2019 Year Survey in Scottish Meanderings

  • Jan. 17, 2020, 1:17 a.m.
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I really wanted to do the Decade entry because it’s been a pretty awful one all told but I think it would also help me get things in perspective. However it would take a lot of organisation, time and energy and those commodities are in very short supply right now so it might have to be a ‘work in progress’!

I was just thinking the other day of how much loss I’ve gone through this decade and it’s more than I realised.

The loss of my marriage;
The loss of my married name;
The loss of my marriage home;
The loss of my freedom (when Nikki moved back in then when Nikki and Lily stayed with me for a while);
The loss of my long-term job;
The loss of health temporarily;
The loss of work temporarily;
The loss of my dog, Trooper;
The loss of Mum;
The loss of health permanently;
The loss of work permanently;
The loss of my relationship with my daughter;
The loss of a steady, reliable income;
The loss of dignity, control, ability, self-esteem, self worth, confidence, pleasure, identity, contact and loads more;
The loss of my cat, Willow;
The loss of my cat, Snarf.

Put like that it’s quite daunting! Some of them have been clawed back I'm glad to say but I definitely have a thicker skin around me now.

Anyway here goes with the 2019 one.

What did you do in 2019 that you’d never done before?
Become embroiled more fully in our wonderful benefits system which was a source of unending stress but ultimately satisfaction.

Did you stick to any resolutions?
I did actually - I can remember saying I wanted 2019 to be the year I concentrated on sorting out the benefits/income situation and I pretty much did (thanks to the lovely Karl). I went to a Tribunal in February to get the Employment Support Allowance (ESA) sorted out, Karl allowed me to avoid having to go to another one to sort out the Personal Independence Payment which I’d applied for in August 2018 but I still might have to go to yet another one to contest the £3,000 ESA overpayment they’re insisting I pay back. The jury’s out as to whether or not I’ll put myself through that particular stress.

I also gave myself a goal of writing in my private diary every day (A4 page to a day proper diary) and an online entry once a month. I’ve completed both of those.

Are you making more for 2020?
(1) The online entries were occasionally a bit of a challenge last year so I’m sticking with the same goal for diary entries this year - every day for private; every month for online.

(2) I’m going to try adding another activity to the week which is quite hard with all the pacing nonsense that has to go on but I’ll give it a go.

(3) Number 2 blends well with this one which is that this year I’m sorting out the counselling voluntary work once and for all. If it doesn’t work out, I have 2 other activities on the back burner as Plan Bs.

(4) I’ve let my eating habits go a bit mad with an 8lbs gain as a result so I’m going to try and sort that out and get back down to 10st 7lbs (147 lbs).

(5) I’m going to try the occasional evening activity this year to see if that’s improved any. It’s been a source of frustration that the writing group an hour’s drive away always made me ill yet I can go out to Nikki’s (half an hour away) every week and stay there till really late without too many repercussions. I do certainly feel unwell when driving but I don’t think it can be that because I was able to drive up to Inverness (three hours away) and back in one day recently and that was certainly bearable. There is no manual for Chronic Fatigue though unfortunately.

To this end I have another writing group to try out - it meets in an evening but is local so might be better - it’s a children’s writing group though so will be a different road to go down. I also intend to find out when any of the performers my cousin manages are going to be playing in Aberdeen because she always very kindly offers me complimentary tickets but at the last minute so it’s difficult for me to go (also the whole evening thing) - however if I have an idea when these are I can maybe plan that out a bit better. It’s a good way of trying an evening thing out without it costing me any money :)

And now I’m going to have to make good on the counselling one because in Italian yesterday she went round each of us asking for one resolution, wrote them up, took a photo and is apparently going to check with us that we’re keeping them!

So I have to do it now :)

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes - we were blessed with two births this year.
(1) Nikki had Ruari on the 5th March;
(2) My nephew, Arran, and his wife Melissa, in New York had their second baby - a wee girl, Molly. Look at this Dad's chuffed face!

Arran was the first grandchild of his generation to be born - I can hardly believe the wee scrap I held all those years ago will be 45 this year - way to make me feel old!!

And here is the 4 of them - Arran, Oscar, Melissa and Molly.

Did anyone close to you die?
No thankfully.

What countries did you visit?
I didn’t set foot out of Scotland but I was okay with that.

What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019?
A return to my counselling voluntary work.

What dates from 2019 will remain etched on your memory and why?
5th March when Ruari was born. I had no idea if I would even make it to the hospital or how long I would last out and not only was I there when Nikki went up, I was able to be there for the whole thing with her, see him being born and stay with her until she was comfortable. It was absolutely magical.

And the 22nd October when the lovely Karl phoned me and ensured I had a reasonable income to live on for the next year and a half. I cried with relief when I came off the phone.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
I had really debilitating ear pain for a good 2 months of the summer which was awful then had a bad reaction to a filling at the dentist’s in October which went on for a couple of weeks.

I’m excluding the crap that comes with CFS obviously because that’s a given.

What was the best thing you bought?
My new iphone - a red XR. I love it - would totally recommend it -

and one of the great things I discovered it can do is swype typing which has been a boon for me in the mornings when I can’t manage much. This is done by tracing letters across the phone instead of tapping each character so is much less effort and quicker.

Here's an example of it:

I use that time to catch up on Prosebox and if things are bad, it takes me all my time to write comments - it’s helped with that immeasurably.

I also bought this case for it - I spent literally hours searching for just the right one🙄 and finally narrowed it down to two. Eventually plumped for this one then weeks later realised the text was in Italian - it’s like it picked me!!

Also this throw for the bed -

I like to put a cover on the bed because Bailey sleeps on it a lot and I bought this one randomly but it turned out to be the perfect size covering the whole bed and it’s sooooo amazingly cosy on cold nights! (And of course has been given the Sleeping Cat Seal Of Approval :).

Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Nikki’s occasionally. My brother and his wife’s (came over here on the 17th of December for 5 days and are still here! Because of Matt being in hospital, his brother’s birth, Matt having to go back into hospital then unfortunately having to be whisked off to Edinburgh Sick Kids because they found a tumour :( He had an operation on Wednesday and they think they got it all out but won’t know until he gets a biopsy in 2 weeks’ time. Ian and Margaret have just put everything on hold to be there to support them through it all and are currently looking after their house and dogs while they’re in Edinburgh.)

Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Nikki’s occasionally (lol) and certain world leaders.

Where did most of your money go?
Paying for events we took the kids to, the phone, car maintenance and Christmas presents.

Compared to this time last year are you happier or sadder?
Happier. I seem to have a little bit more stamina, some of my more distressing symptoms appear to have reduced drastically and Nikki is managing the three kids really well so isn’t causing me so much stress.

Thinner or fatter?
Definitely fatter! Totally my own doing though.

Richer or poorer?
Richer as I’m finally getting an income I can just about scrape by on.

What do you wish you’d done more of?
Italian homework!

What do you wish you’d done less of?
Had completely sleepless nights :(

Did you fall in love in 2019?

What was your favourite TV programme?
Oh that’s a hard one. I loved most of the documentaries I watched but I can’t think of anything that really stood out this year.

Do you hate anybody now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

What did you want and get?
A new grandson. A new iphone. A bed for Bailey.

What did you want and not get?
My old body back :)

What was the best book you read?
I think possibly Margaret Forster’s Diary Of An Ordinary Woman.

What was your favourite film of this year?
I watched a shedload of films I must admit but none in particular stand out. However my two firm favourites are Brief Encounter and Atonement. I watch Brief Encounter pretty much every year and it never fails to disappoint.

What did you do on your birthday and how old?
I was 61 and Nikki laid on a cream tea for me at her house :)

What would have made 2019 better?
Not having to go through so much stress in order to achieve some sort of income to live on.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019?
Jeans and jumpers/tops with ankle boots.

What kept you sane?
Prosebox and the kids.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Nobody rocked my boat I’m sorry to say.

Who did you miss?
Mum and Dad occasionally. Willow and Snarf a lot.

Was 2019 a good year for you?
There was a lot of stress and feeling rough but on the whole I was building life back up again so there was a lot of that too.

What was your favourite moment of the year?
Watching Ruari being born. And guessing his birthweight (because I knew that definitely didn’t come from me).

What was your least favourite moment of the year?
All the times I just felt so ill :(

How did you spend Christmas?
I went out to Nikki’s - we opened presents, had a lovely meal, played with the kids, put them to bed, played FRIENDS Monopoly then watched pics and videos of the kids and funny stuff before I toddled off home at 2 a.m.

Did you make any new friends in 2019?
I did catch up with a couple of old friends at Christmas and would like to keep in contact but it’s difficult with the situation I’m in so I’m not beating myself up if it doesn’t happen (except I so will :).

Did you meet anybody from PB in 2019?

How many concerts did you see in 2019?
I had the chance to see at least 2 but had to turn them down unfortunately.

Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2019?
I think I had half a can of lager one hot day in the summer but that was literally it. I don’t miss it at all.

How many people did you sleep with in 2019?
Just Bailey :)

What was your proudest moment in 2019?
Nikki giving birth to Ruari - she coped really well this time which was a far cry from Lily’s birth!

What was your most embarrassing moment of 2019?
Nothing’s coming to mind right now.

If you could go back in time and change something that happened during 2019 what would it be?
Nikki’s treatment of Duncan (Ruari’s Dad).

What songs will remind you of 2019?
I’m finding now that I need silence more and more as background noise so the only music I really hear is in the car. However weirdly I‘ve constantly had earworms running in my head since I’ve been ill, usually when someone mentions a tune or song in their diary. So I have a lovely piece of classical music called ‘Lascia Ch’io Pianga’ which I play every so often and which seems to reset things. It’s also the music used at the beginning of the slightly weird film, *Antichrist*, which has the most mesmerising opening sequence to a film I’ve ever seen.

What are your plans for 2020?
To just keep on keeping on - living, laughing, loving and growing :)

Tell us a valuable lesson that you learned this year.
That love really is the answer. I had long suspected it but I was more convinced than ever this year.

There were some questions which stumped me so I took them out. Biggest achievement, biggest failure - those words have come to mean something different now and I can’t quite attach the same significance to them if that makes sense. Also this was long enough as it was!

Jinn January 17, 2020

I did not think about it but I have a long list of losses in the last decade too. Very long :-( . Makes me feel slightly less guilty about being so sour often :-)
I think this last year you have been doing pretty well ! I hope 2020 is extraordinarily good for you !

Marg Jinn ⋅ January 17, 2020

I think if we both wrote out what the last 10 years have thrown at us we’d see just how much we’ve gone through! At the time you just have to get on with it but it all takes a toll and when you see it in print it kind of puts it all into perspective :)

noko January 17, 2020

This is lovely, I felt like I was able to travel along in some ways as you point out the highlights. So glad you were able to get your financial situation stabilized as the release of the stress can only help your immune system and allow you to build enough resilience to explore some of the things you would like to do in the coming year.

Marg noko ⋅ January 19, 2020

Exactly - these benefits people don’t seem to realise they just make us more ill with their shenanigans which kind of defeats the whole purpose of their stupid assessments!!

thesunnyabyss January 17, 2020

it certainly was a decade, glad it's over,

here's to a beautiful new year for you and yours!!!

great survey!!

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ January 19, 2020

Thank you! I’ll drink to that! :)

ConnieK January 17, 2020

I wonder if your illness is because your equilibrium is off? Also, check your hearing with a specialist.
My past decade was nothing but death (mom, dog, son, two remaining siblings, a few friends). I don't even want to think about it.
Loved reading your survey!

Marg ConnieK ⋅ January 19, 2020

My hearing’s ok thanks Connie - it was a build up of ear wax which was causing the problem. It had actually hardened to the equivalent of tiny stones and we couldn’t get it out - no wonder it was causing so much pain!

ConnieK Marg ⋅ January 19, 2020


JustSurviveSomehow January 18, 2020

That is a lot of loss in the last decade </3. There were a lot of good things though too. I actually thought of you when I was reading through my disability plan for this upcoming year. They actually have CFS listed in there as a covered disability. I had never even heard of it until I started reading you and I googled it to learn more about it. I'm glad that you were able to do so many things you wanted to this year despite it, and I hope that you can eventually go back to the evening writing group!

Marg JustSurviveSomehow ⋅ January 19, 2020

I think it’s beginning to become more widely known now - there are varying degrees of how much it affects folk - some people have it mild and are able to enjoy some activity such as myself, others are completely bedbound and have to live in the dark all the time with little or no stimulation. Which must be a living hell :(

BaybNJoe January 19, 2020

May I knick this?

You have had a really tough decade but I still see the spunky you! Congratulations on Rauri and I'm glad things are on the mend with Nikki (did I read that right?). One of my resolutions is to come back to Prosebox more regularly. Facebook has taken over. But, it's not the same and I need my writing space back. :)

Happy New Year!!


8:02 AM

Marg BaybNJoe ⋅ January 19, 2020

Of course you may! And yes things with Nikki are much much better I’m happy to say - I can’t forget what happened but am grateful things have righted themselves and have developed the thick skin for any future bumps in the road :)
I’m glad to hear your resolution - be great to read you more!

NorthernSeeker January 20, 2020

The last decade doesn't have anything in the "gain" column but 2019 ended better than it started. I bet your health will improve just from the reduction of stress about your income. LOVE your wolf blanket. We have a similar "minky" blanket on our bed and it is a big hit with Fergus. You have a lot of interesting things on the go like the Italian lessons. It seems to me that you are quite busy altogether.
It seems to me that driving a car is a really exhausting activity for you compared to other activities. Is there any way you can be driven more and do less driving yourself?

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ January 21, 2020

At the moment the driving allows me a lot of independence so as long as I’m able I’m going to keep it going. I would be pretty lost without the car to be honest.

kmh. January 21, 2020

I love that photo of your and Ruari!
So glad you and Nikki seem to have bonded again this year.
You are such a wonderful Mum and Nanna x

Marg kmh. ⋅ January 22, 2020

Aw thank you Kylie! That’s so nice of you to say :)

Serin January 23, 2020

It's remarkable to stop and take in how big a year can be, and I'm grateful to share yours like this. Love the baby pictures!

Marg Serin ⋅ January 24, 2020

Thank you!

Etaine January 26, 2020

Wow. I never thought of doing this for a whole decade. I like the idea though. It will take a while for me to compose. But the self inventory can be enlightening. Love the photos of the little one.

Marg Etaine ⋅ January 26, 2020

Some folk have done it for the decade and it’s been quite enlightening. I would have loved to do it because I became quite ill in this decade and I think it would have given me some perspective but it’s too monumental a task - for now anyway. Took me long enough just to do the losses and then the survey for last year lol!

Sabrina-Belle February 01, 2020

What a lot of loss in a decade, but you have survived.
Brief Encounter and Atonement are 2 of my favourite films too, the third being Dr Zhivago. Brief Encounter always makes me think of my mum because she had a similar experience during the war.

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ February 01, 2020

Do you know I’ve never actually watched Dr Zhivago - I’ll need to put that on the list! Did your Mum tell you about her wartime romance?

Sabrina-Belle Marg ⋅ February 04, 2020

It's a long film, three hours. I saw it at the cinema with Hubby before we were married and I've watched it numerous times on TV since. I've also read the book which is quite hard going and different from the film but very interesting.
Mum told me about her wartime romance after Dad died. She was married but they were going through a rough patch. This man came into the pub which my granddad ran then and thought mum was the barmaid and asked her to go for a walk and she went. They saw each other a few times but then both realised they couldn't deceive their partners. The really strange thing is when I was about 6 I met a boy on the bus home from school and we became friends and it turned out to be his son. I always think of that when she says in the film I wonder if the children will recognise each other.

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ February 04, 2020

Oh my goodness what are the odds of that! Did your Mum know it was his son?

Sabrina-Belle Marg ⋅ February 04, 2020

Yes, she worked it out as he had an unusual surname. She asked me what my friend's father's first name was and I found out but I never knew why until she told me years later when I was a teenager.

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ February 04, 2020

Oh my what a moment that must have been for her! You can just see Laura’s face full of expression in that one :)

Oswego February 15, 2020

You seemed so happy holding the babies.

And, yes, love really is the answer. I learned that caring for Mom, and truly at the end it got me through!

Marg Oswego ⋅ February 16, 2020


edna million February 24, 2020

That is a LOT of losses for a decade. I'm glad 2019 had a lot of good moments to balance it out a bit. This was a really nice look back at the year. Excellent resolutions, too.

Justlovely March 02, 2020

I love end of the year/end of a period reviews. I should do more of them. Thank you for the photos. I miss posting photos, but haven't found a venue where I can keep them private to just prosebox, so I hesitate to post anything that I'd like to just stay here on the site.

Marg Justlovely ⋅ March 02, 2020

I use Imgur - really easy to use - and all my photos on there are private so no-one else can see them. I think Josh has plans to let us upload photos directly from our devices at some point in the future though.

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