Mother/Daughter Angst in Scottish Meanderings

  • Oct. 1, 2020, 1:04 a.m.
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I need to offload what’s happened between Nikki and I this month but I’m finding it really hard to do. So I think I might generalise to give the gist and maybe expand in my next entry depending on how things are.

(Ha! Look at the length of this entry! Be thankful you’re not getting the detailed version😁)

When I was ill, Nikki did not cope well. She wasn’t too bad in the beginning but as time went on I think she just got sick of it and eventually stopped coming through here completely. This meant I went weeks without seeing the girls and as she’d stopped getting my shopping without any warning I had to scrabble round to get others to do it.

There seemed to be a whole lot of resentment built up somehow and I felt like I was being blamed for being ill. As I began to recover I discovered all sorts of lies which I and others had been told - things which definitely happened which she now denies and which made a big difference to my recovery - and I came to the conclusion that I was never going to get to the bottom of anything so it was pointless trying.

Naturally this changed our relationship and I felt I had to develop a thick skin to cope but the best thing to do was keep the door open and in time we might salvage some part of that relationship again.

Which was exactly what happened.

In doing so I had to put up with a lot and also bite my tongue a lot but I had watched her deny Joel and Jane seeing the girls for 3 months because she couldn’t get along with Joel (Jane, Joel’s mum, could only see them when Joel had them) and I was terrified the same thing would happen to me.

At one time I would have said our relationship was strong enough that she would never have done that to me but now we were in a different ballgame and I honestly couldn’t say that any more so I wasn’t prepared to risk it.

One of the things I was desperate to do was have the girls on my own at my house. Grannies everywhere will understand when I say that there is an entirely different relationship which gets built up when you have your grandchildren in your own space.

I wasn’t able to do this off my own bat because the drive out to her house alone would exhaust me sometimes so for two years I begged Nikki to either take them in or pick them up. She refused. Multiple times. ‘There’s nothing in that for me - I would still have Ruari to look after’.

I eventually gave up but with all the months in lockdown I was able to conserve a bit more energy than usual and wondered if I might be able to try doing the whole thing. So I asked her. She seemed fine with it.

I was very anxious because I knew so much was at stake but managed it all perfectly okay. We baked cakes, had tea, decorated the cakes and toddled off home and I left on a high :) I arranged to do it every second Saturday (they are at Joel’s the other weekends) but I could tell Nikki wasn’t happy with it.

The second time I was due to take them I texted her on the Saturday to ask if 4 pm was ok to pick them up like before. At QUARTER PAST THREE (I have to leave at half past 3) she replied saying can we leave it as they were currently up Bennachie so not sure when they‘d get back. Bennachie is a huge kick ass hill 1,732 ft high and an hour’s drive away so not exactly the sort of thing you decide to do in passing. It had clearly been planned out.

Sabotage much?

I let it go and the next weekend they were due to come to mine I checked on the Wednesday this time that there was nothing planned. Everything seemed fine. When I arrived we were standing outside and she said she had a proposition for me which she outlined and which was looking after the girls on a Wednesday instead of a Saturday but at their own house.

This made no sense because I already come out on a Wednesday to look after Ruari while the girls are at their drama class and stay till bedtime. But in the course of the ensuing conversation it transpired that if I was taking the kids she wanted me to take all three.

I said I couldn’t do that and again the whole ‘nothing in it for me’ comes out and I asked why was it so difficult to do something for *me* for a change?? She does nothing for me at all - I have to go out there to see the kids and I don’t even get my tea when I do - I have to bring my own!!

Actually what’s worse about that whole scenario is that when she makes the tea, she just shouts ‘teatime’ and they all go and sit at the table and I have to then get my own tea organised. By the time I sit down they’re half way through theirs! It’s completely ludicrous.

Anyway she started going on about how people’s lives were turned upside down when I was ill, the girls suffered because I was unable to do the normal things a granny does and when I said but I wasn’t in control of that she said she felt I was more in control of it than I let on!!

That’s tantamount to saying I’m making the whole thing up and have deliberately thrown my life into chaos for the last five years! So clearly I must have at some point decided to stop work so that there was no income coming in (endangering the mortgage and me living in the house), stayed in bed for months on end on two separate occasions, stopped sleeping, barely ate, was unable to sit in a chair for five minutes, unable to go on the Internet, read, watch TV, speak to people for any length of time, go outside, even get dressed. For literally months. Whilst dealing with the most hellish of symptoms anyone can imagine with absolutely no let up.

Yeah ‘cause that’s the sort of thing someone would do to themselves🙄.

I was really disgusted and hit back with a couple of home truths of my own - which she clearly didn’t like and at that point I left it because I had to care of two sweet little girls for the next four hours. Which of course was then totally ruined.

I knew it was absolutely pointless trying to sort it out because she would just twist everything and deny loads - she was already denying what she’d said under 24 hours later! We clearly had very different narratives of that time so it got left and we continued to climb over the huge mountain of stuff swept under the carpet :)

Fast forward to almost 4 weeks later - I’m out there as usual on Saturday night and once the kids were in bed she suggested having a talk. Admirable no? That’s what I thought too and I’m so furious with myself for not standing my ground and refusing to do it because it turned into an absolute shit show.

This time she got the big guns out and let me have it - both barrels. I mean I’m actually surprised you’re all still talking to me because I appear to be *that* despicable and basically she’s just been ‘putting up with me’ for years! Even my parenting was getting the works - everything I did was apparently wrong and appeared to have screwed her up royally.

I’m sorry - I don’t quite remember the day I told her to treat people like shit and the way to have babies is to dupe guys into getting you pregnant and then drop them like a hot stone afterwards?

It was two and a half hours of a vile, vitriolic attack - at times I would retaliate but mostly I just sat there shaking my head and wondering what the hell has happened to her.

And that’s the stupid, sad thing. Despite all the bad behaviour, the manipulation, the gaslighting and the crass attitude, I still only want the best for her and to be happy. How sad is that??

And if this was only between her and I - well that would still be horrendous but maybe understandable to a certain degree - but in the past two years I have had no less than FOUR separate people come to me in distress about her treatment of them and behaviour towards them.

Can you imagine how that feels - to have several people come to you telling you how much distress they’re in because of your own daughter?? I mentioned to her that I thought she’d changed quite drastically in the last few years and she said yeah what's happened is that she’s become much more independent and I don’t like it!

I don't like it?? FFS that’s what I’ve been striving to get her to become - exhaustingly - for the past God knows how many years! And when you continuously get yourself pregnant - deliberately - without any means of support of any kind, you’re pretty much making that harder and harder to do y’know? What was I supposed to have done instead? Just turned her and Lily out into the street??

Her understanding of being independent and mine are clearly very different. She has done a good job of bringing those kids up - I’m not taking that away from her - but she definitely hasn’t done it on her own by any means. She’s currently very heavily dependent on her friend Tracy for virtually everything and has relied on me, Joel and Jane for regular childcare and financial help since before Lily was born. Joel has continuously fought to have the girls for an extra night for most of this year (he only gets them for pretty much 24 hours at the moment) and is just as continuously refused.

And being independent does not mean receiving benefits and having at least FOUR loans out at any one time from your mother for the last 10 years!!

I made sure to check what this meant going forward because like I said, I was terrified she would say not to come out any more and I’d never see the kids and she mumbled something about ‘putting a face on for the kids’ which, although hard, I was prepared to do. She knows she’s got me over a barrel where they are concerned.

To date I’ve been out 4 times since and am very glad to see we can manage it. Conversation is limited and there have been a few digs but it’s bearable. And there are actually some positives from it.

1) I now don’t stay after the kids are in bed when I’m out so get home at a much more reasonable time which helps me tremendously.

2) After the first fallout she was in the process of buying a new-to-her car and instead of asking me for another loan she took out finance and paid off one of the biggest loans to me. Score!

3) I imagine she’ll be desperately trying to break any chains that still make her dependent on me so although that may mean less time with them overall, that can only be a good thing. She’s 32. It’s about time.

I’m so pleased to notice that it’s not consuming me as much as I thought it would. I had a horrible stress headache for 3 days and couldn’t sleep properly or focus on anything. I went through a stop light in the car and emerged from a junction sooner than I should have but I’m glad to see that that all seems to have settled down now.

So I’ll just toddle on with my life and continue to put the face on for my lovely grandchildren - who, by the way, are totally worth it!🥰

And next month, unless there’s been another episode or blood’s been shed, I will resume talking about the mundane again!

Last updated January 21, 2021

Camdengirl October 01, 2020

That's hard - but yes, the kids are the important thing.

blackpropaganda October 01, 2020

Wow, Marg, that is the stuff of tv drama - and the last thing you need - but I hope you have reached a reasonable accommodation and you do at least see the kids.

Marg blackpropaganda ⋅ October 06, 2020

We’ve carried on as much as possible - when I go out now I don’t stay once the kids are in bed so I have shorter visits but as long as I get to see them I don’t mind that at all.

thesunnyabyss October 01, 2020

are Nikki and Lala twins separated at birth, and by a few years? lol, in a recent entry I mentioned the horrible phone calls from Lala, those were the types of things said by here, I'd suggest Nikki become Nick, lol, sorry that was bad humour, lol,

I'm sorry she's doing this to you but I'm so glad you still are spending time with the grandkids, they are gorgeous, that is such a great photo!!!

sadly I think many people are struggling right now to keep themselves together, all this uncertainty in the world is not helping those who already struggle with mental issues and those who were just keeping things together, the toll of this plague is much larger than just people being physically ill unfortunately,

take care and be safe, big hugs, I'm so glad you can put this into perspective and not fret too much over it,

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ October 06, 2020

Haha maybe they were!! And you never know - maybe Nick would be nicer to me so it might be worth a try :) As long as I still get to see the kids on a regular basis, that’s really all I care about. Well that’s not true - obviously I want Nikki and I to be ok but I don’t seem to have much control over that so I’ll settle for the other one! :)

thesunnyabyss Marg ⋅ October 06, 2020

that was something Laryssa would hang over our heads, even way out here, but Rick has gone out of his way to say he always wants us in Ryker's life, regardless of our relationship, the difference is so stunning, but I know it's not an answer for everyone, I hope she never does keep them from you, that is so unfair, not just to you but to the kids, hugs!

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ October 06, 2020

Fingers crossed🤞

NorthernSeeker October 01, 2020

What an awesome photo of you and your grandchildren! You deserve far, far better from your daughter. I would rather have the blowout than suffer the passive-aggressive hits like not telling you the kids were out of the house mere minutes before you had to leave to get them. With everything said in the blowout she might just leave aside the rest of it.

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ October 06, 2020

Well having experienced both I’m not sure either of them were preferable haha! However as long as I get to see the kids regularly that’s all I’m really bothered about. Which isn’t strictly true - I obviously want Nikki and I to be ok but don’t seem to have much control over that at the moment.

history of love October 01, 2020

I'm so sorry to hear this because Nikki should be helping and advocating for you not making life harder.
I'm glad for now things are ok and you get to spend time with your grandchildren.

Marg history of love ⋅ October 06, 2020

Exactly but she doesn’t seem to see it that way! However I’m also glad that I still get to see the kids regularly - I’ll do anything to keep that going :)

ConnieK October 01, 2020

Nikki uses her children as negotiating tools. Stay in line, you see the kids, tick her off, you don't. You are being bullied. Do you see that she created that argument before your 4 hours of watching them for her? She wanted to make you unhappy. She's being particularly nasty.
Listen to me: no more loans. Promise us. Every time you loan her money, she loses respect for you. You walk a fine line because of your GORGEOUS grands. Speaking of, make a game of having them memorize your number so that if she does use them as a negotiating tool and denies you access because of it, they can still reach you. I'm sorry she can't let go of the past grudges she carries. I can only wish that she grows some empathy for the ill (I hope she didn't go into nursing!), but, girl, I'm here to tell you that Nikki is in the wrong, regardless of the validity of her resentment, because she thinks she OWNS her kids. One day soon, those kids will grow up to give her a taste of her own medicine.

Marg ConnieK ⋅ October 01, 2020

Yes that’s exactly what I thought when she came out with the proposition literally minutes before I was about to put them in the car! I actually said “Is this going to upset me?” and she said “I don’t know” then gaily carried on!
No more loans - unless she really is struggling because then the kids suffer - but I highly doubt she’ll ask again now anyway. As I was writing the entry (and taking out loads of stuff) I was thinking this is classic bullying - but then I have to acknowledge I’ve played a part in that as well in letting myself be so manipulated. However you hit the nail on the head when you say I walk a fine line because of the kids - they’re a game changer for sure. And yes I’ve often wondered how it’s going to play out when these kids grow up and have minds of their own - karma’s a bitch as they say! :)

ConnieK Marg ⋅ October 02, 2020

Marg, you and I both know that time has a way of delivering lessons. Nikki needs to learn hers. I will be praying that her heart softens.

Marg ConnieK ⋅ October 06, 2020

Thank you Connie!

Wranglingal October 01, 2020

I am sorry to hear of everything you went thru but I totally agree with Connie above noter, my son in law tried that on me and whilst he was messing around with my daughter's step sister and I stood up to him and told him over my dead body he was going to do that to me. I had to stand up to my daughter as well. But I still supported her with her "hard life" she is dealing with 3 people with severe anxiety depression.
BUT yes I do agree we do have to do what it will take to see the grand kids any way we can.
HUGS to you!!

Marg Wranglingal ⋅ October 06, 2020

Good on you but I’m sorry you had to go through that - they really put us through the mill don’t they?? But yes the kids are a game changer and so many of us have to jump through hoops just to get to see them regularly, it’s sad. Thank you for the hugs! :)

JustSurviveSomehow October 01, 2020

That sounds terrible Marg. I know when I first started reading you things seemed to be a little rough, but then they seemed to completely change and I thought maybe it was just a one time thing. You are such a kind, compassionate woman and I can't believe that your only child would treat you that way. The idea of even letting a FRIEND go through what you went through alone, is unfathomable to me. You deserve to be treated with far more respect. I do hope that she doesn't take seeing the kids out of the equation at some point, but that is quite a position for you to be in. But it sounds like you both put a lot of cards on the table already, so hopefully there's nothing else that could happen or be said that could push her to that level of manipulation. I am just so sorry you have to go through this.

Marg JustSurviveSomehow ⋅ October 06, 2020

Thank you for those lovely words! Yes it’s pretty horrible for sure and there is more stuff which could come out which may create more problems so I really hope it doesn’t! As long as I get to see the kids regularly that’s all I’m bothered about. Obviously I would love for Nikki and I to be ok as well but I don’t seem to have much control over that at the moment so I’ll settle for the former :)

Oswego October 01, 2020

This is all very disturbing that you had to go through all that when it’s your own daughter using your beautiful grands as pawns. She should be ashamed. However, a mother’s love for a child is everlasting and she realizes that but can’t seem to let past grudges go and love you as a daughter should, especially with as much as you have put up with and done for her over the years..

You’ve overcome so much with your illness. Stay strong, Marg, and continue to believe that love conquers all.

The grandchildren are precious. That is such a beautiful photo of you with them. I fervently hope you will have more and more time with them.

Marg Oswego ⋅ October 06, 2020

Thanks Oswego - I will try and keep the door open for her - I do definitely believe love conquers all so hopefully it will in this case. I’m seeing the grandchildren regularly at the moment and as long as that continues, that’s all that matters :)

Oswego Marg ⋅ October 06, 2020

Good news! You are blessed to have those beautiful grands!

Just Annie October 01, 2020


noko October 02, 2020

Back before she got pregnant the third time I thought there might be a mental problem. With concern from her friends maybe there is an opening here for her to get some outside help. But I know it is so challenging during the pandemic and economic downturn. This has just got to be so hard with all you have been through. I am sorry.

Marg noko ⋅ October 06, 2020

It's interesting how many people are coming up with this - I did wonder it myself but I think that was only because I just couldn't face the fact that this might just be really her as she was! Anyway she certainly doesn't think so herself - I'm pretty sure of that. As long as I get to see the kids though, that's the important thing :)

Serin October 02, 2020

The general version is heartbreaking enough. I'm not sure how to explain her behaviour but I can guess at how much it hurts you.

Marg Serin ⋅ October 06, 2020

Yep lot of hurt going around for sure! As long as I get to see the kids though, that's the important thing - I'll fight to keep that going :)

Kristi1971 October 04, 2020

I feel like she is desperate to be independent and knows she is not. She decides to take it out on whoever reminds her she is not. I don't mean that you verbally remind her she is not, but you caring for the children on Wednesdays reminds her that she is not.

I find her behavior absolutely horrid for sure. I really hate it when anyone uses their children to get what they want...whatever the situation may be.

Marg Kristi1971 ⋅ October 06, 2020

Me too. Yes I think it’s a thorn in her side for sure and she’s definitely always been a control freak but then it makes no sense for her to have three pregnancies like she did - and therefore be so dependent on other people! I’ve often scratched my head at that one!

Jinn October 08, 2020

I grew up with a narcissistic Mother ; my Dad too really . My Mother was ill ; emotionally and physically all my life but she used those illnesses to manipulate me for support and assistance whenever she felt she needed it . The rest of the time she did not have five minutes interest in me . She never spent any time at all with my children and either has my Father. I had my “ falling out “ times with both of them. However, I would never have denied them access to my children as revenge or treated my parents that rudely . I can not imagine them coming to my house to see my children and not offering them a meal or whatever . I think you can safely assume Nikki is well on her way to being a narcissist . I do not understand exactly how they are created, but I do know both my parents were quite “ spoiled” their entire childhoods. They were told they were “special” , complimented often on their looks ( they both were strikingly attractive children and adults ) , given special privileges etc... I wonder sometimes if parents can be too kind? I spoiled my sons too in some ways but they are thoughtful and polite always to me . If they were not ; I would be confronting them because narcissistic behavior sickens me. I don’t have any grandchildren so that is not an issue. Sometimes that makes me sad but the way the world is today ; I am not sure that is a bad thing. :-( I worry all the time about my sons ; I really am glad I do not have to worry about any grandchildren too ! It’s sad Nikki is so unkind to you. Narcissists seem impossible to get on with to me . You can never get them to change , no matter what you do . You just have to protect your heart . :-( Lord, knows I think I tried everything to make my parents care about me and nothing changed them . No matter what you do for them ; it’s never enough , its all about them ( all the time) and whatever you do is expected , not appreciated :-(

Marg Jinn ⋅ October 08, 2020

Oh God I really hope that’s not the case with her - that would make me sick to my heart if she turned into that. As far as the parenting I think I was manipulated a lot of the time then too - she has since admitted that she was in control of things which I thought were very real health issues at the time and that shocked me. I’m not entirely sure what else I could have done though - I had a husband who had a major drink problem and who didn’t do his share of childcare so, by default, that relationship between her and I was going to become far too close. And I had a struggle to get him to agree to let me have one child so the whole thing was never going to be balanced. I did the best I could in the circumstances I was in.

Jinn Marg ⋅ October 08, 2020

I am sure you did do your best . My Grandparents on both sides did their best for my Mom and Dad too . Both sets of my Grandparents were good people. They just turned out terrible children ; emotionally .Their children were spoiled and catered to ; eventually their kids believed they were entitled to that treatment from everyone and that everything in life began and ended with what they wanted or what they needed :-( . A narcissist only wants to know what is in it for them . If there is nothing ; they are not interested.

Sabrina-Belle October 25, 2020

Oh Marg, I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of this, it must be so distressing. It sounds as though Nikki is having problems coping with 3 young children but needs to blame someone.
Gorgeous photo of you with the grandchildren. I can see that they are worth it.

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ October 25, 2020

Thank you S - they very definitely are! :)

skyelord October 25, 2020

sorry to read qall this, my daughter is much the same but we are now talking tho somewhat strained.

my wife passed while ago so keeping my own sanity hasn't been easy. im about to move soo so have to get used to strangest again :-)

Marg skyelord ⋅ October 25, 2020

Oh I’m so sorry to hear about Sylvia! But so glad you guys found each other to have at least a few years together again. All the best with the move - very stressful experience at this time of life. And I’m so sorry you’re going through a similar thing with your daughter - kids! Why do we have them again?? :)

skyelord Marg ⋅ November 18, 2020

:-) amd latest call of course dad can i have please, like a fool as usual i give incant see kids go hungry

Marg skyelord ⋅ November 18, 2020

That’s just it isn’t it - when there are grandkids involved, it changes the picture a lot!

skyelord November 18, 2020

yet still i give in to dad i need camn I

Marg skyelord ⋅ November 18, 2020

Know the feeling! :)

edna million March 20, 2021

OMG, Nikki, what on earth???? I am so sorry you've had to deal with such awful behavior from her. It sounds like she's improved a bit in recent entries, so I really hope that's the case. How miserable for you, and I hope she will get over whatever this is before the kids are old enough to be affected by it. I've read all these previous lovely notes and have to agree, it sounds like some form of mental illness, especially since she's treating her friends so badly to and not just you.

Marg edna million ⋅ March 20, 2021

Y'know I kind of want to believe that because it would make it sooooo much easier but I have a feeling it's just Nikki being Nikki unfortunately :(

edna million March 20, 2021

Oh and this is SUCH a great picture of you and the kids!

Marg edna million ⋅ March 20, 2021

Thank you!

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