Your Favorite Memory in These Foolish Things

  • Oct. 23, 2022, 12:01 p.m.
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Have you ever thought about your favorite memory of your whole lifetime?

Yesterday, my dad and I took my mom to brunch for her 80th birthday (and incidentally, my 55th) at the fanciest restaurant in their little city. The place is definitely more over the top than it is truly fancy. It’s really more garish and ornate, but to my mom and dad, it’s a fancy place and I secretly love the tackiness of it all.

I know my mom is pretty pleased to make it to the wonderful age of 80 years, though she complains and moans and tells me how tired she is every day. That’s just my mom. I don’t know if she’s necessarily happy - she’s never been a “happy” person, but I know she’s pleased.

She has trouble getting around and now uses a cane to go everywhere. She fought that cane for a long time, but she’s definitely an old lady now. So we slowly packed her into the car and made our way over to the venue.

When we arrived, they’d set our table up with birthday lights and a balloon and sparkly table runners - the whole nine. It was horrible and wonderful all at the same time. Just like we like it!

We sat down and settled in for brunch, ordered our goodies and then I turned to my mom and congratulated her on 80 years and asked her what the most favorite memory of her whole life has been so far.

She thought about it for a moment and then said that it was a time when she brought newborn me home from the hospital and she was giving me a bath and I was wailing crying. My big brother was still a baby and hanging on her pant leg screaming, and the phone and doorbell both rang at the same time and she started crying herself.

My dad and I looked at her puzzled. We both asked at the same time, “Was that really your favorite memory?”

And she answered that maybe it wasn’t her absolute favorite memory, but it was her most memorable moment and in that moment she told herself that if she could get through that time in her life, she could get through just about anything.

Then we asked what her real FAVORITE moment has been, and she said it was her wedding.

Which, okay, I suppose that’s kind of a given and I thought it was sweet, and I looked at my dad and he said, “Well, I was terrified!”

He continued that even after the wedding and during their honeymoon that they didn’t really know each other that well. They’d dated for six months and got engaged and then six months later they were married, but they never really traveled together or anything. So it was on their honeymoon when my dad found out how bitchy my mom can be!! Ha!

Of course, he didn’t use those words, but I am. She can be an awful person!

But I also thought about my dad. He can be kind of a dick too. I mean, not really. As his daughter, my dad is the nicest man I’ve ever known, but you get it, right? Bottom line, my mom and dad can bicker like the best of em.

None of this was said out loud.

But all of that brought the discussion around to the fact that they will have been married for 60 years next year! What a long, long, looooong time to be married. And there is love there, even through all of the bickering (which I would never stand for, and that’s probably why I’m single), there is a deep understanding between them. And that’s what matters.

I don’t understand it, but I’m so happy for the two of them, that they’ve made it this far.

And my mom, well, it’s too late for her to change her moody, cranky, bitchy ways. She has not been the nicest person to me (or my dad) through the years, but at 80 years old, none of that matters anymore. It’s too much energy to hold a grudge, and not enough ammo to even put any effort behind it. Besides, I’ve already spent enough focus on it in therapy to know the whats and the whys.

I told both of my parents yesterday that I am going to strive to just keep them as reasonably happy as I am able for as long as we can keep this up.

And I hope that there are many new favorite memories to come.

Happy 80th to my mom.

The Thirsty Oriental October 23, 2022

What a beautiful post.

Ginger Snap The Thirsty Oriental ⋅ October 23, 2022

Thank you ❤️

plushcreep October 23, 2022 (edited October 23, 2022)


Fairborn, Ohio. 1979. I'm 10 years old and listening to Bob Seger's "Against the Wind" on my tiny transistor radio. I'm camping out in the backyard with my brother and our friend, and though they're both fast asleep, I'm restless. I crawl out of the tent and run through a field, a gentle breeze tossing my hair, beneath a thousand stars and a million fireflies lighting up the night. I'm young and free and the whole world is mine for the taking. Did Bob Seger's wistful lyrics strike a chord? I don't know, but somehow, at that tender age, on that magical night, I had an epiphany about my entire life and have never forgotten it.

THAT is my favorite memory.

Ginger Snap plushcreep ⋅ October 24, 2022

WOW! That's such a vivid memory! I love it.

I love that you knew in that moment that the world was yours.

Thank you for sharing!

woman in the moon October 23, 2022

God I love this. My son's county supervisor said and my son quotes him and I quote the two of them - that the older you get the more you appreciate having had good parents.
That's not quite what you say here but but but IT IS.

Ginger Snap woman in the moon ⋅ October 24, 2022

It really IS what I say, you're right. I felt a little funny writing an entry that seems more on the negative side when I want to express how much I love my mom, but life is complicated like that.

I do appreciate my parents - so very much.

woman in the moon October 23, 2022 (edited October 23, 2022)


Most memorable moment of my life - not happiest, just memorable - was in the back seat of my folks' 55 Chevy coming through the Redbud Indian Reservation in one of the Dakotas when I decided I didn't care if I died then or later. Either way I was ready.
it was kinda metaphysical
circa 1959
after sunset

Ginger Snap woman in the moon ⋅ October 24, 2022

WOW! That's an interesting memory!

Lux Lunae October 23, 2022

Happy birthday to you as well. What a nice experience with your parents ❤️

Ginger Snap Lux Lunae ⋅ October 24, 2022

Thank you! It was very, very nice.

The Dress Collector October 23, 2022

Sounds like a great birthday celebration for your mom. I'm glad that the three of you are able to enjoy each others' company and celebrate the good times together.

Ginger Snap The Dress Collector ⋅ October 24, 2022

It really was beautiful, thank you.

Complicated Disaster October 24, 2022

Happy Birthdays!! <3 xx

Ginger Snap Complicated Disaster ⋅ October 24, 2022

Thank you! You are one of the few on here who's actually MET my mom!

Complicated Disaster Ginger Snap ⋅ October 24, 2022

Having met your family just makes your entries all the more interesting!! xx

kiss kitty bang! October 24, 2022

Congratulations to your mom and you!

Fred October 24, 2022

Happy birthdays to you both. I must ask my dad, who just turned 80 about his favorite memory. Mine is when my oldest son was born, I was absolutely thrilled, on cloud nine for weeks and weeks.

Ginger Snap Fred ⋅ October 24, 2022

Awww, that's such a nice memory! And yes, I wonder what your dad would say 😊

.bob October 24, 2022

Totally identify with your mom in that moment! More and more I realize how difficult it is to really KNOW our parents as people, and understand their relationship with each other. But you sound very grounded about the whole thing, and do them both a lovely honor with your lack of resentment. This was a lovely, provoking read.

As for favorite memories, I truly have too many to count! What a thing that is.

Ginger Snap .bob ⋅ October 24, 2022

Thank you! I felt a little funny writing it out that way, but those are the feelings - complicated and not always nice, but I love my parents very, very much.

It's so good to have too many favorite memories. I love that too.

WhatDreamsMayCome October 25, 2022


ninakir88 October 27, 2022


Jinn October 27, 2022

This gave me some thought and I decided I would have a hard time identifying a particular favorite memory but there were many good ones living with my grandparents on their farm. When I was a small child . They were such interesting people and I always wished they had been my parents rather than the two I got. It’s always blown my mind that my Father was their child. He is nothing like either of them. When I think about that time in my life I remember the bright color of the days, the comfort , being engaged and interested all the time ; constantly learning. Lots of laughter but serious and sweet moments too. Always being surrounded by animals, books and plants . Music. Good food . Lots of love . Waking up every morning and I could not wait to get out of bed. I was not at all prepared for my life with my parents and what came after but I think those good experiences that I had before are what saved me .

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