
The Napkin.

by Timmy™

Entries 426

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5 days ago

I rate you 7/11.

I’d like to check out your goods at 2am any day of the week.

July 17, 2024

I'll pass.

I think I’m opting out of this Political Season. I’m usually a loud liberal blowhard. I feel more like a defeated optimist. There is so much noise, and I’d rather not have it perturb my headspa...

July 14, 2024

I washed my hair.

It takes 3 weeks to form a habit. This is halfway there. After 3 weeks, you’re actively remembering to do something. You’re proud you formed a habit. Maybe a touch of New Habit Energy™. I posi...

Sleeping in is way easier if it’s dark outside. My typical shift is 4am - 1pm. Most people would probably wake up just before the shift, right? 3ish? Maybe even redline to 3:45am? Their circa...

June 21, 2024

I'm a pedantic twat.

Or is it surly cunt. No, no. Former is an articulate followed by a self-deprecating term. Later is a negative term followed by a negative. And makes me sound potentially Australian. Oi, mate, y...

Ten hours of sleep. Half a benadryl, magnesium, no melatonin. Having two days a week to sleep in is underrated. Oh, I try to get sleep the rest of the week. I give myself 8 hours, and it ends ...

Ever feel like your own friend collective has conspired to quietly tolerate you, and secretly hopes you kill yourself? It’s the anxiety and passive depression, I tell myself. But, the popular na...

One take on my potential NaNoWriMo is to split myself into three perspectives: Father, son, and the one in between. As it’s a TimmyNovel, they’d all be failures. HA HA. Like, I could write Wha...

Dude, I ate beans&rice before bed, and my weight is still lower than it was yesterday. THIS JS WILDSAUCE. I mean, I know the math. I’m in sharp enough of a deficit that a small portion of be...

May 26, 2024

More musings.

I think more people have blood sugar issues than they realize. It is not a subject I’m versed in, but my energy has definitely been consistently better since I’ve been consistently eating better...

May 25, 2024

Between MEV and MRV.

One of the more interesting things I learned in nutrition class years ago has to do with saturated fat. Viscerally, we know what saturated means and feels like. But chemically? What is saturate...

So, I posited a wild theory that my cut might have been making me hangery and have hangxiety, despite not really feeling hungry. Like, rather than manifesting hunger, I was feeling gently more a...

I have cited this so many times to calm fledging bros. Little bros are addicted to the fallacy of the “anabolic window”. A perceived use-it-or-or-lose-it time where you should eat and down prot...

Not sure if I’m annoyed at a plethora of small things, or if my cut is catching up with me. Caffeine intake could be worse but uuuhhhh. That I feel more normal after eating. And I wake up kind ...

Spring shearing. I got lazy and grew the pubes out. Whatever. Growing more and more indifferent to shorn scrotum upkeep. But holy hell, I got a lotta bush. It’s getting warmer out, it’s near-...

May 08, 2024

I Shower Daily.

Just an annotation. I have had periods of depression where I wasn’t showering. I’m talking weeks, man. Things get unpleasant, trust me. I live in this meatbag, and it sucks. I have about three...

I woke up early, and felt motivated to vacuum. I’ve meant to vacuum once a week, but who actually holds themselves to that. Nonetheless, with four cats, even a half-assed vacuum will pick up a ...

May 03, 2024

It's not intelligent.

You know how Windows and Mac is just a GUI over an infrastructure we used to interact with directly? So-called AI is nothing more than a search engine with a glossy output system. Whatever it’s...

May 01, 2024

Endogenous OCD.

I’m not sure if there’s another term for this. I’ve met people with some serious clinical OCDs. I have more… set tendencies. I’m consistent! We all find little ways that things work for us, a...

So, rest day from the gym. Skipped my oatmeal and went straight to my lb of ground meat. Today, ground chicken. With half a bag of spinach on top, of course. (Season, cover 15 minutes medium-...

April 27, 2024


Every time I see this shorthand. I mentally know it’s a shorthand for a form of martial parts. A form of exercise. But my brain sees BJ first. And thinks it’s some kind of athletic fellatio ...

April 27, 2024

Front Left Pocket.

That’s where my wallet goes these days. I’m not sure entirely when I started placing it there. I had it on a chain in my back right pocket for years. Retired the chain, stayed in the back right...

When I’m not sketching The Next Routine, or jotting down periodization for lifts across rep ranges, I let my mind wander into NaNoWriMo brainstorming. It’s never too early to start. Every year I ...

March 29, 2024

In a month, it's gonna be

Took a job first shift. I’m assuming 4a-1p is first shift. Because I’m insane (and have no life), I get up around 11pm, so I can hit the gym around 12-2am. Pretty quiet that time of morning. E...

January 05, 2024

I am getting out of bed.

Not a declaration or mission statement. Just an annotation. I’ve had patches where I haven’t wanted to get out of bed at all. Whether exhaustion or just not wanting to face the day. My ridicul...

Book Description

Off-hand thoughts which I won’t organize as well. But feel safe to share.