Pusscat5862 ⋅ 59 ⋅

Female. Happily married. Animal/women/disabled/earth/LGBTQ+ supporter. Working f/t self-employed. 100% Atheist. Loves teddy bears, horror/psycho books and films, Monster drink, PG Tips tea. Hates any sort of coffee including in food, discrimination/cruelty to animals. Weird sense of humour! I'm on Twitter: @OhCobblers2That Instagram and Threads: @stickybear5660 CounterSocial:@LittleFatty

Thomas Bailey Aldrich - Flower and Thorn 1882.

Rachel Lynch. D.M Mark and S.J Parris.

Entries 127

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When I’m at work on my laptop and this stupid fly has been buzzing around me all day and I can’t kill it because it’s too fast for me to grab, then it lands on my arm so I’m about to squash it … ...

August 01, 2024


Our public loo’s open at 6am, just before going to work, starting at 6 this morning I went to the loo about 2 minutes past and already some filthy bitch had poo’d and peed in the loo and left pee...

July 30, 2024

Brilliant! in YES YES YES!

It’s only 9:34am, I opened our shop at 8, basically as soon as I came in, before I’d even opened up the windows and got my laptop set up and cash in the till and the car machine set up, a custome...

July 30, 2024

Another Good Film... in WEEEE!

Abbey Grace staring Debbie Sheridan as Stacey, Jacob Hobbs as her brother, Ben, and Roach the dog who played Duke. Roach was incredibly well acted and trained where he went from gentle giant to ...

Paranormal Adoption. Piper Watts was brilliant, she was only about 8 when she made the film and is still only about 20 now. Lots of twists and turns and a big bang at the end!

July 29, 2024

Stuffed! in WEEEE!

We took an hour off this morning and went to Helen’s Cafe which is just around the corner from us! ! Hubby had a Cappuccino and a Full English and I had a hot chocolate, 2 glasses of water and a ...

July 26, 2024

Cheeky Charlie! in BAH HUMBUG!

Charlie has been ruffling feathers by going into the local business services wanting printing and other stuff done, but demanded Lucy lets him have it all free because he’s a Town Councillor and...

July 25, 2024


Our little cat was stood on the kitchen table this morning while I prepared her breakfast .... a 75g untamed tin of Tuck-in-Tuna with Salmon … and I asked ‘’please may I boop your snoot?!’‘ She l...

We have a window cleaner at our business once a month. Each month he cleans the 4 downstairs huge windows and every 3 months he does those then also the 2 upstairs. The monthly he only charge...


I’m at work and can’t really do anything computer related!

July 16, 2024


On Sunday 14th my hubby accidentally kicked my left leg in the calf, really hard. All day and through to now, Tuesday it’s been badly cramping day and night leaving me literally screaming with p...

July 15, 2024

The Redeeming. in YES YES YES!

Anyone interested in a really good English psycho movie, try The Redeeming with Tracey Ann Wood and Ryan Wichert. Hubby and I were glued to it yesterday!

July 12, 2024

Hubby Is OK! in WEEEE!

Time is 2:23 and he’s back from the hospital. They’ve re-bandaged it, etc. etc. It’s not turning nasty or anything and is generally healing. Off to the local doctors surgery next week 2 or 3 time...

July 12, 2024

On The Buses. in WEEEE!

Hubby has jumped on the 10:09 bus this morning back to the hospital to have his chainsaw hand seen to again. Should be back somewhere around 1.

A woman listens in on her 4 year old playing with his trainset. ‘’All those gettin’ off, go on, fuck off, and all those gettin’ on, fuckin’ hurry up!’‘ So woman smacks his bum and sends him upst...

He’d gone to help a disabled friend, D who is in his 60s, never married and lives in a 4 bed house with his mum who is in her 90s and their gorgeous doggy. Hubby had some Conifer trees to fell in...

She’s over her cold now with just the odd sneezing fit and hacking coughing fit. About 2:30 this morning she was on my bed pillow and I went into the kitchen for a drink and got some Dreamies fr...

Hubby and I both had a bloody awful night last night! He was in and out of bed at all hours through not being able to sleep, same with me. I got up about 1am to do the washing up then played gam...

July 08, 2024


Yesterday about 1-ish pm it absolutely tipped down! I had the livingroom window wide open and the bedroom one a bit and the kitchen and bathroom ones too! It lasted quite a while and was so beau...

Our little cat is still having hacking coughing fits and sneezing quite a bit but her appetite is just about back to normal; yesterday she had 1/2 her breakfast and all of her dinner and this mor...

Hubby and I had arranged with Julie, who is the head of his writing group to have off Friday 5th July from work. There was 10 of us, all aged 50+ with 3 in their 80’s and 90s and we all jumped o...

Our little tabby cat, Wopsie, who we rescued from the streets in November 2022 when she was abandoned, scared, abused and starving. We took her in, got her to the vet for treatments etc. We don’...

We were in Morrisons Cafe yesterday. We all know those little sachets that are impossible to open! The first sachet of vinegar went all over the table and me and none on the food! The second sach...

Yesterday hubby and I took a day off work and jumped on the 9:06am train to Skipton, Yorkshire. We’ve been before. Lovely ride through beautiful countryside past sheep and cows etc. Trolley lady ...

Books 9

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