
Tips and Tricks

by simple mind

Entries 14

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EDITED I wasn’t intending to start a debate here, I’m just linking to an additional help resource. Here’s a really nice explanation/tutorial for Markdown, written by the fine folks at Ghost (a b...

OK, haven’t had any entry formatting complaints, so I’m assuming all is well. So I’ll quickly mention a few new things that got added into the mix. I will try to order these from simple to adva...

May 29, 2014


I haven't written anything in this book for ages, so I thought it would be worth a quick entry on the phenomenon known as Font Awesome. Font Awesome is the icon set I use for Prosebox. It's bec...

December 19, 2013

The Preview Button

Been getting this question a lot (at least five people have asked), so I'll probably fix this to make it more intuitive. But if you click the "Preview" button on the editor toolbar, you go into ...

November 26, 2013

Multi-paragraph list items

I don't think I explained this very well to someone, so I'm writing here to clarify. Say you want a list of stuff with multiple paragraphs. You might try this: 1. Here's a list item. Here's ...

OK, this is going to be one of the more advanced tips and tricks entry, since HTML is involved. Don't say I didn't warn you. :) Because I'm now loading the Font Awesome icons, it's possible to...

October 19, 2013

Images 101

One of the most common questions I see is "How do I put pictures in my entries?" Currently, there's no super-easy way to do this. It requires a little bit of knowledge about how images are sto...

August 04, 2013

Definition lists

It was pointed out to me that the HTML tags DL, DT, and DD were not working in entries. Because I'm all about semantic markup and definition lists are a prime example of semantics at its best, I...

July 17, 2013

Tip on replying

There's something on Facebook that drives me batshit crazy. You leave a comment to someone who has, oh, like 500 "friends". And for the rest of time and all eternity, you get notified whenever ...

July 17, 2013

Advanced level layout

Warning: I'm not writing this for the casual user. If you don't know any HTML, you'll probably be happy to skip this one. I've been asked about allowing HTML table tags. I've now added those t...

July 12, 2013

For the poets

There's a little trick to getting single lines to come out right. You can type something like this: *There once was a girl named Sue Who was a student up at the U She said, "Mama Mia! I think m...

June 28, 2013

Navigating via tabs

I've recently added a new tab to the navigation: Current Author. So you now have three navigation tabs. Yay! I thought I'd post a quick entry to explain a little bit about how they work, in ca...

June 19, 2013

Look Ma, no hands!

And now for some more cool formatting tricks! How about a quote? > I can ride my bike with no handlebars. <small>Flobots</small> I can ride my bike with no handlebars. Flo...

Prosebox uses Markdown (in addition to a limited subset of HTML for security reasons) to allow users to do formatting in entries. Keep in mind that there is a Preview button so you can experimen...

Book Description

A collection of tips and tricks (illusions) to make your Prosebox experience more rewarding!