by Ferret Mom
Entries 58
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As always, feel free to weigh in on which ones you like best. 1.) . . . 2.) . . . 3.) . . 4.) . . . 5) . . 6.) . . . 7.) . . . 8.). This one was taken from a train platform. The tallest ...
. I like going for long walks. And I enjoy the fact that there are lots of murals where I live. And at least going for walks and checking out murals are things that I have been able to keep doi...
Black and White Pictures
As always, feel free to weigh in on which ones you like best. 1.) . . . 2.) . . . 3.) . . 4.) . . . 5) . . 6.) . . . 7.) . . . 8.). . . . 9). . . . 10.) .
Another Picture Entry
As always, feel free to weigh in on which ones you like best. 1.) . . . 2.) . . . 3.) . . 4.) . . . 5) . . 6.) . . . 7.) . . . 8.). . . . 9). . . . 10.) .
Last week the last of the trees that still had leaves up all lost their leaves. The tree right across the street from me looked like this. . . . . Then just 24 hours later it looked like this. ...
Look What I Found!
This is amazing. Props to whoever did this. . . .
Around the Neighborhood
Here are some shots from around my neighborhood. . Here is a Frank Lloyd Wright house. . . . This picture here is NOT from the Frank Lloyd Wright house. There is an apartment building with t...
OK, since I was having some trouble posting pictures I am going to try a different way to post. As a test I’m just throwing up some pictures from that storm we had 3 weeks ago. Let’s hope this ...
Man Without a Face
Yes, I took this one. It’s real. I’m not going to explain it, just let you wonder. Does it look creepy? I was kinda going for creepy. .
Black and White Photos
As always, feel free to weigh in on which ones you like best. 1.) . . . 2.) . . . 3.) . . . 4.) . . . 5) . . . 6.) . . . 7.) . . . 8.). . . . 9). . . . 10.) .
Lazy Sunday
Just throwing more pictures up because that’s all I feel like doing. As always, feel free to weigh in on which ones you like best. 1.) . . . 2.) . . . 3.) . . . 4.) . . . 5) . . . 6.) . ...
Out and About
I’m still avoiding people and most indoor places. I find it interesting just how many random little things there are that I am noticing when I am out and about, even though I am usually not doin...
Pictures Again
As always, feel free to weigh in on which ones you like best. 1.) . . . 2.) . . . 3.) . . . 4.) . . . 5) . . . 6.) . . . 7.) . . . 8.). . This is the Chicago city flag. . . 9). . . . 10....
Just Another Picture Entry
As always, feel free to weigh in on which ones you like best. 1.) . . . 2.) . . . 3.) . . . 4.) . . . 5) . . . 6.) . . . 7.) . . . 8.). . . . 9). . . . 10.) .
Went For A Walk
I went for a walk today. Here are a bunch of random things I came across over the course of an hour or so. These things are all over the place. I think it’s cool. . . . . . . . OK, I shoul...
Random Funny Stuff
A few weeks ago I went and walked around an historical district. There are a few buildings there where you can take tours, but they are currently closed for tours due to COVID. But the Glessner...
Again, feel free to weigh in on which ones you like the best. 1) . . . 2) . . . 3) . . . 4) . . . 5) . . . 6) . . . 7) . . . 8) . . . 9) . . . 10) .
More Pics
Just another random picture entry. As always, feel free to weigh in on which ones you like best. 1) . . . 2) . . . 3) . . . 4) . . . 5) . . . 6) . . . 7) . . . 8) . . . 9) . . . 10) .
Bird Murals
There are some bird murals in my neighborhood and I really like these. . . . . . . . . . . . . . This last one shows you that when you litter the birds have to wear gas masks and then ...
Black and White
A bunch of black and white pictures. As always, feel free to weigh in on your favorites. 1) . . 2) . . 3) . . 4) . . 5) . . 6) . . 7) . . 8) . . 9) . . 10)
More Pictures
I’m going to be doing more picture entries because I have a ton of pictures. These here are just a random assortment. Feel free to weigh in on which ones you really like. You can pick more th...
Yet Another Picture Entry
Pictures from more normal times. Feel free to weigh in on your favorites if you want to. . 1) . . . 2) . . . 3) . . . 4) . . . 5) . . 6) . . . 8) . . . 9) . . . 10) .
More Random Pics
I have plenty of leftover pictures from when we were still allowed to go out and go places. Won’t be getting to go hardly anywhere until at least May, possibly longer. Anyway, feel free to say w...
Clarke House and Glessner House
Yesterday I posted pictures from a historical district I visited with a lot of old mansions. Back when we were still allowed to go places, of course. Two of the mansions allow you to go inside ...
Prairie Avenue Historical District
Back when we could still go places and do things I was getting out a lot. One day I went over and checked out the Prairie Avenue historic district. In the 1800’s through the early 1900’s this i...