Time for a real update in Torridaussity Two

  • June 24, 2014, 6:49 a.m.
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So summer has begun which means school is out and my hours were dropped from 45-30 a week. Now I do like having more time for myself, but the pay drop really makes things tough during July and August. I am actually doing okay for June so that is a good thing. Work has been going ok both kids I work with haven't been having to extreme behaviors so I can't complain other than having less pay and gas being almost 4 a gallon most of my money goes toward it.

My family is doing fairly well. My mother is having a colonoscopy done this week. We have a history of colon cancer in our family so this is routine and I pray they find nothing. My dad is having trouble still from his knee replacement surgery a year ago, but he hangs in there and hardly ever complains. My grandfather who was will is doing well for being 92 and has adjusted to living with 24 hour in home care.

My health is stable the blistering is not as bad as it was so I have not gone to the doctor yet. I am keeping a close eye on it because once the auto immune disorder goes into a full blown rage I am in trouble. I find I lack energy and I want to lose weight, but am doing nothing to lose it other than making sure I am not eating too much. I need someone to kick my butt into gear.

As for romance or lack there of I am tired of being single, but not tired enough to settle for less than what I deserve. Currently there are 3 men in my life who all feel they have a piece of me, but don't want to be in a relationship with me if that makes sense. They all tell me they love me and that I am pretty and such a great catch, but none really want me, but I always feel like they don't want me with anyone else because they like it that they can talk to me and flirt with me and if I am with someone they can't have that. I do love them each for different reasons, but I know I deserve more than that. They will be my friends, but I won't let them hold me back anymore. I say anymore because I feel like I have had this hidden hope that maybe one of them would say I am wrong I do want a relationship are you willing to try, but I need to live in the real world and not my fantasy world so I will no longer let that hope stop me from finding someone real who wants all of me.

Today I have a meeting for work at 4 but before that I am going to mommy and me day. Yes I am not a mommy lol I am just a me, but my friends get together each Tuesday with their kids and hang out and since this is my last Tuesday off for I think a very long time lol I am going to go enjoy my friends and my surrogate nieces and nephews.

Thanks for reading everyone. Love and Peace to you all.

artists*heart June 24, 2014

No worries about the colonoscopy. My parents both had precancerous polyps found, and the docs just removed them. Now they have to go every three years. Colon cancer is so slow growing, even if the polyps come back, they're super tiny and can't do any damage.

In terms of the guy situation - it's incredibly mature, intelligent, and brave of you not to settle.

Always Laughing artists*heart ⋅ June 24, 2014

Thank you I am trying to be strong and remember I deserve better.

Azzura June 24, 2014

Great not to settle. Have fun with the guys who knows maybe one of them will wise up and see. If not therr are plenty of fish in the sea

Always Laughing Azzura ⋅ June 24, 2014

We shall see, but I doubt it lol

Deleted user June 25, 2014

That is awesome...you never have to settle, you are worth so much more! I will say a prayer for your parents and for you <3 CC runs in my family too and I have yet to get a colonoscopy...Stay positive and if you need to vent, come over to my book and we will chat :)

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ June 25, 2014

I had a colonosopy in my 20's and was supposed to have another one already, but haven't yet. I should as I have a ton of colon/digestion issues.

Deleted user June 25, 2014

If a man says he loves you, but isn't willing to commit to a relationship I wouldn't waste my time. Then again I think there's 'loving a person', then actually being in LOVE with a person. I think a man who feels the later is more likely to want to move forward. Just don't settle, and remember you hold the cards. :)

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ June 25, 2014

You are right loving someone and being in love with them is what the difference is with these guys. They do love me we were/are friends they just aren't in love with me and that's what I want.

Deleted user June 25, 2014

Sorry that your hours have been cut. I find it tough on my regular salary, I don't know what I'd do if it got cut.

Really hoping the colonoscopy goes well and doesn't show anything for your mom.

All those guys in your life are not good for the soul. As nice as the attention would be from them, they aren't serious and they are using you and taking advantage of you. It's wrong. I wish that this wasn't the norm for most men.

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ June 25, 2014

You are right about the men and I am doing my best to limit contact. They were first my friends so I feel like I don't want to cut them out completely just limit conversations. And thanks for your well wishes for my mom.

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