
Daydreaming on the Porch

by Oswego

Entries 488

Page 8 of 20

I was afraid our recent freeze would zap the gorgeous camellias that have bloomed in such abundance in all our city parks and gardens, but not so. A few days ago I went back to Hampton Park and ...

February 08, 2022

What is “The Truth?”

I’ve been pondering this interesting statement from a video by an Indian yogi, Shri M. He said, “Very few people actually want to seek out the truth for themselves.” And this, “Very few people...

In this day and age of seemingly hopeless cynicism; more and more appalling crime news; the continuing despoilment of our environment; and crowds, noise, dejection, and loneliness in our huge, im...

This is one of those entries where I take myself back in a time machine to the years 1958-1963. That was a momentous time in my young life, as it was during this period in 1961 that my family mo...

It’s been two years almost to the day since my mother departed this life, relieved at last of the mind-robbing illness of dementia. As I reflect on those last weeks she was with us in December ...

Moving has meant weeks and months of de-cluttering and emptying closets full of every kind of object and bits and pieces of the past, stuffed in untidy and perilous heaps such that for years I co...

January 20, 2022

Pies are the best

In these dark times of bad news and fears for the future of democracy and humanity, it’s time once again to dwell on something that makes me happy. And it’s a very simple thing that I’m sure b...

I often think about all the reading, learning, entertainment, and social awakening the Internet has brought me, this past year particularly with the pandemic, but every other year, too. The Inter...

January 14, 2022

Peace and turmoil

It was a gorgeous winter day at the nature preserve yesterday. One of those days when the sun sparkles, the air is crisp and cold, and the colors of the trees and woods are a mixture of fall and ...

The day finally arrived yesterday for moving furniture to my tiny new apartment. It all went well. The movers were great. I forgot how strong people can be after doing that heavy lifting for a...

This afternoon I’m sitting on the porch looking out over the garden that before long I’ll see no more. The move to smaller place is coming up fast. I’ve stalled as long as I can. I have a smal...

I have recently re-discovered the joys of Coke — Coca-Cola, that is. What is it about this perfectly carbonated, sugery or diet drink, that elicits so many profound memories and associations? F...

This past Tuesday, just a few days after Christmas, I ventured out to Magnolia Gardens to escape the noise and commotion from the pressure washing of our house. It would do me good, as I’ve had ...

This Christmas season has been especially difficult for me. I lost my mother two years ago after taking care of her for ten years when she had dementia. Last Christmas was, as expected, strang...

Let there be intervals when we shall do nothing, think nothing, plan nothing, but just lay ourselves on the green lap of nature and “rest awhile. From Streams in the Desert Two days ago. The aft...

Every evening and late into the following morning, I sit on the long and spacious sofa in the den of our family home in the historic district of town — wistful, sad, hopeful — knowing this beauti...

December 12, 2021

How has aging come to this?

This past Thursday, a funeral was held for the grandmother of a friend’s son-in-law. Although I didn’t know her, I was affected by her passing for a number of reasons, all having to do with how ...

Years ago I lived in a small college town in near a large city, but not too close. It felt like it was out a ways from everything. If it hadn’t been a college town, I would have thought I really ...

The world as we knew it is coming to an end, and it’s up to us how it ends and what comes after. It’s the end of the age of fossil fuel, but if the fossil-fuel corporations have their way the end...

An extraordinary movie, “Breaking Away,” once reached for my soul and lifted it higher and higher in a year where I had descended to the lowest point in my life months earlier trying to escape th...

November 22, 2021

Our aging masks

This art work ages as you pass by. Amazing! I fall somewhere in the last quarter of this spectrum. But it’s what’s behind these shifting masks that’s the key to everything. It’s a pity most peo...

November 20, 2021

Revisiting Black Creek

I am looking now at a photograph on the wall just above the scene of a creek in northwest Oregon. It is of another special place, across the country deep in the piney woods of southern Mississipp...

Although I moved away from my first career, journalism, almost exactly 30 years ago, I still maintain an avid interest in the present and future well-being of this institution that is so vital to...

November 16, 2021

This explains it all

Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ...

November 16, 2021

Slice of life

You know I was once your age, too. We’re all messed up in some way. Father to teenage son in a French short film Browsing in the bargain books section of Barnes & Noble recently, I couldn’t...

Book Description

Short essays from the interior of my life.