The Glue That Holds Everything Together in 2019 Amazing Stories!

  • April 29, 2019, 12:35 p.m.
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Guys! Remember how a month or two ago I wrote about how I accidentally hit my passenger side’s rear view mirror on the car port pole at my apartment complex and how the mirror popped out and the outside shell/casing fell off (but that actual piece that holds all of that to the car was still intact)? And how I used silicone glue from Wal Mart to glue the mirror back in and the outside shell back on? I am happy to report that it survived a trip through the car wash! I told myself I was going to hand wash it just to be on the safe side, but laziness prevailed and I crossed my fingers and sent it through car wash. The silicone glue worked!!!!! Nothing fell apart to crumbles/nothing popped off. I do realize I should get a total replacement done at some point, but its super low on my priority list.

I also went on a super neat hike this weekend! It was a cold start, but it turned into a gorgeous day. I just looked at the 10 day forecast, and it looks like temps in the 60s and sunshine for much of the week, and that makes me SO HAPPY. i was 34 degrees when I woke up Sunday morning. It did reach 60 though, so it did warm up significantly throughout the day. Pics from the hike because it was a super neat hike:

^Rattlesnake Lake


^Rattlesnake Ledge

^Rattlesnake Lake with Chester Morse Lake in the background.

I’m looking forward to a summer full of these kinds of hikes! I can’t really afford a legit vacation, but I can afford “daycations” to the wilderness :)

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