
Entries 84

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August 31, 2014

Sinking Feeling in (W)hole

I’m feeling blah. Desperate. Sad. Lonely. Piteous. I need a new start. I need a new house, a new life, a new job (CAREER) and a new significant other, and a new everything. You Know Who has bee ...

August 21, 2014

Unpolished. in (W)hole

I had a very strange afternoon. On Tuesday, I went for a job interview at PHH, which is a residential treatment facility for teens with a history of trauma or abuse. They were advertising for an ...

August 15, 2014

Could cry... in (W)hole

I could cry. Milo just went to his check up with his psychologist / behavioral specialist who diagnosed his ADHD and prescribes his meds... he watched Milo being horribly defiant and told me basi...

Holy frijoles. So. Yesterday was horrifying. I only had Scarlet for a couple of hours in the morning, she left around 12:30, and I got Milo down for a nap around 1, and then I took Isaac and Ka...

August 10, 2014

No Jobs For Meeeeeeee in (W)hole

Welp. That's all there is to say about that. There's one last interview that I haven't heard back about, the K/1 position at Arctic Light, which is the school on the army base here. I did that in...

July 28, 2014

No News Is... in (W)hole

....NOTTTTTTTTTTTTT good news in this situation. I'm waiting and waiting to hear back from either of the schools I interviewed with last week. I sent follow-up emails to both principals, thanking...

July 25, 2014

Interviewed in (W)hole

Phew, okay. I've got three interviews under my belt. It seems like such a crazy, grown up world to be living in, where I go to interviews for CAREERS with other people who I really appreciate and...

So, I interviewed pretty well for Watershed, but I fumbled on a really important question. Something that I didn't know about Watershed is that they don't follow the district's reading program. T...

July 16, 2014

Oh MY! It's ME! in (W)hole

Today, during my post-nap time lull, I got a phone call from the school district. I saw and recognized the number on my phone, and I answered right away, hopeful that this was relevant to my appl...

July 13, 2014

Such as. in (W)hole

I feel like this summer is breezing by.. way too quickly. WAAAY too quickly. I got 5 rejection letters from the school district. One for the position I wanted at Denali, the 3 openings at Anne ...

July 08, 2014

Getting it together. in (W)hole

Alright. I've got my head screwed on tight, I'm getting my shit together and acting more like a human. I have applied for 4 more (brand new, recently posted) job openings with the school distric...

July 07, 2014

More Pity Party... in (W)hole

Feel free to ignore this. lol I spent all day looking at Teachers Pay Teachers and downloading materials and resources for my future classroom. I'm focusing on K-3 (primary grades), since I real...

July 06, 2014

State VS. Me in (W)hole

I'm beginning to feel that the State Education Department has something against me, personally. I sent out my huge, complicated, multiple-steps-long application for my teaching certificate/licens...

July 02, 2014

Terrible Threes. in (W)hole

I hashtagged an argument with Milo on FB as "Terrible3s" and it got me to thinking... I'm not sure I believe in "the Terrible Twos!" or "the Terrible Threes!" etc... any toddler can be difficul...

July 01, 2014

So many lunches in (W)hole

I just made lunch for the zoo animals here ;) Scarlet and Summer brought left over pizza, chicken alfredo, and corn on the cob. Lots of reheating there. I had to cut up Scarlet's into little bite...

June 30, 2014

Happy Place in (W)hole

Okay, so, everyone has a happy place, right? The place you go to when you need to cry, you want to be alone, you want to read in peace, the place you go to when you're upset and need to escape, e...

June 29, 2014

Are you KiDdInG? in (W)hole

Yanno, I don't know if it's because I live in Alaska, or because of the luck I've had, but I have NEVER experienced any prejudice against breastfeeding in my entire life. I see people post things...

June 25, 2014

Too many cough drops in (W)hole

So, Milo thinks he's helping me (I have strep and pharyngitis/laryngitis? my discharge papers list all three...) by shoving every single cough drop in the bag into my mouth at once. TOO MENTHOLAT...

June 22, 2014

Primarily... in (W)hole

I just applied online this morning for a WHOLE bunch of open teaching positions in our school district. Pray for me. If you are the hoping/praying type in ANY way, please mention or think of me....

June 13, 2014

Cathartic in (W)hole

It's just a good word. I like it. I feel like I've been wanting to write more and more here, because a.) It's cathartic. b.) There are more and more people on my facebook feed that I don't want t...

June 05, 2014

Just Us, Plus in (W)hole

So- first off- Milo had his first dose of Dexedrine this morning. It's the oldest stimulant med used to treat ADHD, and it's approved for kids 3 and up... so lets hope this helps, because we're k...

June 01, 2014

Worry wart in (W)hole

Man, I'm starting to have little panic attacks about the fall. So far there are NO positions for teachers posted for our school district... good thing that's what my degree is for. FABULOUS. Half...

May 29, 2014

Babysitting City in (W)hole

Since Milo got kicked out of daycare, I decided to look for a nanny position for the summer... I was hoping to work in someone else's house, but nothing worked out. So now, here I am, surrounded ...

May 24, 2014

ADHD at 3 in (W)hole

So, I've been doing a lot of reading about ADHD since I finished my internship at Ladd and finished student teaching. I've been home more, and Milo has been having continuing difficulties. He fit...

Im cozied up in my bed, feet warming under a pile of laundry, drinking a raspberry iced tea, and feeling pretty mellow. My feet and legs are killing me, but it's been a fairly chill day and I am ...

Books 1

84 Entries