Prosebox survey in Surveys

  • June 21, 2016, 11:31 p.m.
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What does your online diary name mean, and why did you pick it?
Initially, over on OD, I had the username “lifepoetry”. I don’t know how I came up with it, but I think it was to do with poetry being a unique form of writing and how life could be similar to a poem. I dunno, it seemed to fit pretty well. A few years in I changed it to ‘KissOfLife!’ because I thought it had a nicer sound and was a positive username that life gives me kisses each day. I’ve stuck with it since.

When did you first get an online diary?
It was in about July 2004 when I first started an online diary at OpenDiary, although I did keep a written somewhat mini-diary when I was a teenager (‘96 to ‘99), which I gradually copied over to here.

Why did you first start an online diary?
It was suggested to me by an old school friend, whom had an OD account himself. It was something I realized that I really needed, to understand myself and keep a record of some sorts, and to sometimes vent :P
But the main reason was that I want to hopefully be able to read back on my life when I’m old and ancient and can’t move, because I sure as heck won’t remember most of it. I do hope I live that long.

How did you find Prosebox?
A heap of OD people moved over to here and I didn’t know anywhere else as cool as I thought OD was. Initially I didn’t like it, but have grown to think it’s rather okay.

When writing an entry, do you believe you are writing for you or the reader?
Definitely for myself. If I was writing for other people, it would be more blog-style and therefore after an audience and attention. A few people are able to do it well that way, but I just can’t because it’s just not as authentic to me.

When writing an entry, are you completely honest?
I am. Mostly. I have to be. I’d say I am 99% of the time, although I will say that sometimes something will happen in my life that I won’t want to write about, so I will just leave it out, or put it in a private entry, although the latter is very rare.

Describe your writing setting:
The majority of the time, like I am now, it’s on my laptop whilst I sit on my comfy bed. If it’s not, I will generally be writing either on the bike at the gym and whilst commuting somewhere on the train. I can’t do it on buses or cars because I get bad motion sickness.

Is anyone that you know (in real life) allowed to read your diary? Do you know anyone in real life with a diary, which you are allowed to read?
The only people I know who read me are generally people I have also read through diary sites, although I do have a link to certain people available to see it via my Facebook ‘About Me’ page, so they could see the public entries if they actually thought I was interesting enough and went out of their way to do so.

Has anyone found your diary that you really didn’t want to find it?
Yes, an ex-boyfriend used to snoop on my Open Diary. I only found out because he got up me about something I wrote once.

Do you believe writing in your online diary is therapeutic?
Yeah, very. Who needs to pay a therapist?

How many entries do you have?
I actually don’t know yet, because I’m still in the never-ending process of copying OD entries over to here, but as for what I have written (and copied over) to Prosebox, I noticed that I am approaching my 1000th entry shortly, which is kinda cool.

Do you have any entries that are private?
A couple. I only remember them as I come back across them and realize most of them aren’t that bad as I thought they were back then.

How many favorites do you have?
Not that many here yet. I would say there’s no more then 10.

Do you know who your first favorite was?
Probably Bill (the guy who got me started), although he doesn’t have an account here.

Have you ever written an entry while too intoxicated?
I’m sure that I have.

Do you feel accepted by the diary community?
Generally yes. I’ve had a few fights over the years (both on OD and here) and all of them have been with females lol. Go figure. I guess most diarists are female though.

Have you secretly fell in love (or had a crush on) a diarist?
Yeah on OD I had a few. I don’t know of that many male diarists here.

Have you ever read an entry that really moved you? What was it about?
I’ve read many but can’t recall them right now.

Has anyone written an entry that made you cry?
Yeah, of course. I’m quite emotional sometimes.

What are your favorite kinds of entries to read?
I like laughing a lot. People who are smart-arses or can laugh at themselves or who use their diary to bitch or throw shade at people generally make me giggle.

After writing an entry, how long do you wait to see if you have comments?
I usually just check before I’m about to write a new entry.

If you don’t have comments, do you feel let down?
Yeah, sometimes. Have to admit. Especially if it’s something I’d had strong thoughts about. Then I get over it. People are busy or don’t care, I get it.

How many comments do you usually get?
Usually 1 or 2 here. OD was around 6-8.

Did you know the more comments you leave, the more notes you get?
Well that makes sense lol. I leave a note when I want to leave a note. I don’t go and look to see if they’ve noted me first lol.

Do you delete mean or nasty comments?
I’ll usually leave a mean one back. Fuck you bitch.
Then yeah I’ll delete it because I hate negativity. Then I’ll feel bad for retaliating. Unless they’re a cunt. Then they deserve it :P

Have you ever left a nasty comment and not signed your name?
Oh probably back in the day. Too old for that shit now, really.

Have you ever left a comment on a person’s diary just to make them feel better?
Not sure?

Do you keep a paper copy of your online diary?
God no. Who has time for that?

Do you go back and re-read your past entries?
I’m currently doing so whilst copying entries over. It’s quite interesting because I forget a lot, which is another reason why I write.

What’s the most interesting thing you can think of about OpenDiary/PB?
I loved OD’s “Readers Choice” function and forums where I could find diaries that I could kind of relate to. Here it’s kind of just luck and quite basic, which isn’t a bad thing. I do like how links and images and Youtube videos can be shown easily here.

Last updated June 21, 2016

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