
Entries 15

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March 27, 2014


I'm working on a wedding bouquet. Although I've made cranes and things for weddings and showers I have never made the bridal bouquet. It feels special. The bridal bouquet is important yes? I h...

March 20, 2014


OMG. I am obsessed with this damn group! You know the song from the Target commercial? "Forever" I went googling that song and I can't stop listening to them. I MUST GET THEIR ALBUM. I'm listeni...

February 14, 2014

Snowy heart day

Well, for Valentine's: day I got electricity. It snowed so much the other day the electricity went out. A few hours later came back on. Then by early early morning is was out again for two who...

February 13, 2014


People who pronounce the "L" in salmon annoy the fuck out of me. Especially when they do it in a manner which indicates they think YOU are the idiot for NOT pronouncing it. Open a fucking dicti...

February 10, 2014

Yes. Really.

I'm almost embarrassed how much I enjoy watching the Westminster Kennel Club dog show! I thought I missed it for the day but they're replaying it right now on a different channel. I can't belie...

February 10, 2014

Randomness....and eggs.

So, I'm not really sure what to write anymore. I have been writing solely about Lion it seems for so long. And now I've made that book private. Because one, he doesn't deserve to read my pain ...

I know we all have our sentimental attachment to Open Diary. I feel like a traitor to Prosebox even spelling out "Open Diary" even as it's plug is about to get pulled. I'm just disappointed. I s...

January 23, 2014

Yada, yada, yada.....

I go to try to write and I end up writing about Lion. So maybe just bullets. I had a birthday Tuesday. I got myself Society Finches for my birthday. I've had them almost two weeks and they ar...

January 01, 2014

3.30. Day One. 2014.

New years open house happened somehow. I cooked all day. While fighting with Lion. And everyone was happy. I, however, feel like ripping my own heart out.and burning it. This is how I feel ring...

I'm taking a break....staring at the sparkling wine. Wishing a bottle of it was cold so I could drown my sorrows in the sweet bubbles and forget who it is I love. Alas. I have too much to do to ...

December 24, 2013


I called my mother in Thailand who was supposed to be back here with my dad by Christmas. It was Spring. Then Summer. Then Christmas. And now it's back to "I'm coming in Spring it's too cold now....

Nothing feels better than loud ass deep bass that you can feel in your bones MUSIC. Jammin in the car. Last day (hopefully) of Christmas shopping. Alone. Invited to go with friends but I want t...

December 19, 2013

Tipsy baking....

Why are there so many "Thai" women adverts on my shit? Does everyone see the same advertisements or is it like with emails and they try to show you what they think you want? I AM a Thai woman. ...

I've spent the day decorating the tree. And the house. It's very...Christmasy now. I always have to think of Teacher Helper when I get out all the Christmas shit. (For those of you who have neve...

I'm not going to talk about HIM here in this book. I needed to make a new book though and try to start talking about other things. I feel slightly consumed with my own grief. I STILL want things ...

Book Description

So. I need a book where I am NOT writing about my agony over my
love life.

This is it.