That Was All I Had Left!! in Scottish Meanderings

  • Dec. 16, 2017, 12:47 p.m.
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The postbox that is.

To explain ~

Not being able to get to the Post Office to post presents this year and having family in far flung(ish) places, I decided to get all the kids (apart from Lily and Lilah) gift cards for Smyths toy shop because there’s a postbox about 10 minutes walk from the house which I can manage to walk to. Apart from Nikki, I don’t buy the adults in the family presents anyway because once we started expanding at the rate of noughts it was getting ridiculous - instead I donate to a charity of choice. And it's strange - I always thought choosing a particular charity would be really hard but every year there's always been something happen in the family during that year which has made the choice really easy when December rolls around.

Anyway, not having much in the way of what you could call a life at the moment meant that I was actually super organised for once - the tree and decorations were up and online presents bought in the first week of December which NEVER happens in this house! The cards were written a couple of days later and I was all set to post them when this happened.

Although some folk made the most of that.

That is one flirty looking snow lady.

I ventured out for a walk a couple of days later and thought I wasn’t going to make it back to the house because the road I needed to cross in order to do so was like a sheet of black ice and the pavements not much better. After a few precarious slips, I decided it wasn’t worth risking life and limb just for a walk and vowed to wait until everything was clear before stepping outside the front door again.

A week later I was glad to see it had almost disappeared and then this happened.

So back to bed I went while I hacked, spluttered and sneezed through the next few days and nights. On Thursday I thought it was clearing up a bit so got up for Nikki and Lilah coming through but the way I felt after they left told me I wasn’t out of the woods yet and I was back in bed the next day. I was delighted for once to see the rain later on Thursday afternoon and was really looking forward to getting out at last at the weekend. When I got up in the middle of the night to go to the loo I couldn’t believe it when I looked out of the window and saw this.

Well that's a lie given that that photo is of part of Aberdeen University and I can't see Aberdeen University from my bedroom window but you get the drift (haha). Just a light dusting but precarious in its own way because it’s now covering the lumps of ice which the old snow had turned into making it not-very-obvious what’s slippy and what’s not. I tested the path earlier this afternoon after watching a couple of cars lose traction in our cul de sac and it was treacherous to say the least so I retreated back into my cave defeated.

I’m pissed off.

I have neighbours and friends who have offered to help me anytime and Janice is coming in tomorrow with more home cooked freezer portions so I won’t be stuck but that’s not the point. Getting to the postbox was the only bit of control I had left over Christmas shopping and now even that’s become too difficult. The snow has also curtailed folk coming in to me which would have brightened things up slightly. The girls were stuck in Pitmedden and couldn't come through when it first appeared, Janice had to cancel a proposed visit 2 weeks ago and 2 appointments at the house were also cancelled. And I know I’m all ratty because I’m not completely over the cold/flu/whatever-it-is so adding a good dollop of Cabin Fever to that isn’t helping in the slightest. My nerves feel like they’re frayed at the edges and my throat’s like broken glass. I just want a BREAK for Pete's sake.

Yeah - no spirit of Christmas in this house at the moment.

Maybe I should go watch It’s A Wonderful Life or something.

Last updated December 16, 2017

ODSago December 16, 2017

Lovely to arrive here and find this: our paths haven't crossed often lately. I too have been ill -- acute viral bronchitis was my first December gift this year. The snow looks like a fairy tale to this Fl gal but I know it isn't and am glad you could stay inside. I had to ask my daughter to have everyone to her home this year, and was pleased she and her husband said it was possible and they had been thinking of offering. One granddaughter will stay here...I'm better but still get so tired and have a cough and sniffle. Many good wishes to you, despite the bad health and climate limitations. Loved the photos....

Marg ODSago ⋅ December 16, 2017

Oh goodness I’m so sorry to hear that - the reason for my absence is in my previous entry - apologies for its length! Glad you’re getting better now though - hope that continues unreservedly😊

noko December 16, 2017

Oh I am so sorry. Our weather is very similar to yours and our December last year was just like you describe here. The crazy ratty cabin fever thing I am also getting because I now have the endless cold/flu thing and it is seriously affecting my mood. Last year I experimented with shoe grippers and trek poles and was able to get out and about safely after much angst. All the best and warm rain to you.

Marg noko ⋅ December 16, 2017

Thank you! Part of the problem is that I haven’t been able to get out to buy a pair of decent wellies or moon boots - I only have my trainers which didn’t prove very effective when I went out in the snow last time. Unfortunately I can’t buy shoes/boots online as I can be different sizes depending on make/style so really need to try them on when buying!

noko December 16, 2017

btw, those are some very cheerful flirty snow woman builders there. Love that shot.

Marg noko ⋅ December 16, 2017

I’m laughing at that because Nikki had posted it on the Facebook page of her work (she’s manager of the village playgroup and they had closed that day because of the snow). I had texted her and said “Are you pleased you’re getting a day off today? Looks like you’re making the most of it!” and she replied “I would if it wasn’t for the grumpy 5 year old and ill 2 year old🙄”. Who says the camera can’t lie lol?!

Exhumed By Scrying Eyes December 16, 2017

If you want to watch a Christmas movie, there's always Gremlins or Die Hard. That's a win/win in fact I believe watching Gremlins during the month of December actually cures the common cold... jus sayin'.

I live in an area where it 'can' snow, but probably won't stick. It did snow in March of last year which was the 1st time I had seen snow since April 2004 when I visited back home in Boston, MA. It's in the 40's out right now where I live. (Fahrenheit)

Hope you feel better soon.

Marg Exhumed By Scrying Eyes ⋅ December 16, 2017

Well I have to confess to being forced into watching old ‘I Love Lucy’ episodes which I came across at random on YouTube!! I swear she did the best impersonation at the time of a drunk😄

Lady of the Bann December 16, 2017

You have a week left to get in the mood. Keep warm.

Marg Lady of the Bann ⋅ December 16, 2017

And better it all happens now rather than Christmas Day so that’s a positive! My electric blanket’s been getting a hammering this past week😊

Anaiss December 16, 2017

The picture of Aberdeen University is just beautiful. But the picture of the icy road -- the first thing I thought of was the danger of slipping!

Marg Anaiss ⋅ December 17, 2017

I know - I think as you get older you start to think like that more and more!

woman in the moon December 17, 2017

I got the drift and laughed out loud, as they say.
Sorry about the weather and you not feeling well.
Hope all improves soon.

Marg woman in the moon ⋅ December 17, 2017

Thank you! It rained during the night so that’s helped the snow situation a bit but I’m still coughing and dizzy unfortunately. My niece is going to pop up tomorrow though and pick up the cards for posting so I won’t have to worry about that at least😊

MageB December 17, 2017

I fully understand how you feel. Sometimes I think I might move to Arizona for the heat on my arthritis. So glad to see you again even if you are fighting a cold and the snow. Yes, get your visiting friend to drop things off at the post box and you will be right with the world.

Marg MageB ⋅ December 19, 2017

My poor friend had to cancel because she was also feeling rotten! However I managed to catch a neighbour’s auntie and she posted them for me which was really kind and took away that stress. Hopefully future entries will begin to get a bit cheerier as time passes and I get better!

edna million December 18, 2017

Oh, how maddening!!!!! Especially when that's the ONE thing you REALLY want to and are ABLE to do.. and then can't for one thing after another. Stupid snow. It is very pretty but I'm already sick of it here- it snowed over a week ago, has been in the 40s several days since, and there is STILL SNOW ON THE GROUND which seems impossible. I hope you're able to get out soon, cabin fever is the worst, especially when you've been sick for so long and finally feel up to a trip out.

That snowlady made me literally LOL with those eyes!

Marg edna million ⋅ December 19, 2017

It absolutely is - the cold morphed into a chest infection but I think I’m finally starting to turn a corner now - I really hope so! And the snow is pretty much all away so I hope that’s the end of our White Christmas for this year☃️

Me too - those eyelashes are a stroke of genius😄

Justlovely December 20, 2017

In spite of your illness, and cabin fever, this was so entertaining!! I hadn't remembered seeing you write here in some time, and I've all but abandoned the place. I don't know why it's been so hard for me to make "home" here, in spite of trying to make new friends.

Marg Justlovely ⋅ December 20, 2017

Thank you for the very kind words😊 I know some people have had a hard time settling here so you’re not alone!

NorthernSeeker December 20, 2017

So far (knock wood) we have only had snow once in Victoria but I know too well how the weather can ruin plans. December is a difficult month with obligations and expectations and you are doing your very best to fulfill them so it must be very frustrating. There was just a big winter storm on Vancouver Island and 28 000 people lost power. All you can do is to let things go after you curse and kick a few things around the house. Hang in there. Maybe you'll find some good books to read.

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ December 22, 2017

You're right and thank goodness for the Internet and books - I'd be well on my way to the Funny Farm by now if it wasn't for them I can tell you!😄

Sabrina-Belle December 23, 2017

We were snowed in for a few days 2 weeks ago. You are right not to go out in it you don't want a fall on top of everythng else. Sorry to hear you've been ill. I hope you are feeling better now and that the snow has cleared a bit. Hope you have a really happy Christmas!

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ December 26, 2017

Snow's all gone now thank goodness! Happy Christmas to you too😊

Deleted user February 03, 2018

That would have been rough !

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