Mermy Cullen ⋅

Ello’ My Name is MERMY (Pronounced Mer-Me) Proud Chihuahua mum to Hermione Bella R.I.P 02-22-2003/12-23-2016,Buckeye Gurl and Disney Channel Junkie ♥

Proud Buckeye gurl and Chihuahua Mum

♥ Love a Chihuahua ♥

Entries 313

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November 29, 2014

*NoJoMo 29* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 29 Free day to pick whatever you feel the need to write about.... Well it’s 6:18am and I been up since about 2am nice time to eat dinner had some left over turkey and gravy on bread and two ...

November 28, 2014

*NoJoMo 28* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 28 Write about something you’ve done that you and no one else would ever THINK you could do. Leave my ex it was one of the hardest things I ever did and still at times I wonder but in the lo...


November 27, 2014

*NoJoMo 27* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 27 What are you most Thankful for? First my dog Hermione she is the joy of my life and my child…Then my family and having a job I love doing 99.9% of the time....The Buckeyes having a great ...

November 26, 2014

*NoJoMo 26* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 26 Name an everyday object that has deep significance for you. Mmmm an everyday object? Well number one is the ring I wear from and dad I never take it off and two would be sad to say my cel...

November 25, 2014

*NoJoMo 25* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 25 You’re in an accident of some sort and can’t move your legs. How would you react? I would yell for help and try my best stay calm under help came....Hopefully I am not in a lot pain…But k...

November 24, 2014

*NoJoMo 24* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 24 If you could start a restaurant, what type of food would you serve? What post would you feel most comfortable at? I would no doubt serve nothing but pies and cakes and drinks b/c sometime...

November 23, 2014

*NoJoMo 23* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 23 If you had to relive one day of your life over and over and could choose which day, which day would you choose? I would pick a summer day in Ohio when I was 6 and my dad was well and we w...

November 22, 2014

*NoJoMo 22* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 22 When the world ends, where would you like to be? Back in England drinking a nice cup of coffee…Then I hope to be taken up into the friendly sky’s…

November 21, 2014

*NoJoMo 21* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

If you could go back in time and change one thing from your past, what would it be? I have a few things I would change but I think the number one would be my dad passing away..I never got enough...

November 20, 2014

*NoJoMo 20* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 20 Do you have a job? If not, have you ever had a job? Write about a typical day in either your current job or a past job. Typical day starts with me getting up at 5am and getting to work by...

November 19, 2014

*NoJoMo 19* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 19 Do you drink alcohol? Why or why not? Write about your thoughts on alcohol. Why write about my thoughts on alcohol when I can show you if I drink or not....Please look below for the answe...

November 18, 2014

*NoJoMo 18* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 18 Write about your favorite junk food. Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks, or a bit of both? I am a salty gurl hands down,I could careless about sweet really..I do like cream pies and hot ...

November 17, 2014

*NoJoMo 17* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 17 Write about a mistake you made once (or more than once) that you never want to make again. Mistake I made in the past dating assholes,why I have not dated in a while I just not into it ri...

November 16, 2014

*NoJoMo 16* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 16 Write down your last thoughts before falling asleep last night. Easy I was thinking about the football games,I watched and what I was going to make for dinner tonight..By the way it’s col...

November 15, 2014

*NoJoMo 15* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 15 Using a maximum of 15 songs, what is the playlist of your life so far? I have had a lot of downs in my life,crazy times and good times 1.Already Gone -Kelly Clarkson 2.Here Comes the nigh...

November 14, 2014

*NoJoMo 14* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 14 How do you think your parents views would change if they lived your life for one day? Oh good lord!! They could not ever handle the rubbish I have to put up with..I really need a break fr...

November 13, 2014

*NoJoMo 13* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 13 List 3 things that prove the world is a beautiful place in your eyes. When someone does something for someone else they don’t know just to my kind.. When I see photo’s from the rain f...

November 12, 2014

*NoJoMo 12* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 12 What are the 5 major items on your bucket list? What bucket list? lol I don’t really plan my life like that I could be dead right after I post this and in my after life I would be thinkin...

November 11, 2014

*NoJoMo 11* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 11 What does Veteran’s Day or the wars of the past mean to you and the people who fought for freedoms? Well my dad was in the Army and other men of my family so I have the up most respect f...

November 10, 2014

*NoJoMo 10* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 10 What is your favorite color, and why? I love the colour Cranberry it’s an off red dark but not to dark and it’s got a shine to it..I happen to love the colour around the holidays and I en...

November 09, 2014

*NoJoMo 09* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 09 Something you dislike that most people around you seem to like. One word FISH…I don’t get it? I don’t see the point in those things being on the earth..and not just fish but almost anythi...

Just thought I update for a second…I been so tired and lazy when I get home from work I had not updated my NoMoJo but I am up to date with that now…Only good thing about that is you can back dat...

November 08, 2014

*NoJoMo 08* in ♥ NoJoMo ♥

Day 08 If you could choose your own name, what would it be? It would be Mermy I love my name and why change a good thing right? May not be my birth name but it’s the name I have always been cal...

I been way to tired after work to get online this week…But I will be updating tomorrow…

Books 6

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