~Octopussy~ ⋅ 40

Just an American living Bangkok and writing about all the inappropriate things that I somehow get roped into joining... I've been writing in blogs since 1999, so I'm fairly inconsistent. Sometimes I write a lot, sometimes I have nothing to say for months at a time, but I'm never gone, so just be patient and something new will come around.

The truth is of course is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time

David Bowie

Entries 397

Page 10 of 16

September 27, 2016

Miles Away in The Song Remembers When

I have to be honest, when it comes to Madonna albums, I think Hard Candy might be my least favorite. The songs don’t hang together as a whole, but they are good songs. But no Madonna song have I ...

The other day, Sarah asked me to be in the wedding. I couldn’t think of a polite way to decline, besides which I figure how many weddings am I really going to get to be apart of. Maybe I’ll get t...

Song that always makes you sad? Something About Us - Daft Punk Last thing you bought? Probably vodka. Last person you argued with? I’ll just put my mother because I don’t think it will have been ...

I was going to add this to the previous entry, but it didn’t seem to fit with the whole theme… Or maybe it did fit and I was just too hellbent on making things seem a little sunnier than they usu...

This weekend ended up being a huge confluence of too many events, both past and future. If you are someone who is not familiar with that irritating bit in parentheses, you have not figured out th...

I keep to a pretty normal routine and it takes a lot to disrupt what I do on a weekly basis. It’s comforting because I tend to see the same people over and over again and then that’s how I make f...

Each time I think I’ve made up my mind on where I’m going between the two choices I’ve given myself, life throws me another curveball and tips the scale toward the other. It’s almost borderline p...

I was at Starbucks before work getting coffee, it was pretty packed and while I was waiting, I noticed my friend Justin and his boyfriend AJ were in line. Justin is tall and leonine, while AJ is ...

The other day I realized that it had been 20 years since this album had come out. It made me kind of sad. I mean, I hadn’t actually listened to this album the year it had come out, I wouldn’t dis...

I’ve been behaving as should be expected. The disappointment of the whole situation in Paris was of course upsetting and I definitely found myself in some expected situations. I mean, of course I...

The great thing about pop culture right now is that it is relatively easy to find acts that are ACTUALLY LGBT and not just trading on it for a quick buck. I mean, there are times when I question ...

Well, I got the official response from the French Government: they have withdrawn the offer of employment. So I am not going to Paris. Although I was prepared for this, I’m still extremely disapp...

I’m trying to write something less heavy so of course it’s a survey! Senior year in high school… What year did you graduate? 2002 Did you know your spouse? I don’t even know my spouse now! Did yo...

Today is my first day off in 15 days. I got to relax and get a lot done… Until I found this Tumblr page that is just this person putting random people/bands/objects into an image made to look lik...

Last night something very scary happened to me. I decided to go out, I hadn’t been out since my whole schedule turned upside down (see the last entry), but when I went to my usual Wednesday night...

For the last four days/nights, I’ve been working over night at one job and morning at the other job… which means that I basically inverted my sleeping pattern. It was quite an awful few days. I m...

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time with my co-worker, Lio. After work we’ve been grabbing food, sitting on my front porch, being silly and just laughing. The other night was another co-worker...

I just got back from a mini vacation to the Bay Area. A couple of things happened that were… not seismic so much as helpful in breaking me out of my funk. I went with some friends of mine for a s...

The last few weeks have been incredibly difficult as I try to process and put into context all the events that have happened. Nearly all of them are related to the incident in Orlando. The reacti...

I know I just did a survey, but fuck you I love music. 1: A song you like with a color in the title: Blue In Green by Miles Davis. I’ll always thrive to jazz. 2: A song you like with a number in...

Sometimes you just want to answer questions and not have to sort through your own thoughts. What’s your middle name? Daniel What are you listening to right now? What was the last thing you ate? ...

There’s a very simple reason why I was so active last week, and to explain it makes it seem obvious. I rather like to believe that I’m more complicated and mysterious, but in the end I’m just as ...

I still haven’t heard back from the French Consulate. They’re very slow at responding which is incredibly frustrating but very… French. I’ve been spending the whole time making back-up plans as a...

I’ve been trying to keep the peace, but it’s rather difficult when things are simmering beneath the surface. I’ve tried to avoid discussing the difficulties I’m coming upon with the job in France...

For the many many years I’ve been singing Stevie Nicks songs at karaoke, there was an anomalous song called Nightair that was always in the list. It was listed as a Fleetwood Mac song along with ...