A Survey Doing The Rounds (with pics) in Scottish Meanderings

  • Aug. 16, 2020, 2:11 p.m.
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There's been a death in the family - the first of my generation - and it's rattled me - and Nikki pissed me off bigtime yesterday so I'm doing this survey instead. Might write about the other two next time once I've processed it all.

What is the reason you last got a new cell phone?
Because I had an ancient iPhone 5C which had about 2mm of space left in it and I was fed up of constantly having to delete stuff from it to get more room! I also knew I was overpaying EE every month to the tune of £25 because I had been too ill to do any researching and switching when my contract ran out in 2017. I managed to keep it going with a new battery for another couple of years until I was recovered enough to be able to do the necessary research and shopping around at which point I bought myself a beautiful red XR and am now paying a much healthier £6 (sim only) a month. And don't regret it for a second.

Do you enjoy Math(s)?
I did at school although wasn’t so hot at geometry. Loved arithmetic though and still do.

Are you more masculine or feminine?
I probably lean more to the feminine side but I'm not a girly girl in the sense of makeup or dresses/skirts - more a quick flash of eyeliner and jeans and boots all year round :)

Has anyone ever told you that you’re their favourite?
Yes :)

How many albums do you have by the band/artist you’re listening to?
Four - not currently listening to anything but the last thing I was playing was Fleetwood Mac.

What are you doing tomorrow?
Hopefully cutting the grass and weeding the back garden if I can persuade the rain to stay off for five minutes!

Which name have you kissed the most people with?
This is such a badly worded question! I’ve kissed two or three Johns from memory but the question reminded me of something which happened years ago. I was a student nurse at the time and all the nurses were talking about this medium who lived close to the hospital who gave really accurate readings. She didn’t charge - just asked for donations if you could afford it so as you can imagine she was pretty popular.

So I booked to go and see her.

The sitting itself was fairly short but she was shockingly accurate with a couple of things. However they were both in the future so I didn’t know that at the time - I just rated it as a bit of a laugh.

At one point she said she saw the names Tom, Harry and Bob as being significant and also said she could see me in a ring situation in a year to a year and a half’s time. I joked with my friend afterwards that I’d already had Tom and Harry so just had Bob to go!! And I had absolutely no intentions of getting married that quickly.

Fast forward to the following year and we’re joking now about where the hell was Bob?? He was taking his time making an appearance and as we were almost at a year after the sitting he’d better get a move on!

Shortly after this I met Boyd.

There was a lot of ribbing along the lines of oh nearly but not quite which I took in good spirits - until one day on literally our second weekend together he was taking me to his local pub in the town for a drink. Which was actually the same pub which caused Aberdeen to go into lockdown last week now that I think of it!

We’re standing at the traffic lights waiting to cross the road when he turns to me casually and says “Oh by the way don’t be surprised if folk call me Bob in this place!” He literally had to almost drag me across the street because I was standing there with my mouth hanging open in shock while the green mannie was flashing!!

Apparently someone had misheard his name at some point (it’s quite an unusual one for Scotland), knew his Dad was called Bob and assumed he was called the same after him and he just hadn’t bothered to correct them and sure enough it was “Hi Bob how’s it going?” all over the place as soon as we walked in.

And six months later we were engaged :) (so I met him a year after the sitting almost to the day and was engaged a year and a half after it).

Closest fast food place to your house?

Does your city/town have a Taco Bell in it?
Apparently there’s one opening in August - 5th in Scotland and 47th in the UK. So thanks for that because I would not have known these useless facts otherwise :)

Do you enjoy All You Can Eat buffets?
Yes because I like to be in control of what I eat and how much I eat so they’re perfect for me.

Post a picture of yourself from about 2-3 months ago.
That's kind of difficult in lockdown! I couldn't find one in May but here's Ruari & I going for a very wet walk one day in June not long after he finally found his feet and started walking!

Have you ever seen the band/artist you’re listening to live?
No. Would have liked to though.

Who was your best friend 3 years ago?
Janice. Has been for the last 45 years :)

Do you have any 'e-buddies'?
I'm taking this to be online friends in which case I have loads of lovely people in here, some of whom I've been 'talking' to for 20 years :) I have a handful of others as well, friendships which have evolved from websites I used to go on and have lasted.

Have you done anything productive today?
Not very - I was out at Nikki's for several hours yesterday so have only caught up with Prosebox, checked my e-mail and started this entry so far today.

Reason you last pulled an all-nighter?
The only all-nighters I pull these days are those which have resulted from since the chronic fatigue came into my life (ironically). I get a completely sleepless night every month/two months or so. No idea why. I've just learned to live with it.

What design is on the last cup you used?
It was a mug and was one of two my sister bought me when I moved in here. It always makes me smile when I look at it :)

Did you watch Garfield as a child?
No but he appeared as a comic strip somewhere I think so I remember reading that.

Did you watch What-a-Mess?
Think this was probably after my time :)

Do you have a charm on your phone?
Not a charm as such - there used to be this cute l'il ladybird but it fell off at some point :(

Last thing you bought over $50?
Was a pair of these snazzy (but practical) boots from Deichmann which were badly needed as my old ones had a hole in the front of them. I don't normally let my footwear get so run down but that's what lockdown+needtotryontoknowsize results in!

What colour is the last lighter you used?
Well given that the last time I smoked was in 1977 and I've had no use for a lighter ever since, I think I could be forgiven for not remembering!

Last thing you printed off a computer?
My new car insurance certificate.

Last thing you threw in the garbage?
A Fruit Corner (red cherry) lid.

Do you know anyone not related to you with your last name?
I do yes. I had thought my last name was fairly unusual but there are quite a few of us around apparently! There's a younger version of my exact full name living about 5 minutes away from me in Aberdeen and my art teacher at school had my exact (full) name as well which was pretty freaky. What's more, she went to Art School with my brother who obviously had the same last name. Small world.

How many band shirts do you have, and which ones?
Precisely none.

What are you happiest about this year so far?
That no-one close to me has succumbed to COVID.

Last person you hugged?

Last cut/injury you received?
Absolutely no idea.

Do you shave your leg all at once, or do you do it in halves?
I'm not exactly sure what this means but because I live in jeans all the time I'm notoriously bad for not doing them for months but when I do I shave the bottom half only and do one leg at a time.

Is life hard?
It can be and the sooner you realise that the better. The trick is to find ways of dealing with the hard bits and enjoying the good bits when they come.

Who does the song you’re listening to remind you of?
I'm not listening to anything at the moment - the last song I heard was Fleetwood Mac but the last thing I listened to was in the car yesterday and was Michael Nyman's Big My Secret from the film The Piano. Absolutely beautiful and made me think of the film and that I would quite like to watch it again.

Last message you received?
Was from my friend Ronnie at 1.30 this morning 'Yeah Jesus in a dress. Oh it's Sunday - going to get struck by lightening now😄'
(Don't ask.)

Do you eat your vegetables?
I do - love me veggies.

Is Nutella amazing?
Never been a fan myself.

Have you ever had anything pierced that isn’t anymore?
Only piercings are in my ears and all holes are present and correct!

Would you consider yourself 'tough'?
Physically no. Mentally certainly a lot tougher than I used to be since being ill - I know I bang on about it a lot but it was a horrific experience to go through and I was shocked at the reaction to it from some quarters. Quarters I thought I could rely on. So that toughened me up.

Well that's a really bright place to finish isn't it?? Here's a cheery pic to end with instead - came across this family on my walk the other night :)

Deleted user August 16, 2020 (edited August 16, 2020)


I'm really sorry for your loss🥺💙

Marg Deleted user ⋅ August 25, 2020

Thank you!

thesunnyabyss August 16, 2020

condolences to you and your family,

neat survey, but really neat psychic story,

nutella is so overrated, lol,

it is amazing what a sudden, intense illness can do to your life, my accident and subsequent illness was so draining, ugh, but you know how that is too,

have a good day!!! hugs!!!

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ August 25, 2020

Yeah it really does a number on you doesn't it?

thesunnyabyss Marg ⋅ August 25, 2020

a psychic told me years ago there was an old indian man near me, then we adopted Will, who is only a wee bit native biologically but to look at him he's all native, lol, and he's an old soul type of person, so who knows,

even more freaky a woman I met online claimed to be a psychic and in my head one day when we were talking I kept thinking, just say what, you know a simple word, and she suddenly says, what, then it's just like on the phone, I can hear you, that one really freaked me out, lol,

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ August 25, 2020

OMG that would have freaked me out as well!😱

IpsoFacto August 16, 2020

I to send condolences to your family. I loved reading your survey and getting to know you better. A couple of the questions were a mystery to me I think one about a television show perhaps. I wish my hair was snowy white as yours. I still have salt and pepper.

Marg IpsoFacto ⋅ August 25, 2020

Thank you!
At the time my hair was going grey I couldn't afford to muck about with dyes or get it done at the hairdresser so just decided to let it go and it seems to have just grown on me (no pun intended!). Certainly saved me some money in the long run haha!

mcbee August 16, 2020

I'm sorry for your loss.

Marg mcbee ⋅ August 25, 2020

Thank you!

ConnieK August 16, 2020

CUTE boots!! I thought the kissing question was confusing, too. Ronnie sounds hilarious! About the unsupportive attitude concerning your health: empathy for others is not always returned back to you. Huge crisis really expose people for exactly what they are. Respond accordingly. So sorry that you are facing the reality of death. I'm on the back side of it, as the only one remaining. The experience will teach you great lessons, even as your heart breaks. Here's what I've learned: in the end, love is all that matters.

Marg ConnieK ⋅ August 25, 2020

He (Ronnie) was talking about the guy who won the Eurovision Contest dressed as a girl but had a beard - Conchita? That was his very irreverent description of her :)
Huge crises really expose people for exactly what they are - it's hard when those people are in your family though :( I really dread losing any of my siblings (it was my sister-in-law who died) but funnily enough your learning is exactly what I became very aware of last year - I felt like someone was trying to tell me in capital letters - Love really is the answer - pure and simple :)

noko August 16, 2020

I am sorry about the death, always hard. And the kerfuffle with Nikki.

I had my nose pierced (twice, long story) and it has grown over after I had a job that didn't approve. Love the boots and that picture of you walking with the little guy. The story about the clairvoyant is something! There is so much we don't yet understand.

Marg noko ⋅ August 25, 2020

There really is - I'm hoping when we pass over we have some sort of ah-ha moment about it all! :)

JustSurviveSomehow August 17, 2020

That is quite crazy about your ex! I've had very similar experiences with mediums so I am a true believer!

Marg JustSurviveSomehow ⋅ August 25, 2020

I still have a few doubts but have certainly been told some stuff which is inexplicable otherwise - I just wish messages weren't so cryptic sometimes!

Serin August 17, 2020

I'm sorry about your loss.

The story about your medium and Bob was just fascinating. I've never experienced anything remotely like that. You must have told Boyd about it, did he have thoughts?

Marg Serin ⋅ August 25, 2020

Yes but they're not printable!! :) He never believed in any of it - except when I came back one night and said I got a message and I think your ex came through - was her name Elsie? We had only just met and he had briefly mentioned her but I couldn't remember her name. His face was a picture and I think the doubt vanished for a few seconds just at that point :)

Oswego August 18, 2020

I liked your answer about whether you considered yourself tough. I can relate. Adversity makes us tougher mentally, definitely.

I’m always amazed at how people dream up these survey questions. I think it’s sorta stream of consciousness. One random thought Becomes a question, followEd immediately by another. I’ve come up with two of my own surveys. Can’t find the first one. He second was serious and about the pandemic.? I was trying to answer one that I rather liked. I was writing some rather good, detailed answers, some actually funny, when about a third of the way through I touched something on the screen and all my work went “poof.” Sighs! That put a damper on doing another one, but I’m sure I will eventually.

You handled this one with aplomb! 🙂

Marg Oswego ⋅ August 25, 2020

Having had that experience years ago I now save each paragraph after I've written it just to be on the safe side! :)

Jinn August 19, 2020

I am sorry about your loss. Interesting survey ! I did not know you went to nurses training :-)

Marg Jinn ⋅ August 25, 2020

I did a year of Children's Nursing in 1982-83 - good experience but I didn't do well with lots of changes of people in the shifts - it unsettled me. Loved the actual training though.

Jinn Marg ⋅ August 25, 2020

I loved being a nurse. It was stressful often but I miss it bunches .

Marg Jinn ⋅ August 27, 2020

I bet. I often miss work as well but am determined to get back to doing a little bit of voluntary work at least which I’m hoping will help restore a modicum of equilibrium!

Sabrina-Belle August 24, 2020

Sorry to hear you have lost someone.
That's eerie about the medium. I went to one many years ago and several things she said came true.

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ August 25, 2020

I've been to a few over the years but only two or three have really been any good - the whole thing fascinates me though!

Sabrina-Belle Marg ⋅ August 27, 2020

My mum used to go to the Spiritualist Church with a friend, I'm not sure how they got into that as the friend was a Welsh Methodist! She told me lots of stories about things coming true. I went with her once.

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ August 27, 2020

I used to go as well for several years and also went to their weekly development awareness classes for a while. Also spiritual healing sessions. It was really interesting - definitely intrigues me!

Exhumed By Scrying Eyes August 26, 2020

Geez, it would take me a month to fill out this survey!

My cell phone died too.

I have a sleepless night every other night (if I'm lucky). Insomnia aside, if I take a sleep med two nights in a row, it won't work. I have to skip a day or two, but then idk if I'm sleeping because of the med or sheer exhaustion. 😕

I love those black boots btw, if they were in my size, I'd wear them!

Marg Exhumed By Scrying Eyes ⋅ August 27, 2020

Which is exactly how long it took me! :) I don’t mind the sleepless nights quite so much now but it always takes me two full days to recover which is a bit of a pain. I feel for you not sleeping - when you’re dealing with so much at once sleep can be a welcome release - just to give you a break if nothing else. I still remember the endless sleepness nights of 3 years ago and very much don’t take it for granted now.

Exhumed By Scrying Eyes Marg ⋅ December 01, 2020

I'm still on the no sleep cycle, it's relentless. I'm so far beyond exhaustion that I can't find the proper word for how I feel.

Marg Exhumed By Scrying Eyes ⋅ December 02, 2020

When I get like that I always find the word depleted coming into my mind - it feels like someone’s scooped all the inside bits out and left a weak and shaky frame with all the nerve endings exposed but even that doesn’t totally describe it.

NorthernSeeker August 31, 2020

What a funny story about Boyd/Bob. I went to a woman who read tarot cards...I've done that twice, and both were accurate about moves and jobs. I like your new boots...the heel is just right height to give a little height without being too high. My last name is pretty unusual. Love the lady bugs!

edna million September 19, 2020

I'm so sorry about the death in your family - I haven't lost anyone in my generation yet, but it's terrible to know it's only a matter of time at this point.

That's really bizarre about the psychic and Bob! And I LOVE the boots. I must borrow this survey... and then take ten years to do it as usual! You sound like you're doing very well!

Marg edna million ⋅ September 20, 2020

Thanks Beth - I was doing pretty well until my darling daughter shattered the ambience and had a right go at me last night - gave it to me both barrels. I think you might have got it right just having cats - at least they keep their opinions to themselves for the most part!😁

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