
just testing

by sedentary

Entries 207

Page 9 of 9

September 04, 2013


I have a gym membership but I don't go. And then I beat myself up everyday for not going. It upsets me everyday yet everyday I don't go. I'm SO LAZY

September 03, 2013


I have a friend, I'll call her Teach. Long story short. Teach is my bestie from highschool, she was my college roomie, she was a bridesmaid in my wedding and just an all around nice girl. She's...

September 02, 2013

Garlic Festival!

This weekend I've mainly been riding with Will in his big rig to keep him company. Sometimes I get annoyed at that cause I don't get to do anything I might need on a weekend cause he wants me t...

September 01, 2013


I'm new here and I never really gave any background to my upbringing - or Will's - that might shed some light on this baby thing. My mom was married young, had 2 kids by a man who was not of her...

Could be and Will be that couple? And I don't mean it in a bad way.... All my life I thought I wanted kids. And I understand all the good things about having kids. I mean, not firsthand, but I ...

August 27, 2013


not with me - but indirectly kind of. Back in June I was riding with Will and he went through a yellow and got stopped by a cop. The cop tried to say Will ran a red but I swear he didn't. And ...

August 24, 2013

Day 1 - * edit *

OD has problems with my internet explorer and I've lost entries before so I'm gonna try here for a while. Plus some of my faves are switching over for their own reasons so hopefully I find them ...

Book Description

I’ve only used OD and have no idea how this works.