Prosebox Episode V: The Toolbar Strikes Back in Site Updates

  • March 12, 2014, 1:13 p.m.
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Yes, it has returned. Hopefully it works and is acceptable. (see, I used the toolbar to do the bold and italics - kapow).

Deleted user March 12, 2014


Teflon Superhero March 12, 2014

I just had the urge to scream like Lemongrab "THIS IS...UNACCEPTAAAAAABLLLLEEEEEE!!!!"

Star Maiden Teflon Superhero ⋅ March 12, 2014


offmychest March 12, 2014

there's a toolbar? ;)

Sapphire March 12, 2014

Thanks :)

Mercurial Muse March 12, 2014

Thank you :)

banker chick March 12, 2014

So much drama over a toolbar. People have way too much time on their hands.

offmychest banker chick ⋅ March 12, 2014


Deleted user banker chick ⋅ March 12, 2014

I wouldn't say drama. Every word-processing program I've ever worked with, and every platform I've ever written with, the toolbar is horizontal above the text box. It's just jarring, is all.

Deleted user March 12, 2014

This is pretty cool! You've done a great job! Wondering if maybe the purpose of each button could be shown when you hover over it. Not everyone knows what the buttons in the toolbar mean. Thanks for your work on this. :)

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ March 13, 2014

Snazzy tooltips added. :)

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ March 13, 2014

Wow! Perfect. :)

BlueEyedDevil March 12, 2014

Awesome, thank you!

Deleted user March 12, 2014

Thanks. I appreciate having it back. :)

Deleted user March 12, 2014

Toolbar added to the FAQ:

I never use the toolbar. It's easier to just type the Markdown as I type the entry, without taking my hand off the keyboard to move the mouse, click the button, move the mouse back, click the entry, and edit the inserted code.

The codes are easy. Most people only need 5-6 of them, ever, and they take a minute to learn.

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ March 12, 2014

Yeah, I'm with you on that. That was the whole reason I chose Markdown. The syntax is easy for simple stuff. If I don't have to take my hands off the keyboard, life is good.

Deleted user March 12, 2014

Alas, I can't say I like the changes. There is no line separating the title box from the text box. If you type something in the text box and then delete it, then go off the page and come back, there is no "type text here" so you have to guess where to put your cursor. The vertical tool bar is off floating in the air a good couple of inches to the upper left of the text on the screen. I can only speak for myself, but I'm used to writing in Word and in other platforms where the toolbar is horizontal above the text, and having to mouse over a few inches to the left is counterintuitive. Here's a screenie. Imagine that spread across a wide screen. FWIW, my style is Readable, if that makes a difference.

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ March 12, 2014

I moved it off to the side because the new text area expands to fit the text, which means it scrolls off the top of the screen for longer entries. I didn't want people having to scroll back and forth to find it. Hence the floating on the side. The "Type entry here..." should reappear if the box is empty, though there could be spaces or something. I could fix that so it's not an issue.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ March 12, 2014

I guess I'm just used to the opposite: scrolling text boxes. The toolbar doesn't move, but the text automatically scrolls down within the box as you type more and more. There's no going back and forth because the toolbar stays where it is on your screen. Not that I'm trying to push PB to be LJ or WordPress, but that's just how most platforms I've written in work, like how you scroll down a web page but your browser bookmarks toolbar stays at the top.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ March 12, 2014

I should add that I don't write on mobile devices, so I don't know what the techie concerns for that are.

Deleted user March 12, 2014

Also, if it has to be vertical, I would guess that 90% of us highlight text left to right before going to the toolbar, so it would make sense to have the toolbar on the right. Even in Word, if you bring the toolbar into the text, it defaults to the right side.

Deleted user Deleted user ⋅ March 13, 2014

In many of the programs I use (Flash, Photoshop) the toolbar is on the left, the "stage" is on the right. I'd rather if the toolbar was in the same place he's decided to put the menus and navigation.

Deleted user Deleted user ⋅ March 13, 2014

...but in any of those programs, you can drag the toolbar to where you want it, and it'll remember how you set it.

mcbee March 13, 2014

Oh my....I'm just happy that the site works every day.

Deleted user March 13, 2014

Just noticed I can't search text with the new editor which kinda sucks. Again, it's best not to change/fix what isn't broke, but I also understand it's not my site to say what gets changed or not. I just liked being able to search for certain words with the old editor.

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ March 13, 2014

How did you search before? That shouldn't have changed.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ March 13, 2014

I have Firefox and when I use it to search for words nothing happens.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ March 13, 2014

Actually, I just checked and it appears to be working again. :) so I don't know what happened.

ElvenAssassin March 13, 2014

What about strike through?

Deleted user March 13, 2014

But now if I save something as a draft and later, go back to continue writing it.....I can't, because when I bring it up in the box, my last line doesn't show, and I do not see any way to scroll down to get to the place where I wanted to start writing again.

Complicated Disaster March 13, 2014

This all seems like a backwards step to me.

Loki March 13, 2014

  • i will have to check this out when on my brothers laptop later this week! [nods].
Garnys March 13, 2014

Ooooh, snazzy sidebar.

Noodlebugs! March 13, 2014

thanks for bringing back the tool bar. any thoughts of adding things like line breaks or font sizes? my most recent entry saved with a portion in the middle in a much larger font size without any reason.

simple mind Noodlebugs! ⋅ March 13, 2014

See my latest entry. My guess is that your larger font was interpreted by Markdown as a heading, which is usually done by putting one or more #s followed by a space and then text at the beginning of a line. Like so:

## my heading

You can add a single line break with two spaces at the end of the line before hitting enter. Hope that helps. :)

Dorkus Aloneus March 13, 2014

And I can post pictures now without adding additional text! Thank you!!

Ometeotl March 13, 2014

Thank you! :)

NFL Girl March 13, 2014

I use PB on a laptop and I still don't have a toolbar. Any idea why not?

simple mind NFL Girl ⋅ March 13, 2014

Is your browser maximized? Or is your laptop screen super tiny? If there's room it should be in the top left corner.

Deleted user March 13, 2014

My editor seems to freeze and I can't seem to edit or add anything else. I also noticed when I save as a draft I can't edit either. Not sure what's up, could be something on my end. I am cutting and pasting, so I can work around it until I figure out what's up.

I am using firefox, jsyk.

Deleted user March 14, 2014

I dig it. :D

Raven March 14, 2014

I just want to put it out there that you can use HTML within the entry without using the toolbar. I was able to post my Etsy Shop link without the toolbar by using the code for hyperlinking.

SM, you are still da man!

doc March 14, 2014

Very nice! Like your entry editor. Simple and works.

SweetMelissa March 14, 2014

The toolbar doesn't seem to be working (for me, just now). it was working yesterday. I tried it. But today I tried to italicize a group of words and the entire entry was leaning like a cholo. Help?

simple mind SweetMelissa ⋅ March 15, 2014

Yeah, there was a bug I just fixed. Should be better now.

SweetMelissa simple mind ⋅ March 15, 2014

Grassy pants (gracias) :) you da you da you da best

SweetMelissa simple mind ⋅ March 15, 2014

Grassy pants (gracias) :) you da you da you da best

Conflicted Pack Rat March 15, 2014

I like the editor and appreciate the toolbar, but would like the whole 'More entries' navigation block higher up or something. Often I have to scroll way down to page through a book of short entries and it's annoying.

Reading_Blankie 📚 March 15, 2014

Neato! The Jamie... likes.
Could you add a drop down size option thingamawobbie? Just to make it simpler and not so htmley. Now, I'm going to reward you with a gold star and a lollipop. :)

Sojourn March 16, 2014

Glad it works now. If you could add some align buttons on it I would enjoy it even more :)

Sojourn March 16, 2014

Let me also add I'm really lazy and would like all wordly functions on the toolbar eventually. I like using them but am far beyond the days I cared enough to go look up html and color codes and all that.

MageB March 17, 2014


elaine2 March 21, 2014

I would like to thank you for starting, maintaining, and tweaking this site. It provides such enjoyment for so many of us.

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