Good riddance in 2019 Amazing Stories!

  • April 26, 2019, 12:36 p.m.
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So my last appointment with my “in-between” therapist was last night, and it was weird! But I guess when you go in knowing that you’re going to say “this is my last appointment with you, I’m terminating therapy” one shouldn’t exactly expect a warm response. Although, professionally speaking, you should still be treated slightly warmly? I get that I’m a revenue source walking out the door, but I don’t get it.

She didn’t remember ANYTHING from my appointment with her 2 weeks ago. I walked in and told her I was terminating therapy with her because I was going to resume therapy with my old therapist next month. She seemed confused at first and was like “oh you got everything worked out with her?” and I was like “Yeah, she contacted me and said that she’d be offering in person therapy one day each week starting next month.” which made her look even more confused. I’m pretty sure she forgot that the entire reason I sought her services out in the first place was because my therapist left abruptly from the old place and all I knew at the time of the first appointment was that she’d be starting at a new place that offers telehealth services (therapy through videoconferencing) only.

So then she was like “well, you didn’t need to come today then.” Honestly this is true, but her memory from not remembering that i wanted biweekly appointments combined with her billing my insurance for an appointment that never existed/i never agreed to, kind of made me want to terminate therapy in person, so that everyone was for sure on the same page. BTW, I logged into my client portal this morning and I’m STILLLLL scheduled for biweekly appointments with her.

I ended up saying “Oh she just contacted me yesterday, and it was too late to cancel.” She THEN went “Have you tried medication?” and i legit was about to flip my muthereffing lid. She COMPLETELY FORGOT we spent my entire first session talking about medication (meds I’ve tried in the past, how i’m not interested in trying anything again at the moment and her intense sales pitch for Dr. A***’s herbal supplements). At that point, I could tell she wrote no notes from my first session. I said “Yes, and we talked all about that during my last appointment with you.” to which she said “Oh okay, well thanks for coming in today.” and I was sent on my way, no less than 5 minutes in.

She has so many credentials listed on her website, but credentials do not equal good services. Bare minimum, I expect the therapist to remember something from the most recent session. Even if it was only one session, especially the intake session, she should have been able to remember something. Since she didn’t remember her sales pitch for Dr. A***, I don’t think she even remembered that she told me to take the sensory test. She definitely didn’t ask about whether I took it or not. Like I said, I wasn’t there more than 5 minutes before I was sent on my way. Not like I wanted to stay long anyway after the shift from warm to cold.

It did put me in a weird mood for the rest of the night though. Like happy I no longer have to deal with her, but also like “I spent time/money on someone who doesn’t actively listen, doesn’t seem to care about anything other than collecting money, doesn’t even pretend to.” Whatevs.

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