Scott ⋅ 69

Retired factory worker in the USA. Been on here off and on for a while and like to try different ways of doing things on here. I used to care and reach out to people on here then I realized most folks just want to bitch, moan and do their thing. Yeah and that's ok. Live and let live. If you want to comment bad, fuck off. Otherwise, I am a very nice guy ;-)

"The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them".

Thomas Merton

Entries 235

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2 hours ago

Another Squirrel Video in Scott

I have and do believe that the president of the USA is like any job in that you want the most qualified person to have that job. You want a sane intelligent, strong person. Biden was most of that...

4 days ago

Tooth Extracted in Scott

Took the doc only 15 minutes. Due to a cavity in the root, he thought it could break. Got lucky. Nice time for me to fast for a few days. Let it heal.

4 days ago

July 21 in Scott

I enjoyed watching squirrels in my yard for about 30 minutes today. Some people dislike them and consider them to be like a rats. Like so many other animals, they are people to me. When I look at...

5 days ago

Mic Drop... in Scott

5 days ago

Squirrels in Scott

Today my birds told me there were squirrels in my yard. They give out an alarm call. I got 2 handfuls of peanuts and tossed them out past my porch - hopefully where passersby out front would not ...

For two days, I was a bit off and did not exercise. When I reach a certain pain threshold, I say OK back off. Back at it today on the treadmill had a wonderful time. How do you have a wonderful t...

7 days ago

Healthy in Scott

July 18, 2024

Have Some Peanuts! in Scott

This will probably be very boring, but that’s how I am these days. I read much news and I think a lot, but not enough to bother me. A few years ago, I would get tied up in knots worrying about t...

July 17, 2024

A Dog Named Sex (Joke) in Scott

Everybody I know who has a dog usually calls him “Rover” or “Spot”. I call mine Sex. Now, Sex has been very embarrassing to me. When I went to the City Hall to renew the dog’s license, I told the...

July 17, 2024

What Should I Name Him? in Scott

That weighs on my mind these days. I must admit I do have a very liberal bias. Equality women’s rights, gay rights oh hell, everybody’s rights. But I don’t think idiots should have rights because...

July 16, 2024

I Shall Call Him... in Scott

Not much sleep last night due to dreams and my nose twitching, searching for the smell of a skunk in the area. Something that truly ruins my night. But I was fortunate. With my new habit of leavi...

July 15, 2024

Nurse Maxi in Old

Today I went to a pharmacy to get a prescription. While there I asked about getting the second shot for shingles vaccination. They said they would do it then asked if I wanted a vaccine for Hepat...

I am going to drop pretense it’s just to be open and honest about some shit. First, I will admit that this is going to sound hypocritical of my usual self but oh fucking well. I have no bad feel...

July 14, 2024

Maybe Trump Was Not Shot in Old

This is just view but also very logical. More so than a bullet hitting him.

I found this shocking even horrifying when I looked up some cities. My city will have the climate of Arkansas in the summer - and I am in Michigan!

Dear Scott Layoff the damn politics. Stop posting about it leave it alone. There’s only one thing you can do about it and that is to vote someday. It is not worth the stress or attention. It’s a ...

July 13, 2024

Made Me Chuckle in Old

July 13, 2024

Junk Sugar And Fats in Old

Last Monday on my birthday I went whoopee with a gallon of ice cream and 2 bars of European dark chocolate. I had not had any junk food in about 5 months. The ice cream was delicious but eating i...

I have accepted that every night when I go to bed, it’s like going to work and clocking in to work in some absurd factory of subconscious. Every night it seems I go back to some nightmarish amusi...

Books 3


171 Entries

49 Entries

16 Entries