Semi-survey in These titles mean nothing.

  • Aug. 2, 2019, 8:36 p.m.
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  • Public

Since I sent the Master 55 bucks for a year’s worth of enhanced PB, I may as well get my money’s worth with another entry.

A survey to mix things up a bit......

How long were you with your last S.O?
I was married from 1965 to 2002 or 3, so that’s 37 or 38 yrs. My last semi-significant on line relationship only lasted a couple months.

Have you ever been sexually harassed?
Indirectly - as in not being taken seriously because I’m female. Directly - the time I had to walk by men on my half hourly route to the stockroom and back. The men made me uncomfortable. And there’s the grandfatherly guy who put his arm around my shoulders and asked me to sweep in his department. Both pretty minor.

Am I in a “I wouldn’t mind if I lost 50 pounds” kind of mood?
Always - I’d like to lose a lot of weight, much of it recently gained, since I just eat any and everything any more.

Have you ever sent a naughty text message?
I have never texted. I used to message a lot.... in the old days.

Are you more worried about marriage or a career?
Neither because I’m 73 yrs old and do not expect to either marry or have a career in whatever years are left to me.

Are you a good liar?
I try really hard not to lie. I have always believed in truth and I lack talent in prevarication.

Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
I like having a bed to myself. It’s a nice roomy queen sized bed and I sleep toward the left side. The week I’m on the couch and that’s not too bad either. I am not a fussy sleeper.
Do you speak any foreign languages?
No, but I wish I did. Seems unlikely that I will ever learn.

Are you on good terms with your most recent ex?
If we are talking about my most recent on-line person he could get in touch with me but he doesn’t. It would take me a lot of effort to dig him up again, and it’s not worth it..... though he had some good qualities.

Who has texted you today?
No texting. I am old and my equipment lacks textability.

Have you ever been at a tailgating party?
No, that’s not the kind of life I’ve ever lived.

Who taught you how to ride a bicycle?
I don’t remember anyone teaching me. I learned somehow on a blue girl’s bike that appeared sometime in my childhood. We lived on gravel roads and there was very little flatness so it’s a wonder I ever learned at all.

How long have you had your pets?
Gracie will be 11 this fall. We do not keep track of cat ages.

What would you name your daughter if you had one tomorrow?
Violetta Valborg. There’s birth control for you.

Is money important to you?

Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?

Are you nice to everyone?
I try to be. I do it as much for myself as for others. I appreciate reciprocal attention.

Is it possible to be single and happy?
Yes. As possible as it is to be married and happy. Happiness is nebulous. Subjective. Here today and gone tomorrow. But maybe back the day after.

Are you happy with the way things are going?
My life has some difficulties now, but I dislike boring. So.….

Do you change your phone background a lot?
My phone doesn’t have a background. I just changed my laptop desktop/whatever and I’m not happy with it. I’m not sure how to change it back.

Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in 6 months?
Very very very unlikely.

Missing anybody?
Right now? No.

Wouldn’t it be kinda annoying to have to share a bed every night?
I said earlier that I like to sleep alone.

Do you think that smaller breeds of dogs are cuter than big ones?
I like medium to big ones.

When was the last time that you slept in a tent?
On the great trip west in 1969, that would be 31 + 19 = 51 yrs ago. It was a 9 foot square umbrella tent my husband had borrowed from his boss.

Have you ever been able to pet a normally wild animal, like a tiger or dolphin?
I don’t think so.

What causes or issues do you feel most passionate about?
Civil rights, racial and other forms of equality. Including economic ..... not sure what to say, not equality, but fairness.

Is there anything significant happening this month?
Medical appointments, two writing meetings if I get to them, I have a class reunion that I won’t go to but I think that’s next month or maybe even October.

If one famous fashion designer was going to fill your closet with free clothes, which designer would you want it to be?
Stretching the question to catalogs - LL Bean and Garnet Hill.

If you had a work office that you would be allowed to decorate any way you want, how would you decorate it?
When I had an office I had a computer printed ‘Dirty Work Done Dirt Cheap’ sign. And a few other personal things I cannot remember. Years later I saw my actual desk for sale still with the Dilbert cartoons still taped to it. I thought about buying it but it was big and I don’t really have room.

What do you like most about winter?
Beauty and the test it puts us to.

If you could excel at one sport, what would it be?
I’d like to golf. The golf course in town is across from the hospital and the other day I thought how good the dewy greens would feel barefoot. It’s a country club and I am not a country club person even in a tiny town like mine.

Would you ever name an animal after another animal? (For example, naming a dog Badger)
Maybe, I don’t remember. I’ll ask Jim and see if he remembers. We did have a bull named Mary once but that’s not what the question asked.

Have you ever saved an animal’s life? How?
The time my father, brother and I were coming home from church and saw a fox in a trap and stopped and got a tire iron from the trunk of the ‘55 Chevy and climbed through the barbed wire fence in our Sunday clothes to let the fox out of the trap. He/she ran zig zagged across the field to the trees along the creek.

Read any good books lately?
Doris Lessing and John Updike short stories.

Ever buy boxers as a present for someone?

Witness any random acts of kindness today?
Joana and I are kind to each other. Jim is too.

What do you really want to buy?
Some groceries that are easy to cook and that we want to eat. Jim and I are low on soda.

Is your laundry basket/hamper full?
No. I keep up with the washing, generally.

What’s your song of the day?
Someone played a Beatles song today The Long and Winding Road.

Last updated August 02, 2019

noko August 02, 2019

The fox saving story made my day.

Marg August 03, 2019

My heart was warmed with the saved fox too :)
How funny seeing your original work desk again!
You were married a long time.

elaine2 August 03, 2019

Loved the fox story.

NorthernSeeker August 03, 2019

Good for you for getting a membership. I'm going to wait until there is an address where I can send a cheque.

Serin September 22, 2019

I haven't had a permanent desk in so long that now that I have a semi-permanent one, the idea of decorating it is foreign.

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