Sarasyn ⋅ 43
Greetings, and welcome to my world. I am a great many things. I am a parent. I am a full time employee. I am a full time student. I am a language learner. I am disabled. I am a service dog handler. I am a plural. I am sometimes a dancer. I am definitely a costumer. I am overcommitted in a serious way. I am a prolific writer, as my sister would say. I am an avid reader, when I have time. I am a history lover. I am a NaNoWriMo winner. I am a very poor photographer, but I try. I am so many things.
Entries 14
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So Much Frustration in Daily Writing
I’ll admit it, I haven’t been on here much. Since the boyfriend left for training I’ve been struggling. He’s called when he can, and he’s always incredibly sweet and in just a few quick seconds ...
They Should Have Hired Me in Daily Writing
I somehow knew it was going to go down like this. This is why I didn’t even want to bother applying for the job, so I wouldn’t be bitter when I didn’t get it. But here we are, with me getting rem...
What Is Your Idea of Perfect Happiness? in Daily Writing
Perfect happiness is a difficult term to define. It largely depends on your idea of perfection, and that can vary as much as the idea of happiness can. For me, the only kind of perfect is imperfe...
The Irish Dancers in Daily Writing
Stepping into the convention center struck me. From a world of ugg boots, center parts, and debating whether skinny jeans were still in style, I landed in a world of sparkle with hair bigger than...
Crafting in Daily Writing
I craft. Those two words seem so simple in combination, but they mean so much more. What does “crafter” mean? I knit and sew. I embroider. Those words are plain, simplistic, bland. What does it m...
The 1830s Habit Shirt in Daily Writing
I’m undertaking a new project. It’s called a “habit shirt” but I’m not entirely sure what that means. I saw the diagrams, detailing some fairly simple shapes, and read the very vague instructions...
Where I Dream to Be in Daily Writing
Sometimes I truly wish I was in my favorite spot, a place that’s always brought me peace, though I wish I could be there with far fewer people than are there today. I love being at Walden Pond, s...
It Is Never Okay to Approach Me About My Disability in Service Dog
While I’m a service dog handler, it’s been Covid out there. I haven’t felt terribly comfortable taking my dog out places with me because I’m too afraid it’ll encourage interaction with people. ...
A Note About Registries in Service Dog
Oh, the service dog community… I swear, the more I get to know the greater service dog community, the more I think these are a whole lot of people who are attracted to drama and the attention th...
Define "Protection" in Service Dog
An interesting topic was brought up on one of the service dog groups today. Can a service dog be trained for “protection work?” This is a complex kind of thing, because “protection dogs” aren’t...
The Meet & Greet in Service Dog
Today I went to a service dog meetup at the mall. It was my first ever service dog meetup. Mind you, I’ve met up with other service dog teams before, but never like this. It’s always either be...
At Least It's Not Just Me? in Service Dog
There was a video today in the local service dog meetup group. It was about a dog that was super aggressive and hostile at the mall. Not only was the dog hostile, but so was the handler, insist...
I'm Sorry But... in Service Dog
So, the other day I was kicked out of another restaurant. It’s really getting old. It’s all because I have a service dog and I try to go to places that are small, local, and ethnic. Apparently...
Ejected in Service Dog
Today was a first. I actually got kicked out of a store because of my service dog. No, it’s not because she was acting up, causing a scene, or damaging anything. She was just minding her own b...