Ometeotl ⋅ 39

Entries 20

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Here is a long but interesting page about the potential for colonizing Venus. Most people who talk about colonizing other planets focus on Mars, but this article makes a good case for Venus. Whil...

In this last part of Mark's first chapter, Jesus performs a bunch of miracles and word about him spreads all over the region and people start coming to him to have miracles performed. In 1:29-31,...

Day 9: A song that makes you emotional or sad There are so many versions of this song, all slightly different, that I struggled to choose one. So why choose? There's a bit of irony in that thi...

Jesus goes to Capernaum and begins teaching in the synagogue. One commentary says there was a custom of "the freedom of the synagogue" where guests could give speeches on that week's Scripture re...

Day 8: A song that makes you want to dance Some of the early songs in this survey, I had to think a lot about. But the last few, I knew right away, as soon as I read the prompt. This one is no...

In this passage, Jesus calls the first four disciples, two pairs of brothers: Simon and Andrew, plus James and John. The way Mark makes it sound, Jesus calls these four disciples right after meet...

Day 7: A song that helped you through a painful time in your life Don't worry, I'll be fine, the story is just beginning. I say goodbye to the weak...

Day 6: A song that inspires you "Hey," I said, "You can keep my things, they've come to take me home."

In my last Bible study entry, I pondered the meaning of the phrase "the kingdom of God," and suggested one possible meaning, based on my reading so far in Mark: "the baptism of the Holy Spirit th...

Day 5: A song you exercise to

Day 4: A song that describes your partner / ideal partner And we just lay awake in lust and rust in the rain and pour over everything we say we tru...

This passage is the beginning of Jesus' preaching. Jesus' first message is in verse 15: "The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!" This is the first ...

Day 3: One of your favorite songs Since the first two songs were from 1972 and 1970, respectively, I guess it's time for something not from the 70s. This one's from 2004.

Day 2: A song from your early childhood You don't get much earlier than this. This was the song I was named after.

This seems like a fun challenge. I can say right now that I won't do it every day, and since I'm starting on the 12th of the month, I guess that's okay. This comes from Nocturnal State. Day 1:...

The verses here overlap those of the previous entry. These two entries deal with two ideas that I think are both separate and important enough to each warrant their own entry. One of the comment...

Mark 1:9-13 describes Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist. One of my open questions so far is whether there are places in the gospel of Mark that describe Jesus as the Son of God besides the conte...

In the last entry, regarding Mark 1:1, Thylacine asked, "Would saying he's the messiah not suggest He's the son of God?" I don't think that's necessarily the case. My understanding is that the Je...

The first chapter of Mark already starts with an interesting situation. Chapter 1, verse 1 says, "The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God." A footnote says that som...

January 08, 2014

The Gospel of Mark in Bible Studies

One of my New Year's resolutions was the walking maps in the previous entry. Another one was to do a weekly Bible study. This isn't meant to be a devotional or to convert anyone. It's really just...

Books 3

10 Entries

12 Entries