
Normal entries

by haredawg drools

Entries 837

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What is the deal with people? To paraphrase that song old blue eyes used to sing, you know when he was alive and whacking wise guys, “People, people who need people, they’re the peopliest people ...

August 15, 2021

Stranger to himself

2021 is fast becoming a skidmark in the skivvy drawer of all my days. Good riddance to old rubbish I say. Sometimes in crisis people step up and help one another and maybe that’s how history will...

Scream my name above the din Above the engines carnal din Above the calve who bleat their lungs out Baa baa moo moo baa baa baa — Will Oldham Across the margent of the world I fled, And troubled...

All the clouds are cumuloft Walking in space Oh my God your skin is soft I love your face How dare they try to end this beauty? How dare they try to end this beauty? — Galt MacDermont The air has...

So, there’s this thing online head shops do when you start and order out of curiosity or to see how the prices stack up or how a coupon works or whatever wacky shit you do with your online shoppi...

February 18, 2021

High tide

Today is my birthday, well, one of them, not even a particularly significant one, except that it follows 2020. I feel like all my birthdays have come crashing down around me like … well, a house ...

January 11, 2021

An illegal smile

It’s a few steps later into 2021, not many mind you, not far enough to shake off the stench of 2020. That’d be both funnier and more profound if were sitting next to me. The shower drain was back...

January 01, 2021

Day 1

2021, man have you got a lot to prove. Fortunately, you have a low bar; kill less people with a pandemic and shoot fewer black guys for being black in America. For me personally, if you don’t co...

October 12, 2020

Birch Run

It’s Late in a relative sort of way, the hours of the day have almost run their course, all the things mankind had to say have been said, done, dreamed, enacted in music, on the stage, in our phy...

August 21, 2020

It's almost Limbo

You would think all the down time would be perfect for journal writing. Idle Lambs are the Devils playthings. What? Yeah, No. I’ve had to use my attention to keep the earth spinning on its axis a...

June 17, 2020

Rhymes with Schmubris

Ok, below are little bits and pieces, scraps and crumbs, flotsam, jetsam, moreorless-sum and sundry fal-dal-ra collecting on the virtual honeycombed silicone mat of a desktop. They may or may not...

April 26, 2020

Dog Pile

Maybe I should have been writing here or maybe there. I don’t know, like everybody else I think I have something to add. I don’t, not really, and nobody else does either, not really. It’s like we...

This is a recipe for a damn fine topical. Warning don’t read if wherever you are the law says you’re are too young to read stuff or you can’t even think about such things. Um, this stuff will not...

February 13, 2020

Idle hands

It’s damn near dead center February 2020. I’m having a hard time writing about anything except what an asshole our president is, although sometimes I think and/or write about the dangerous things...

January 27, 2020

Puckered Politic

I been following the hearing in the senate (I know, some folks want to call it other things like a trial, a witch hunt, a cake walk etc.) even to the point of watching large chunks live. One thin...

January 12, 2020


It’s the 12th of January and shit, seems like I’m already off to a bad start. Let’s see, Three deep hits of mimosa sugar concentrate in Listening to Warren Zevon Keep Me In Your Heart For a While...

December 30, 2019

New Year

Some New year’s we creep up slowly on until we are sure we have them five by five in our sights and drop them for the meat. Some New Year’s we slide into head first trying to beat the ball to the...

October 28, 2019

Fast times in frieght

It’s the dark end of October, Time is going to jump back in a couple of weeks, but, no matter what the clock says it takes longer for the light to reach me. Sunlight that is, my light bulbs work ...

September 20, 2019

Other people's business

When we’ve put the evening machines to rest and blown out the lights, stilled the voices, and let the gummy windows the carry us from one dream to the next … scratch that. I woke in a widow’s vei...

September 13, 2019

Dohdee dohdee doh

Without altering events or outright lying there are two ways I could have made this entry ( the one that is about to happen and/or is happening) a lot more dramatic; I could have started off on ...

The season seems to be changing right this minute. This is when I understand Haikus, how all the sorrow and joy and personal history of a person with a pen can be encoded in a few lines, a symbol...

August 23, 2019

Frrom the Archives

“I miss the song of cicadas.” “Song? That screech like a crow just ate a powerline? You’re just being dramatic.” That’s how I remember my first marriage. When we first met she would bake brownies...

Given 20/20 foresight and 20/20 hindsight I’m pretty fucking A-Okay with how my brain works. Sure, I’d like to try a fancier model with a dashboard like a leer jet or a Maserati, but those things...

July 13, 2019


I’m sure I’ve told this story before, probably over qualified and without the sound effects. The song should be embedded, and whether you like it or not crank it to kind of get the idea of what ...

When I was collecting pipes, the only reason serious American pipe collectors would get a meerschaum was to coax a patina over the years. That, or, liking meerschaum, which meant getting serious ...

Book Description

Thought I’d change the title. Some of my best friends are white girls. 95 percent of my friends are in cars going fast.
But perhaps For White Girls In Cars Going Fast was offensive. White girls can call each white girls, but I think we’re supposed to refer to them as pigment challenged Americans, which must confuse the hell out of the Brits, Aussies, and other such nationals on this site, e,g, “My pigmentation is fine and I’m a Not American American.”