all. I didn’t do it because I ...

September 04, 2023

Time out at work in Just Life

How is my day going? A lady asked who wants to go in time out.. I almost screamed …ooh me! Me! Please me! A mini vacation sounds amazing about now!

September 01, 2023

Update in Just Life

There is advantages to my job. I get up 4 am to get ready for work. I am at work cooking breakfast at 5. Breakfast ends at 10. Some days I get out of here between 12-1pm. I rarely have school bus...

August 31, 2023

Cleaning hoarder home in Just Life

Everything comes at a price whether it be payments for the next 40 years on a house or cleaning up a trashed piece of property to it’s former glory. Everything takes money and time.. you don’t ha...

August 25, 2023

I was so scared in Just Life

I am cleaning at moms heard the front door opened. I grabbed a metal pipe ready for war instead I discovered Lemon. She wanted petted. She opened the door and let herself in. No lie I was terrifi...

August 24, 2023

My sick kitty in Just Life

Ziggy was having seizures due to blood loss from fleas and a severe allergic reaction to the fleas. He had a fever of 106. The staff put him on ice treated his fleas. He has a flea collar his tem...

On August 21 2021 I had a ministroke. I worked at Joann Crafts but my boss pointed out something was wrong. I fell backwards off a ladder I was having numbness on my left side. I slurred when I t...

August 20, 2023

Losing to fibromyalgia in Just Life

I have fibromyalgia. I finally have been told what it is after years of begging doctors for help. I stay in pain 24/7. I have to take medicine to function without crying. Some days I accomplish m...

I suffer from time blindness due to my adhd. If I see you I get excited like the day you left whether it be 5 minutes or over 5 years I still call you my friend. I don’t grasp the time that went ...

To anyone this matters I fixed my car. I also thought I had a heart attack. They checked the heart enzymes to discover I instead had a coronary heart spasm. It happens during extreme st...

I could never imagine anyone ever being jealous of me. My life sucks. I struggle from paycheck to paycheck. My fibromyalgia is so painful at times I can barely walk. My car is currently broken do...

I gave Kevin a wonderful cat named Turtle last year. Kevin carried Turtle by her neck and treated her poorly when she nipped him when he tried to jerk her up from the back of a dresser. Tella my ...

August 15, 2023

His job my problem in Just Life

My husband lost his job due to chronic tardiness. He has been laying around the house while I work. He wants to be involved in a place that sells mead. He found one an hour away in Union. We have...

Books 1

277 Entries