

by Scott

Entries 170

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July 15, 2024

Nurse Maxi

Today I went to a pharmacy to get a prescription. While there I asked about getting the second shot for shingles vaccination. They said they would do it then asked if I wanted a vaccine for Hepat...

I am going to drop pretense it’s just to be open and honest about some shit. First, I will admit that this is going to sound hypocritical of my usual self but oh fucking well. I have no bad feel...

July 14, 2024

Maybe Trump Was Not Shot

This is just view but also very logical. More so than a bullet hitting him.

I found this shocking even horrifying when I looked up some cities. My city will have the climate of Arkansas in the summer - and I am in Michigan!

July 13, 2024

Made Me Chuckle

July 13, 2024

Junk Sugar And Fats

Last Monday on my birthday I went whoopee with a gallon of ice cream and 2 bars of European dark chocolate. I had not had any junk food in about 5 months. The ice cream was delicious but eating i...

I have accepted that every night when I go to bed, it’s like going to work and clocking in to work in some absurd factory of subconscious. Every night it seems I go back to some nightmarish amusi...

July 11, 2024

A Peculiar Healing

Long ago in High School, there was a kid that I loathed, despised because he was all I was not. I viewed him as a teacher sycophant. An all A student and the girls adored him. He was charismatic ...

This is intended to be a very positive post in a rough sort of way. My oldest brother called today and he started complaining about people. I am trying not to join him in that with an attitude of...

July 10, 2024

Ice Cream Bird

Oddly, my birds like some dairy products. I splurged on vanilla ice cream for my birthday and shared with my birds. They love it! So far (years) no negative effects except eagerness to have it wh...

July 08, 2024


Today was my 69th birthday. I downplayed it to other people. I did not believe people would understand how I felt about it. Grateful and gratitude. That I have lived so long. That’s so many other...

July 06, 2024

Lately my flag is white

So many Americans have this very strange to me habit of flying the American flag on their property. It seems to be everywhere and I often tell myself yes it looks like I live in the USA. I think...

July 06, 2024


I saw this rabbit eating weeds in my yard. I got the largest carrot I had and threw it to it. It ate half.

July 04, 2024

Dreams of work

This morning, I woke angry. Which is very weird because it was from a dream. Leftovers from a long lost job. I was inspecting wood, and there were people that wondered why I was so slow compared ...

July 03, 2024

July 3

Big push to clean my house as much as I can before my birthday. I called my oldest brother, and we joked about nothing new. Which is good. At our ages, we talk about health. Is everyone OK? I adm...

June 30, 2024

Wasted Wish...

June 30, 2024

Phoning it in

Sometimes it is best to be quiet and listen to others instead of the chatter in my mind that flows near constantly. Let it go, watch it. Listen and see it then let go of it. Listen to others. Fe...

June 27, 2024

So Sweet

Yes, I know I do post this stuff a lot.

June 24, 2024

Potato Thieves

June 24, 2024

Simple Bird Perch Idea

I found a large branch today and the limbs looked good for a bird perch. After thinking for a while how to make it work, I decided to try to simply stab it into a pot of dirt and pound the dirt a...

June 24, 2024

Buddy And Max Photo

I am going to repot the plant I just bought (a leaf of it showing in the window in back) and the kids decided to play in the dirt before I do. Very natural for them so I let them. Here, go act li...

June 23, 2024

Happy Story

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